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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Question about eating post-op

    One stuck episode at this juncture could cause the sutures holding your band in place to tear away. I agree, follow your surgeons advice. Every one is different and some people get away with cheating, but swelling can cause food to get stuck and make for some big problems. You're probably OK but why take chances that could jeopardize your success?
  2. That's it, I'm going on vacation Wish me luck
  3. I'm aware you have the band, I'm just saying that if you were sleeved or plan on being sleeved, the snacking demons don't go away. I was addressing this comment: "I am seriously wishing I could get the sleeve but I am a self-pay because my insurance does not cover weight loss surgery so I don't think it will ever happen for me. AND, I am still paying for something that doesn't work" I know you're just venting but the band could work for you if you stopped snacking. No WLS will work for patients who snack/graze. BTW-The 5-Day pouch test was designed for bypass patients. It's still a good idea to clean out the band and our bodies occasionally though and the 5-Day pouch test can do this. I can only recommend you stop buying snack foods. If they're not in your house you can't eat them.
  4. Banded 11/28/11, 3rd fill(3/26/12) gave me some satiety but it took a total of 6(6/25/12) to reach the green zone. I've never tracked how many CCs are in my band.
  5. Debbie, if you were a snacker before the band and still are, being sleeved most likely wont change anything. Don't get the idea that all sleevers are highly successful, they're not. It's a very effective surgery but it may not kill those snacking demons in your head.
  6. 2muchfun

    pouch ?

    Assuming your surgeon placed the band 2-3 CM below the lower esophageal sphincter there are no more pouches. If there is, it's the size of a shot glass. The traditional pouch your radiologist speaks of is no more unless your band was put on by some surgeon in Mexico or marches to the beat of his own drum? Of course, dilation of the pouch does happen but this is a medical condition that is not favorable. Watch this video and maybe it helps your understand this better? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa3Lwt6ElIs&list=UL Part 1
  7. If your question is, "will it damage my band or surgery" the answer is probably not. If your question is, "is it wise to eat candy post op" the answer is no it's not wise. Sugar spikes your insulin making you want more and you're in a vulnerable stage right now and can't afford to fall off the wagon. Sugar can only increase your appetite for more simple carbs. sugar free popsicles are OK. If they make sugar free life savers that could be OK. Most of us were told no gum at all but many people still chew it. But chew sugar free gum. Gum won't dissolve in your pouch if you swallow it.
  8. 2muchfun

    Stuck: does this sound like it?

    It does sound similar but it's hard to believe a tiny pill caused this? Sounds more like an esophageal spasm to me? I've never had one but I've had more than my share of stuck episodes and tiny pills don't get stuck. I've read other forum members who had spasms though. Sounds like a good question for the doctor. Were you eating regular food up till that point? For Breakfast or lunch? Don't cancel your fill. This is an opportunity to talk this over with the doctor/nurse/NP? Let them decide if it's necessary. You don't have the expertise to make those decisions yet. jmo
  9. Liquids in, liquids out.
  10. 2muchfun

    Cannot see comments

    You had no comments till I posted this one.
  11. I've seen a few disconnects over the years. Do you know if the disconnect is at the port site or band site?
  12. 2muchfun

    Back up out your nose when you lay down!?

    I would recommend you call your doctor. If you've never refluxed before this could be a sign of a small slip. You might need some fluid removed to let the band reposition itself?
  13. 2muchfun

    Back up out your nose when you lay down!?

    Please describe the "Wretching" episode? Are you talking about full blown hurling where your stomach convulses and expels food from your lower stomach or was it PBing?
  14. The amount of saline in your band has little correlation with how effective it will be. Some need no saline and some may need all 10 CCs. The band works by dimming your appetite but needs to be adjusted for this to happen. Eating fewer calories than you consume is how this works but you won't eat less until your band is adjusted so that you're in the green zone. If you can feel satisfied with a small meal for 4+ hours you're probably in the green zone and the band can work it's magic. Good luck.
  15. 2muchfun


    I don't have to diet. It does help me feel satisfied with less food and less hungry. No WLS restricts eating. Some may restrict how much you can eat but there are ways to eat around any WLS. No WLS can stop the eating demons in your mind. If you insist on eating M&Ms, ice cream, chips/dips you can do so with any WLS. There is no perfect pill to make us eat less, eat right and think right.
  16. 2muchfun

    Band affecting work

    Addressing the stuck episode: Most of us only get stuck for two reasons, our band is either too tight or we're not eating like a Bandster. There are other reasons for getting stuck but those are best addressed by a medical professional. If you're eating very slow, eating very small bites and chewing your food to mush and still get stuck, you're band is too tight. No one here can monitor people who post here so it's impossible to know if you're following the rules. Your band won't cause you any problems at work if you follow the rules or assure that the band is not too tight. It's best to talk to your surgeon to know for sure? BTW-Educating ourselves to eat like a Bandster is one of the hardest part of being banded. It's a serious problem and almost all of us have had stuck episodes caused by not eating like we should. It's not easy to change a lifetime habit of eating too fast and too big.
  17. 2muchfun


    Do you track calories and how many a day? Do you exercise? Are you satiated for up to 4 hours after a meal?
  18. 2muchfun

    Feeling Defeted

    Gonna need a lot more info? Struggling with what? Why does this Doc want to rearrange your digestive system? Why is your weight creeping up? Can you fill in your profile so we know more about you?
  19. 2muchfun

    How much is water weight loss?

    Nope! It depends on how much you weigh, height, body type and what type of fat you're carrying. Inner body cavity fat is denser than fat carried around our waists, arms and legs. But you can probably count on losing 10-15 lbs of excess fluids the first 2 weeks.
  20. 2muchfun

    Satisfied Feeling?

    Well, first, relax, what you're experiencing has happened to almost all of us. It's called Bandster Hell!! It's that period of time between surgery and getting that fill that gives you some level of satiety so you're not hungry for up to 4 hours. I lost 12 lbs the first two weeks after surgery and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. I felt like I was starving. But, I knew by reading here and being told by a friend who had the band that my issue was temporary. Around my 4th month and 3rd fill I finally felt restriction/satiety and it took another 3 fills to get to the green zone. B-52(forum member) always said, "Till there's restriction, it's just another diet" So true. To stave off hunger, I ate healthy food but not the 1/2 cup to 1 cup they recommended. That's why I didn't lose weight. I refused to diet. That's why I was banded. So, no hunger for me, no deprivation, but no chocolate cake or ice cream either. Just healthy foods like fish, chicken, veggies, salads and eggs. Lots of eggs. It will get better but not right away. Keep bugging your doctor for fills.
  21. We need more people like you posting here. Great attitude and here's to you succeeding this time!!!
  22. 2muchfun

    Why do I keep making stupid choices?

    Sorry, but the answer could be never. But, it's all good. There's always tomorrow or even tonight. Start anew.
  23. 2muchfun


    Having your band filled so that you feel satiety is the total key to making this work. New banders have a difficult time recognizing the satiety signals and fail to stop eating in time. If your band is not filled as it should be, you will be hungry and you will make mistakes just as you did when you dieted. Keep getting fills till you can eat a small meal and stay satiated for up to 4 hours. Do not throw in the towel. I went 4 months without losing a lb and it took 3 fills before I started to feel satiety and 3 more to reach the green zone.
  24. 2muchfun

    removal or fix it again?

    Has it ever been filled properly and has it ever given you satiety? Sorry, but it sounds like you have a lousy surgeon. I've never heard of anyone having so many device problems?

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