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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. I researched youtube a lot myself before surgery. You just have to understand that most people don't review a product unless they have had a bad experience. However, I did see many good reviews and good video blogs about the band when I researched. There are many reasons why some fail at the band and it's not always the band that fails. Many times it's situational. Like other medical issues that interact with the band causing the band to not work well or have to be removed. So many obese people are obese for the reason that they cannot control their eating habits. Thinking that the band will change that mental state they go ahead and have surgery. In a small minority of those cases, they find out the band did not make the changes they had hoped for and continue eating or want to continue eating as they did before. I doubt we'll ever see any reliable studies showing how many people failed vs band failures vs failure due to other issues? I've seen many posts on this forum where people complain that the band is not working only to admit as the thread progesses that they've been eating slider foods(and processed sugar) and do not work out. Just be sure that this is what you want and you've tried all other avenues. tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Hungry Every Two Hrs

    Follow your doctors orders. Eat when you get hungry. You can't look at a scale every day or two and expect any change. It doesn't work that way. You may go weeks without the scale moving. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    So Mad At Myself

    You will need to increase your animal Protein intake. Unless your doctor tells you to drink Protein drinks, you should find something else like tuna, chicken, salmon, hamburger to replace the drinks. Maybe only 2-4 ozs a meal? Are you on any meds that could cause you to retain fluids? tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Am I Normal?

    I only lost 12 lbs the first 4 months. Then my fills started to give me the restriction I needed to eat less. I also visited with my nutritionist and she helped me make some changes in my food choices that helped a lot. I'm at 7 months out now and I've lost 40 lbs. It will happen, but you will have to jump through some hoops to get there. Be patient, make sure you call your doctor and get those fills as soon as you can. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    Stretched Pouch?

    I could eat whatever I wanted till fill #6. Fill #3 I noticed some restriction but I could still eat most anything I wanted. You just need more fills. BTW-You can't stretch your pouch if you've never had restriction and trust me, if you stretch your pouch, you will know it. It's not going to be fun. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    Am I Normal?

    Yes, that is very normal. tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    One Day I Can Eat..the Next I Cant

    Have you gone in for a unfill? What are you eating? Some days 500 but what about other days? Are you journaling your food so you know how many calories you consume? You could use a session with a nutritionist familiar with bariatric surgery. It's worth every penny. It was for me. I only lost 12 lbs the first 4 months and after my visit I've lost another 28 lbs. tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    Day 2 Post Op

    Protein shakes. Crystal light. ss popsicles. Hot tea. Broth. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    So Mad At Myself

    Honk is right. You should be beyond Protein shakes now. You say you can't eat? Why can't you eat? Stuck? No appetite? Something has to have added 10 lbs? Usually the first 30 days you will lose mostly Water and not fat, unless you have been dieting to the extreme. Have you been consuming carbs and lots of water? Sounds like you are retaining fluids and I know from experience that the food we eat on vacation is loaded with salt and carbs? BTW-Walking is a good form of mild exercise but you'll only burn a few hundred calories in one hour if you walk briskly.
  10. 2muchfun

    Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas!!!

    I'm hungry now. tmf
  11. OK, it does sound like you are ready for this. Welcome aboard and look forward to your bloggity blogs. St. TMF
  12. 2muchfun

    Beating Myself Up...

    I could have written the same post 5 months ago. And maybe longer? It took me 4 months(3 fills) before I started to feel a little restriction. I too went into this with these rose colored glasses thinking I wouldn't be like so many others who would only lose 2 lbs a month. I was going to lose 10-12 lbs a month. Then reality bit me in the butt. LOL So, I'm down 40 now and like another poster said: "I'm so freakin' happy with how much weight I've lost, I don't care what foods I can't eat anymore"!! tmf
  13. I'm jealous. I only lost 12 lbs the first 2 months. But I'm happy for you. It's a great feeling isn't it? I was walking across a parking lot today and I got this feeling that I'm thinner now. My gut isn't poking out like a watermelon. Awesome. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Surgery Date

