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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    2010 7 097 Copy

    From the album: My progression

    Me, my half bro and my daughter Taylor.
  2. From the album: My progression

    Me, my half bro and my daughter Taylor.
  3. 2muchfun

    Rocky Mountain Park August 2011

    From the album: My progression

    My better and I do mean better half.
  4. 2muchfun


    From the album: My progression

    My better and I do mean better half.
  5. 2muchfun


    From the album: My progression

    Went out in back yard for this one. 34 lbs lost as of 6/6/12
  6. 2muchfun


    From the album: My progression

    Went out in back yard for this one. 34 lbs lost as of 6/6/12
  7. 2muchfun


    From the album: My progression

    Went out in back yard for this one. 34 lbs lost as of 6/6/12
  8. 2muchfun

    Back yard 6/6/12

    From the album: My progression

    Went out in back yard for this one. 34 lbs lost as of 6/6/12
  9. 2muchfun

    New Person

    Go to several seminars. Visit a couple of support groups. Know what you are getting into so you don't regret it? I know I don't but some people just aren't ready for such a drastic change. I thought about and planned mine for over 2 years before I was really ready to pull the trigger. So glad I did and don't regret the 2 year wait. tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    Restriction After 4 Weeks

    I've read on this forum that it can happen. Does seem odd doesn't it? Seems like it would be just the other way around? tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Drinking My Last Coke

    "Have any good ideas" Large or Medium sized shirts? Sitting in an airplane and not crowding the people on each side of you? Being able to trim toenails without grunting? Being able to walk down stairs without joint pain? Less snoring and no apnea? Being able to look down and see my toes(and other appendages ) Getting checked out by the opposite sex? These are my new addictions. tmf
  12. Click on my ticker and then create a sign in and pw. Follow the instructions. It gets a little confusing when it comes to pasting the code into your profile but keep trying. If you have myfitnesspal. click on the one below yours tmf
  13. 2muchfun


    My advice is to go over to the right hand side and click on the topic "one year bandivarsary". Read her post. It's very illuminating. Or click here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/149019-one-year-baniversary/ My advice: Only have a fill if you aren't satisfied after a cup of food or you're getting extremely hungry between meals. You are doing so much better than most of us and you are just in a plateau. Plateaus can last up to 2 months and it's no biggy. Mine lasted 4 months till I got the fill that helped me to feel satisfied. 86 lbs lost is incredible and very rare. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    New Member, Nervous

    Nervous about what? I think I was mostly nervous(afraid in my case) about how much I was going to miss taco bell, Coldstone, pizza, or even my own mexican food which is very good. My deep love of food made me fearful of how much I was going to miss it. I was never really afraid of the surgery or the process. I knew that would be a distant memory a few months after the surgery. The thought that I couldn't indulge myself with the foods I really loved scared me. But, now I'm 6 months out and TaDa! I can eat those things if I want but I don't have to eat too much. And I'm good with that. Sorry to vent all over your thread but my advice is to think about all the wonderful things you'll be doing as a thin person. Don't worry, be happy! tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    One Year Baniversary

    You win the best post of the day!!! I love these kind of posts. So inspirational! tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    I Need To Get Focused....

    Sorry dmt but this is going to be a short thread. No one will know how to motivate you but you or someone close to you. I think if I'm ever in your shoes I will think about my wife, my kids, my grandkids and most of all me and the quality of life I want and desparately seek. I want to be there for my loved ones and don't want to be some slug laying in a bed waiting on someone to take care of me. It's a slippery slope back to being a fatty and none of us want to be there again. The further away from that slope we are the more likely we will be successful in finding our goal/dream. tmf
  17. Well then, If you follow the rules and find your sweet spot, you can expect 4-6 lbs lost per month. Some of us find our sweet spot immediately after surgery but most probably need 2-6 fills to get to that sweet spot. Some many more. When you learn how to use the band you will find that very small quantities of food satiates you. You will stay satiated longer. Everyone is different with the types of food that we can eat. You will see the word stuck many times here on the forum. For some of us it's breads, chicken, beef, even eggs. There comes a point where you must take smaller bites, chew much more, filter out the foods that stick easily and eat much slower. Some people never miss pizza, cheeseburgers etc. I do. I don't pine over the loss but eating the same food day after day can become boring and I have to put more effort in creating other dishes than taste good and are compatible with my band. Hope this helps and best of luck on your journey. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Need Advice:)

