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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. It's on there twice. Maybe you should look at your settings and you have signatures on ignore? tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Surgery Date = May 14, 2012

    Cazzy's right. But don't put negative thoughts in your head like this. You don't know if you are a slow loser yet. 18 lbs in one month is outstanding, but you do know it's mostly Water weight you've lost? I know you don't mean to set yourself up for slow weight loss but get that thought out of your head. After the first 3-4 months, you could say we're all slow losers. Most of us only lose 4 lbs a month. Before I was banded, I would think that was very slow. But now, I'm OK with it, but I'll push for 6-8 lbs/mo as hard as I can. No excuses! tmf
  3. PROS: Live Longer Live to see your kids grow up You've tried every other diet or trick known to mankind and none work Fit into a size 10 or less Fit into an airplance seat without rubbing shoulders with your neighbor Go up 10 flights of stairs without keeling over Hookup with a hot guy Participate in physical activities like softball, tennis, cycling, hiking, long walks on the beach(with a hot guy) No longer be a slave to your food addictions Find a life outside of your love for food Come on this forum and advise others because you want to give back Did I mention "Find a hot guy" nuf said tmf
  4. Snyder is about $10K. Fran Chae, about the same. If you are self pay check out Dr Georgescu too. Snyder probably has the most successful practice in Denver and the most experience. But their staff sucks big time. At least for me they did. Disappointing because I like the doctor. Although they do make you feel like you're on an assembly line. Chae, is in South Denver and is good, has probably the least amount of pre-op and post-op rules of all the docs I've seen. I used him and I'm satisfied. Johnell and Georgescu are in North Denver to Ft Collins area. I've heard good things about them too. Google bariatric doctors in Denver and you should see a complete list. Or, click on the button at the top of this page labeled surgeons and then surgeons in your area or denver area. Go to a few of their seminars and you should get a feeling for the one you like. tmf
  5. 2muchfun


    Wait a couple of weeks and try some different foods in that time. It takes some of us many fills to find that green zone. I didn't have any restriction till fill #3 and then it was only with some foods and only if I wolfed it down. I didn't find the green zone till fill #6. You may find with every fill that you have to relearn how to eat certain foods again. But it may take more fills. Doctors like to sneak up on restriction and it seems like a waste of time but this is a time for you to learn how communicate with your band even if it's not responding yet. It will, in time. Good luck. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    Gaining Weight Mushies?

    There are 2-3 posts just like this every day. You shouldn't be concerned about weight loss yet. You are still in the healing phase. Only when you get a fill and find restriction will you start to lose "fat". I emphasise the word "fat" because up to this point, the weight you've lost is mostly Water weight. That's not a bad thing but you won't lose fat weight till you reach your green zone unless you diet to the extreme. And, you will only be losing 2-6 lbs per month, max, after you squeeze out all the excess water your fat cells have been hoarding for years. tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    Bicycle Riding

    I ride about 60 miles a week but I've never invested in a comfortable bike seat. I may have to look into this. Thanks for the reminder. tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    Getting Nervous

    Many people have posted they are nervous and some want to bail. I wasn't nervous because I knew this was the only avenue left for me to be what I wanted to be. if you're sure, there is no doubt. If you think you have other ways to lose weight, maybe you should try those first? But, if you've tried them(most of us have), make that commitment and erase all doubts. tmf
  9. Lola, I'm older than you but we're the same height and weight pre surgery. I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and no loss the following 3 months. Not till my 3rd fill did I start to feel restriction and not till fill 6 did I find the green zone. I've lost 37 lbs now. You're still in the healing phase and shouldn't be concerned with weight loss right now. It's quite common to lose weight right after surgery and then plateau for a while shortly after. You should be due for a fill in the next 3 weeks? You have much to learn about how your band works with your body and your food choices. It's not as black and white as we were told in seminars. Stay tuned and keep reading as much as you can. This is the best place to learn. tmf
  10. "What have I done?" You've taken a big step towards extending your life and leading a much healthier one at the same time. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    How Long?

    30 days for my doc.
  12. Prolapse? What is that? Sorry, that's a new term for me? tmf
  13. Don't be concerned with weight loss just yet. The first 30 days is a time for healing. Most of the weight you lose the first 30 days is Water, but it's still weight so it's a good thing. You won't see much loss of fat until you find restriction or if you diet heavily before you get that one fill that gives you the restriction you need to enter the green zone. BTW-Many bandsters stall around week 2 so just be aware it's a normal thing. Cross your fingers you are one of the lucky ones who find restriction from just the band. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    I'm New

    Tiff, You're a celebrity!! Awesome results! tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    5 Fills And Only 3.5Cc ??!?