    It is well worth the investment. tmf
  15. Most bandsters did worry at some point I'm sure. Not me. I knew this was my only option. I'd tried everything else. I really only dreaded or feared not being able to pig out with the foods I've loved for years. But, you know, it's OK now. I can still eat them, just not as much. Liquid diets suck! tmf
  16. 2muchfun


    Check with the insurance expert working in your doctor's office. They've seen this a hundred times and can give you a better perspective on how feasible it will be to be approved. I know $10K or more is a lot of money. And I agree with the others about exhausting all attempts to have insurance pay for this, but wholly crap, some of us don't think anything about dropping $25K on a new car, or $30K on a boat, or $15K to remodel a bathroom. This is our bodies, our future. If we're not worth it, what is? Not a piece of metal and plastic that's for sure. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Hi - I'm New Here

    Good news is you're back on the bandwagon. Bad news is you should lower your expectations of how much weight you will lose per week. In the early stages of any diet plan the body rids itself of excess fluids it's holding back. Fat cells do that you know? Basically, the math won't support more than 2 lbs(fat loss) a week. Here's why: You must burn 3500 calories more than you consume to burn off 1 lb fat. You need about 2000 calories a day just to stay at your current weight. In other words, your body uses 2000 calories a day walking, standing, breathing cleaning house, etc. So, if you eat 1500 calories a day and burn off 2000, you've burned 500 more than you consumed. 500 X 7 = 3500 calories burned a week or 1 lb(fat) lost. Now, add into this some exercise and fewer calories consumed and you can accelerate the weight(fat) loss to 2 lbs per week. But don't slip one single day or it aint gonna happen. Good to see you're happy to be here. Look forward to many updates. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    My Intro

    The pain will pass in time and welcome to our community. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Irrational Fear

    You're talking about two entirely different body functions. The band does not encircle the windpipe/lungs. It encircles your stomach. Two very different organs. Could your band keep food from going through to your stomach, most definitely. But only if your fills are too much and even then you have a time frame to go in and have it taken care of. No need to fear choking. And, yes, sometimes I feel the band as it massages food or cold liquids through the portal to the lower stomach. It's a good feeling though. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    Bad Day But Its Ok

    Worried? About what? I just went through a 2 week plateau myself. And, I was eating 800 calories a day, exercising 7 hours a week and then I went back to 1200 calories a day. Bam, in 3 days I lost 4 lbs. It's so wierd how this works. I"m sure I didn't lose it over three days but sometimes our bodies hold back fluids that make us appear to not be losing. For some of us, eating 500-800 calories a day works best. I've read others who swear on 1200-1400 a day. I think I fit into the latter. I don't like dieting and 1200 calories fills me up real good. I can live with that for another year. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Bad Day But Its Ok

    A little off topic but doncha just hate those little kids selling the $1 chocolate bars at the entrance to the grocery store. They're so cute and it's for a good cause(soccer, cheerleading, scouts, etc) and I love chocolate and want to help them so I always buy one
  22. 2muchfun

    Banded 4/20/12 And Concerned.......

    What are you eating that caused the PA to question your eating habits? tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Starting Over

    Happy Dance time. tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Hungry Every Two Hrs

    Yeah, I had my rose colored glasses on for 6 months before surgery and 2 months after. Then it hit me after fill #2 did squat. WTF? I'm not sure if I came on this forum and boo hoo'd or not, but it is definitely a frustrating time. tmf
  25. 2muchfun

    Hungry Every Two Hrs

    I was supposed to wait another week before I was to get my first fill. I didn't throw a fit but I made it clear I was starving and needed a fill. I got in one week early. 20 days is way too early but you might call back and ask to speak to someone higher up? Maybe email or talk to the doc and tell him you're ready and could you move it up 1-2 weeks? All they can say is no. The nutritionist is not a nurse or doctor. Be polite but go over her head. But the doctors have inside information on how much trauma they did to your insides so in some cases don't be surprised if they hold to that 6 week schedule. tmf

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