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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Finally able to eat!

    That spud(I'm from Idaho) you ate sounds delicious? I do miss a good baked potato now and then but once you get to the green zone they're kindof off limits. But, I give myself a cheat day every 2-3 months so I think I'll add a baked spud to my list of wanna-eats
  2. 2muchfun

    September 27 2013 to now

    Your scale must be broken? You look much more petite than what your scale is telling you? Looking Fabulous!
  3. 2muchfun

    8 years later, no restriction

    Any fill can cause enough inflammation around the stoma to cause instant and extra restriction. It happens to many people, that's why we're told to only consume liquids for 24-48 hours. If you want to resurrect your journey you should go in for a consult, fill and visit with the nutritionist. Many things are now known about the band that were unknown 4-8 years ago.
  4. 2muchfun

    Good morning! NOT!

    There's been an epidemic of this kind of vandalism here in the Denver area for the last 2 years. Mostly it's kids who are bored and have pellet guns driving up and down streets shooting out windows. Although yours sounds like someone has a bone to pick with your hubby? 2 slashed tires and a key job is a little extreme? Hope you have insurance?
  5. 2muchfun

    Week one down

    You haven't filled in your profile so it's difficult to advise you till we know how much your starting weight was? Very high BMI patients can lose much more, much quicker than lower BMI patients. Most of it is Water retention being released so don't expect anything even remotely close to this in the future. Usually most of us lost a lot the first 2 weeks and then the plateau till our bands were adjusted.
  6. 2muchfun

    stomach hard

    Is it your port? That's where mine is. It's a hard plastic piece about 1.5 inches in diameter and about 1/4 inch deep.
  7. 2muchfun

    stomach hard

    Are you speaking of the stomach as the organ or the area around your body cavity near your xiphoide below your sternum on the outside?
  8. Keep that attitude. You're doing well.
  9. 2muchfun

    How long between bites?

    I don't time it but I try to put my fork down, chew, swallow and then pick up my fork again and begin to select and cut up my next bite. Maybe 15-30 seconds between bites after I swallowed my last bite.
  10. 2muchfun

    Starting Over

    I mean this in the most supportive way, you posted within a topic and we call that hi-jacking a thread/topic. Not a big deal except there are only 6 other people following this thread/topic. If you want hundreds of eyes to see your post, start a new topic? It's easy to do and you'll get a much better response than posting here. To answer your question, I drink Water, beer or wine on occasion when I eat. New studies show that it's OK to drink and eat as long as you follow this rule: Don't drink for one minute after you've swallowed your last bite. Never use fluids to wash food down/through the stoma. If you're taking small bites, chewing your food to mush and eating slowly, the peristaltic motion of your esophagus massages the food through the band within one minute. If you eat too fast, the food will back up into your esophagus. But, I find the band works it's magic much better if I don't drink at all. And I drink maybe 10% of the time. Mainly, if I'm at restaurant or I'm eating dry foods like leftovers. I find it hard to understand how just drinking is your only indiscretion? Does your drinking include sugary drinks, or lots of alcohol or do you eat too much because you don't feel satiety since you're washing your food down? Here's a video that may help you? This is just one video in a series of 4. If you can, watch all 4. But at least watch this one and your concern comes up around the 7 min mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbdhf44ZweI&feature=relmfu
  11. 2muchfun

    need help with my surgery

    Is the band disconnected? It's not a band if it only goes 34 of the way?
  12. My cat doesn't like your ID picture
  13. 2muchfun

    Tight fill at 9.5cc's

    Almost every doctor mandates we stay away from Nsaids like ibuprofen. You might want to check your doctors instructions? Wouldn't want to cause an ulcer where the band is which could lead to erosion? I too use ibuprofen very rarely but mostly for joint pain. Your use of Nsaids when you're so tight concerns me?
  14. 2muchfun

    Fill has left me swollen and sore.......

    Do you mean .5? .05 isn't even a drop. It would take about 280 fills like this to fill a 14 CC band? I feel for you. I've seen similar posts about super conservative docs who probably cause more failures than succeed just because they drag this out for so long.
  15. 2muchfun

    Fallen off the wagon already

    You don't have to be perfect. No one on this forum is perfect. You're preaching to the choir here.
  16. 2muchfun

    Tight fill at 9.5cc's

    That is odd. No explanation from me? Keep an eye on your restriction. Don't let it get too tight before you call your doc or go to an ER? It's a long holiday weekend and you don't want to get dehydrated. Usually Water and coffee will pass in just a few hours? Are you taking any pain pills? oxycodone can slow the digestive process to a stop.
  17. 2muchfun

    upset tummy

    Is the pain from the acid in the orange or is it the fibrous flesh that may be stuck in your pouch?
  18. 2muchfun

    50 pounds Gone! Happy Dance!

    And I'll bet you can smell onederland. So close. Good job.
  19. I stopped feeling mine at about 4 months. It still protrudes but the sensitivity of the incision finally went away. 2.5 years out and it's just there, no feeling unless I happen to try to use it to balance a couch
  20. 2muchfun

    Wanting icecream

    Someone posted a recipe for a banana blizzard Protein shake. Basically, you slice up a banana and freeze it. Add it to your Protein Shake and when you blend it, it comes out like a blizzard. Very very good but a little high in calories.
  21. 2muchfun

    3 mo post op second fill

    Doctor knows best Keep your eye on those soft stop signals. They're hard to see or feel in the beginning. Good job!
  22. 2muchfun

    Whey allergy

    Can you fill in your profile or give us some information as to where you are in your journey? It's hard to advise not knowing if you're banded now, or to be banded, or you're 3 years out?
  23. 2muchfun

    I've lost 70 pounds, but.....

    Sandy, I just have to say how much I appreciate your incise to the point comments that are 99.9% on the spot!!
  24. 2muchfun

    only lost 11lb since May 15

    You're only 6 weeks out so you've got plenty of time to catch up and 11 lbs in weeks is very good even if it was mostly in the first 2 weeks. My story: Surgery 11/28/11...Lost 12 lbs the first two weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. Frustrated, pissed-off, you betcha. Late march I got my 3rd fill and a consult with my bariatric nutritionist. She straightened me out on the foods that work best with the band and 3 more fills got me to the green zone. I lost 38 more lbs over the next 4 months. Your experience is very familiar and I understand how badly you wanted this rocket to launch but for some of us, it takes a few months for the band to be adjusted correctly so you're not hungry between meals.
  25. What food? You're experiencing what most of us in the green zone experience though. I've been doing this long enough to know what to expect and can feel those soft stop signals before I have a major stuck episode. Learning to eat slowly and eat smaller bites can take a year or more for some of us to figure out. If you're chewing properly, it's most likely you're eating too fast. But, our bands are fickle and most of us struggle with Bfast meals.

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