    I would go to your insurance website and see if that's true? I know it once was this way but I think most carriers do not require this any more. Doctors want this so that your liver shrinks so that it's easier to move it out of the way during surgery. You should have gone through a nutrition program that would outline how to lose the weight and what method your doctor prefers? No? Most doctors want you to be on a low carb diet like south beach or atkins to shrink that liver. Go here for a patient manual. There is some advice on pre-op diets. http://www.peachtreebariatrics.com/docs/Gastric-Band-Patient-Manual.pdf tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    The Elusive Green Zone?

    Jess, FYI- Band size and amount of saline in it is not a factor at all in restriction, satiety, green zones etc. Some people never need a fill and get by with just the initial fill which can be nothing. And others require many fills, up to 13 for one member here. The reason is, everyone's stomach lining has a different density and each of us have more or less fat surrounding the stomach. Each of our stomachs are shaped differently and the size of the band and how much it's filled could also be affected by this shape and how wide it is at the point the doctor places the band. Obviously the closer it is to the esophogeal sphincter the thinner the stomach will be vs. moving distally south of the sphincter where the stomach widens greatly. I reached my sweet spot at fill #6. I don't know how many CCs are in my 14 CC band and neither does my doctor(I asked him and he doesn't keep track of it). tmf
  20. Odd that you didn't learn the answers to your questions before you had surgery? No, weight won't just fall off! No, you won't always feel full and satisfied. Yes, you will have to work hard to make this work. And yes you will always be on a strict diet if you want this to work. The band is a tool and you are too new to the band to understand how it's going to make losing weight much easier. But it's scary how little you understand at this point? You weren't given food rules? Again, odd? Are you sure they didn't give you rules but you weren't paying attention? Don't mean to be cruel but it's hard to believe you didn't have to go through some kind of pre op classes outlining what you should expect and a visit to a nutrition class or two? tmf
  21. Oh, I do know. I've thought about having .25 CCs removed since I can't eat a lot of food(except for slider foods). If you're afraid you're not getting enough nutrition, you might want to slip in some healthy slider food or get a small unfill? tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Spicy Foods

    If you look over to the right of this page there's a magazine article that condones sipping liquids while you eat. I don't see any harm in a few sips. Gulps of milk work but that would only result in a "The king is alive" episode and no one wants that. I've been doing a little sipping and I find it's not affecting my satiety and in fact may aid it. You just have to experiment to see if it's right for you? I love hot food too and I do sip. tmf
  23. Sounds like it could be. It's different for all of us. Are you saying that 800 calories a day is all your band will allow through or all your head wants you to eat? tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Am I Crazy For Wanting Lap Band Surgery?

    That's a great point emonie. My wife the healthcare professional and lapband skeptic, has lost 10 lbs since I entered the green zone. She's a believer now so that's a great point that we can influence others with our good eating habits. tmf
  25. 2muchfun

    Am I Crazy For Wanting Lap Band Surgery?

    Sorry but you struck a nerve. I also got the "try my diet" BS, like, the cabbage diet(ugh, I hate cabbage), or the organic acai crap fruit smoothy , or the prepackaged food diets(like I can live like this forever), and the P90X diet where you spend hours a week fatiguing your body with exercises that would kill most people. Or, "I just walk 3 miles everyday and I never gain weight"( good for you, it aint gonna work for me). And my favorite "eat from the pyramid group of foods and exercise mildly every day"(Duh!) tmf

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