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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Really Really Blew My Progress

    Butt kickin and a whole lot more...You asked for it, here it is: Now don't ever do that again! tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Very Worried I May Have Something Wrong

    Feeling that it might get stuck? But does it get stuck? If it's not stuck, why worry over it? I'm in the green zone and stuck is with me 3-4 days a week. Still struggling with eating slower, eating smaller and choosing food my band may like on any given day. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Acceptable Shellfish

    Mussels and similar foods do not masticate well. It's very difficult to grind them up into mush. If you eat them one at a time with no bread you may be alright but why take the chance? Follow your doctor's advice and stick to true mushies. I'm in the green zone and we had clams last night. I made sure I ate one at a time and they slid down OK but you will still be in the healing phase and irritating your band area is not a good idea. tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Pre Fill Diet

    3-4 hours for me. tmf
  5. What's an example of the foods you are eating? You say you can eat a lot at night, a lot of what? What are you eating for Breakfast and what makes you slime during the day? tmf
  6. I don't track those things. I keep my calorie intake around 1200 a day and make sure I get adequate Protein and I rarely consume processed grains such as flours or cereals. My consumption of carbs is mostly restricted to one fresh fruit a day, sometimes 2. Fatty foods I avoid which is why I can stay around 1200 calories a day. tmf
  7. 2muchfun


    I started an intense workout program about 6 weeks ago and went from 8 pushups to 30 now. Many other exercises I could only do a few but now I can do 3-4 reps. Congrats on making that first step! tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    Bandster H*** Stinks

    Can you request an earlier date? All they can say is no. I hated bandster hell but I have to admit I learned a lot about my eating habits and how my band reacts to certain foods. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Please Help?

    One other variation is to add 1.5 tbl of low fat cream cheese with smoked salmon and maybe some spinach or any kind of veggie. That might be a guy food though? tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    Totally Petrified Now

    Some other posters commented on why people come to this forum and it's really because they are searching for answers. Most of the complications aren't really problematic, they're just fears and concerns that need an answer. So of course, the comments may seem negative but look at how many replies from successful bandster there are? As Mis73 said most of us would rather take our chances with the band than die from obesity. Think about how many comments this forum would receive if it could reach the heavens and allow the millions of people who have died an early death due to obesity? I think most of those comments would have been, woulda, coulda, shoulda? tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Going For First Consultation

    Sounds like your BMI is over 35 and you may have co-morbids so I don't see why not. Just make sure it's what you really want and there are no other options? Good luck. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    Slider Food

    For some of us it's a fine line between slider food and band friendly food. Seems to me that if it doesn't get stuck now and then, it's band friendly? I think I'm still feeling my way around the foods that satiate me vs foods that get stuck or slide through. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    Trying To Get Back On The Losing Bus! Help!

    It's been said that the bandsters who fail are usually the ones who never go back to their doc or nutritionist. You may want to visit with you doctor again? Sounds like you could use a fill. You'll go on liquids for a few days after a fill. Do you think you've stretched your pouch? Or, do you not have enough restriction? I've never had your problem and haven't read about it here on the forum. But, it would seem like the way to shrink your pouch(if it's stretched), would be to completely unfill your band so that food passes through freely and you aren't eating so much that the pouch gets filled? I don't think 3-5 days is nearly enough. Maybe 6 weeks? Only your doctor can answer those questions with any confidence I would think? Still, you're down 80 or so lbs so that's a good thing. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Flour Tortillas?

    I eat Chipotle burritos occasionally and they go down fine. In fact, the chicken fajita is nearly a slider food for me. So, I eat maybe one a month. tmf
  15. 2muchfun


    What part of Colorado are you in? I'm in the Denver Metro area. There are about 3 or 4 of us who post here. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Please Help?

    I don't usually crave any particular foods but Friday's seem to be tough on me. The wife and I have this tradition where I go to Chipotle's and get us two giant fajita burritos. Can't do that anymore but I still go and get her one. I'm having a salad and a fish dish tonight instead. Pizza! I work from home and I'm on the computer all day. I get so many pizza offers from Pizza Hut, DD's sourgough Pizza, Papa Johns, Papa Murphy's. And yes, I'd love a pizza. Maybe once I get to my first big goal of 175 lbs I might take a shot at it. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Lapband Requiremnts

    I think the new BMI is 30 w/co-morbids. Some people could also be 100 lbs overweight and only expect to lose 50 or would be happy with 50. I know I felt this way. I told myself if I could go from 225 to 175, I'd be happy and satisfied even though I should go as low as 150. But, 175 would be fine by me. 5' 1' with a weight of 175 is 33.1 BMI. And losing 50 lbs to get to 125 could be all they expect with some of the co-morbids? tmf
  18. Lower your expectations. If you only lose 4-6 lbs a month you are doing great. Don't expect to lose 100 lbs the first 6 months. If you do lose more than 4-6, bully for you. But there will be setbacks and surprises along the way. Hopefully none that you can't deal with but expect a plateau in losing weight here and there, expect to be incredibly hungry after the first 3 weeks post-op(Bandster Hell) and report back here on how successful you are. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Please Help?

    We have the same Breakfast. It's hard to find breakfast foods the band likes. Have you seen the jimmy dean turkey sausage crumbles? Already cooked and ready to add to your omelette. I figure the calorie count for this omelette is around 180 wouldn't you think. And it's filling! I try to have tuna or chicken salad around for lunch or a quick snack. Load it up with red and yellow peppers, jalapenos, dill pickle relish, celery. Still around 200 calories. Dinner is a crap shoot(not literally). But, I have to cook for me and my wife so lots of salads, hamburger steaks, meatloaf, seafood, vegetables, some fruit thrown in. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    Please Help?

    Here's a thread with lots of ideas and many replies. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/35614-share-ideas-what-did-you-eat-today/ tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Please Help?

    First, you need to be more specific? What do bandsters in their 3rd week eat, or what do bandsters in the green zone eat? Or in-between post op and green zone? BTW-If you click on the forums tab at the top left and scroll down to "food and nutrition". You can find anything you want regarding diets, foods etc. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    3-Weeks Weight

    It's so refreshing to hear from a newbie not in panic mode. tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Day 3 Post Surgery

    Not all doctors follow your doctor's guidelines. I was on liquids 4 days, pureed 4 days and then soft foods from day 9 on. All on doctors orders. tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Day 3 Post Surgery

    Burping for me meant I was getting close to full. If you are sick of liquids, here's something that is nearly liquid. Egg drop Soup. It's pretty much just broth and an egg. It goes down like liquids but since there's a little texture, it satisfies. If you go to the grocery store, in the asian Isle is a mix that makes 3 cups. It's mostly chicken broth powder and some other spices. But it's not bad. tmf

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