    The amount of CC's is irrelevent. Some people find the green zone with 1-2 CCs and some need 13. Your doctor is one of those docs who likes to sneak up on restriction. In some ways it's better because you learn so much about your body and how it works with the band. You also learn healthy eating habits as you go along. I had to endure 6 fills and of course, in hindsight I would have preferred to just go right to fill # 5 and then #6. But I learned some valuable lessons along the way. By fill #3 I was starting to seem some restriction with some foods and how I ate those foods. By #4 and #5 I really learned how to eat and what to eat. Each fill made me relearn the eating process such as chewing, smaller bites, slowing down my eating process and what foods my band would tolerate and liked. You know, you don't have to just follow your docs regiment. You have the option of demanding a larger fill. I wouldn't do it if you are starting to feel some restriction or are having difficulty passing some foods through your band? If you are always hungry and can eat whatever you want, you are in bandster hell still. All your doc can say is no right? Sometimes you have to be assertive with your physician. tmf
  16. I have no idea what you just said(PCOS, Intracranial hypertension?) but it sounds awful? Welcome to the forum! tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Sticking To 4 Oz...

    I really never paid attention to that 4 oz a meal rule. I've been dieting for so many years I pretty much know how many calories I can eat and what food/meals will accomplish that goal. And tracking calories for me is so time consuming and I don't have the time. For me, all the meal planning, preparation and obsessing about food only makes me think of food. This causes me to be hungry all the time and I really don't like that feeling. I probably consume about 1200-1400 calories a day and I don't feel deprived. I like it that way. I know many bandsters follow the rules most of the time and it works for them but we're all individuals and must find our way through this maze in our own way. So to answer your question, no I don't. I find that if I eat healthy foods such as salads, chicken, salmon, veggies, I keep that calorie intake low. And the band keeps me from eating toomuch. Thank you band! BTW-How many cc's you have in your band is irrelevent. Some people have only 2-3 ccs and find the green zone. And if you eat healthy Snacks and you are satisfied after each meal, no need for a fill. tmf
  18. 2muchfun


    Relax! One or two days with very little Protein is not a big concern. Just try to keep hydrated and sip your Protein shakes as you go along. Your body is trying to heal from the trauma of surgery and we all have plenty of reserves the body can burn to stay healthy. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    First Fill?

    30 days for me(first fill). Some restriction post op but that went away in 2 weeks. Most of us go into bandster hell* the first month and stay there till we get the fill that gives us restriction. That could be 0-13 fills. It took 3 fills to feel some restriction and 6 to get me to the green zone. *Bandster Hell=Your band is not filled with very much saline at surgery time so the opening to your stomach is large. Swelling from the trauma of surgery does give most bandsters a feeling of restriction for up to 30 days. Most bandsters feel as if they can eat as much as before surgery and can eat the same foods as before surgery. For some reason hunger seems to be more intense. This is a time to start training yourself by eating healthy foods and abstaining from sugars, fats and simple carbs. Most people try to eat lots of veggies, low fat meats and eat in moderation. Remember: "It's just a diet until you have restriction" tmf
  20. When I finally pulled the trigger and decided to go for the band, I knew I was giving up my 2nd love of my life. Food! I gave up food so I could be there when my kids finish school and I also wanted to be there when my grandkids needed someone or I needed them. You've gotta love your children and family more than food to make this work. I know I did and I have no regrets. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Day 17 Post Op And Hungry

    There are many to choose from. Myfitnesspal.com has one that many use. If you click on my ticker it will take you right to the site to set up your own. Here's a thread that explains how to do it. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/124594-ticker-tutorial-for-vst-lbt-with-pictures/page__p__1777278__hl__ticker#entry1777278
  22. 2muchfun

    Lapband Failure

    Erica and others. It's very refreshing to read honest personal assessments of yourselves and the lack of success you've achieved. I think for many of us we secretly share some of the same fears now and going in. For me, it's how much I want the thin life. I want it desperately, and for me, this is my ticket, my one opportunity to make it happen. I've bought the lapband pitch, hook line and sinker. And I'm glad I did. You will have to find something other than food to be passionate about. For me, this is it. I sincerely hope you find that switch that motivates you as much as I am. Good luck. tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Day 17 Post Op And Hungry

    Mary Lou, This happens to about 90% of Bandsters. They don't put much saline in your band because they want you to heal. The hole is too big so food passes through as if you have no band. You may feel just as you did before surgery. You will have to deal with extreme hunger at times till you get a fill that will give you enough restriction. It's called "Bandster Hell". No one told me about it till after I had it. I went into this thinking I'd come out and instantly not be hungry and a few bites would satisfy me. HAHA! Joke's on me. Well, I was in BH for about 3.5 months till my 3rd and 4th fill. I'm in the green zone and you will be too. But till then try to make wise choices in the foods you eat. Protein first. Remember: "It's just a diet until you have restriction"! tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Anyone Else Regretting Lap Band Surgery?

    So glad there are others who can relate to your dilemma. I like candy, chocolate but was never addicted to them. Good luck and you might try KayTee's route before you throw in the towel? tmf

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