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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun


    Carnac says: "Your first stuck episode" For you newbies, more information is better than none. Also, if you could fill out your profile it helps us to help you? tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Help! I Need Help Forming A Plan

    Anything will help, get used to the equipment and try to arrange your workouts so you get the most intensity per machine. Get at least 45 min per day. Change it up every day. Maybe only do 2 long aerobic type exercises per week? You have a lot of time so use it. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Help! I Need Help Forming A Plan

    How much time to you get?
  4. 2muchfun

    Help! I Need Help Forming A Plan

    One more thing. I'd avoid workouts where you are trying to build massive muscles. Muscles are OK but it's still bulk. These guys who are 5' 9" and weigh 225 lbs and they're all muscles still are carrying too much weight and that's too much for their hearts in many cases. Stick to strength and aerobic/strength conditioning. The muscle will come along with the strength conditioning but not necessarily like Atlas. tmf
  5. Yup, you're the only one in history who has ever cheated on a diet No use crying over spilled milk. Just get back on the bandwagon and move on. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    Help! I Need Help Forming A Plan

    If you are unaware of how to use or how much to use this equipment, I would suggest you hire a trainer for a few weeks? We're all different and will respond differently to the equipment you list. I ride my bike 50-70 miles a week. I put about 40 of those miles on over the weekends. I work out in my basement gym about 4 mornings a week for 20 minutes. I shoot for 20 minutes of intense workouts with about 2/3 of it dedicated to strength conditioning. Sort of like the P90X routines but I'm too old and fat to follow their videos. I'll do 3 minutes of treadmill or elliptical to warm up. Switch to squats/jumping jacks(very fast with deep squats and powerful upward jumps). 3 reps of lunges, 3 reps of more squats, 3 reps of stepups with weights, 100 ab crunches and at least one kind of shoulder shrugs or lat lifts. I'm not big on long aerobic workouts on treadmills, ellipticals or recumbent bikes. I'll use those in the winter but will avoid them for working outdoors as much as possible. I mix it up as much as possible. Some bike rides have lots of hills so I get my heart rate up to 170 and other times I just ride a flatter course for 1-2 hours. I don't do the same workout every day or every week in my gym. I try to mix it up and push my muscles to the point of exhaustion so that I get a longer metabolic burn than just a long aerobic workout. Hope this helps? I've also got some videos coming from Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body Seven-Workout DVD Set. Some of these videos may be corny but I like to see how others work out so that I can incorporate new routines into my workout. You can also go to youtube and there are some great workout videos already posted there. But remember, no workout will ever replace a bad diet. tmf
  7. 2muchfun


    You're not. You would be in pain if you were. Also, it appears your stoma is still too open to allow you to stretch your pouch. You would feel the "stuck" episodes and it wouldn't be pretty. You would know. Caveat: There was one poster who stretched hers out without knowing it but she's the only one I've seen who wasn't aware. tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    6 Yrs....160 Lbs Less Of Me!

    I loved arena football. You guys had the hottest cheerleaders I do hear that athletes sometimes have a difficult time re-adjusting their food consumption from thousands of calories a day to something more reasonable. OK, you're now one of my new idols on this forum. Thanks for the input. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Need Inspiration, Support, Ideas?

    So, did you have a period within the last 10 months where you deviated from your routine and gained or plateaued for a few months? That would explain the lower weight loss? I see people on here all the time who go on vacation or drift away from the band friendly routine and gain weight. Then they come back and restart. tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    Need Inspiration, Support, Ideas?

    Highland, most of us need about 2000 calories to live without losing. If she's burning 400 calories more a day with her activity level she will need 2400 calories a day to maintain. If she consumes 1900 she will have burned 500 more than she ate. 7 X 500 = 3500 = 1 lb per week. That's the math they use and for most of us it's fairly accurate. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Oooopps! Vacation Over Eater!

    Cazzy is right. It took me 6 fills to finally get enough restriction to lose more fat. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    Need Inspiration, Support, Ideas?

    My dietician would tell you that you are consuming too many slider type foods for breakfast. Don't know about the rest of your meals? I was banded 11/2011 and also have lost 40 lbs. I'm not disappointed at all. I agree with Fericito, see your nutritionist/dietician. I thought I was only eating 1200-1400 calories a day but she pointed out how I could eliminate about 400 empty calories by changing just a few food choices. It's well worth the time and money. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    6 Yrs....160 Lbs Less Of Me!

    Fortunately I'm not a picky eater and I'm already doing much of what you suggest so sounds like I'm doing it right. Thanks and at 6' 4" 385 lbs, did you ever consider playing offensive lineman for the Giants? You were one big dude! tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    6 Yrs....160 Lbs Less Of Me!

    I'm only 7 months into this and seems like I spend so much time thinking about what I'm going to eat, what will my band like today, do I need a fill or unfill. At what point did it become natural and second nature? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with my results, I just long for a time when I'm not grocery shopping for my band. tmf
  15. How much have you gained since May? tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    6 Yrs....160 Lbs Less Of Me!

    How long out were you before you stopped obsessing about your band? tmf
  17. You've lost 12 lbs in 2 months. I lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks but never lost another lb for 3.5 months. Give it time. Were you good on your vacation? Or did you eat a lot of slider foods, salty foods, fat rich foods? You are doing quite well so just keep doing what you're doing and the weight will come off. It's a marathon, not a dash. Expect to lose 2-6 lbs a month and you shouldn't be disappointed. And by all means, eat healthy foods! tmf
  18. Are you serious? Is this a joke? 2 months and 37 lbs? What were you expecting? Sorry if this isn't one of the supportive type responses but there are hundreds of bandsters who would switch places with you. tmf
  19. 2muchfun


    My red, white and blue salute to peace! tmf
  20. 2muchfun


    From the album: My progression

    185 lbs. down 40 with 40 more to go. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    My progression

    This is from August 2011 on.
  22. 2muchfun

    July 1, 2012 At a Rockies Game.

    From the album: My progression

    185 lbs. down 40 with 40 more to go. tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Need A Mentor!

    Relax. Most of us all felt the same way. But soon after surgery I saw that I won't fail. There was a topic yesterday about leaving our old relationship with food behind us and how difficult a decision that was. Here it is, read some of the posts, it should reduce some of your fears. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/150734-emotional-regret/page__pid__1789545#entry1789545
  24. Not trying to judge you but for me and many others there wasn't much pain at all. For me, maybe 2 on a scale of 1-10. I mostly suffered from the medications and anesthesia but no real pain. Your pain will be a distant memory soon and you will not regret your decision. tmf

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