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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Introducing Myself

    Seems like you should figure out why you are having stomach problems before taking a knife or band to it? Sure you should lose weight and the band or other bariatric options could help but wrapping a band around the problem may only exacerbate the pain. And it could be difficult to find a surgeon or insurance company that would allow you to move ahead with your plan without empirical evidence that bariatric surgery would solve your problem. tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Days Nothing Goes Down?

    chicken can be a very difficult food for the band. One thing you will learn is that your band seems to have a mind of it's own. There have been days on end when I could eat chicken, salmon even steak with no problem. Then I may go a week where the same foods get stuck. eggs clog me up and I slime. It's a good thing. If this is your first stuck episode you should be celebrating. Listen to your band and look for fullness and satiety. tmf
  3. 2muchfun


    Don't panic just yet. The learning curve is slow with the band and after every fill you will need to relearn how to eat again. Sounds like you may be eating big bites, eating too fast or not chewing enough. It takes time. I've had restriction since March and I still get stuck occasionally. You may have just had your first stuck episode. You should be celebrating! Now is when you start to communicate with your band. Now you should listen for the full signals. Satiety is your goal now. tmf
  4. Sounds like sliming to me. Before you go in for an unfill, try eating slower, chewing more and taking smaller bites. The learning curve is slow sometimes and I've had restriction since late March and I'm still learning. I still get stuck occasionally and I slime at times. If you can't swallow liquids then you may need a small unfill but give it a few days if it's not too uncomfortable. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    Proud Of Myself- 1 Year Later!

    As a guy, I can't imagine what your weight would be if you are not pregnant but most likely around 225? That's pretty awesome in my book. tmf
  6. 2muchfun


    If you got stuck, how is it you "got nothing"? If you are getting stuck you are very close if not in the green zone. Be sure to tell your doc you have had some stuck episodes so that you don't get overfilled? tmf
  7. Buy your own scale and buy a good one. Then you won't have to compare or guess. tmf
  8. 2muchfun


    If you've made it this far and you've only had 1 oz of turkey, what's to worry about? Once you get the band and find restriction, it gets easier. Much easier. Don't fret the day to day meaningless daliances like eating a slice of turkey or gobbling down a small bag of chips. In the grand scheme they mean nothing and we've all done it. If you think you have to go in to this being a perfect dieter, get that notion out of your mind. It aint gonna happen. You're human and you will do this. Or, you'll go back to being obese? Your choice? If you follow the plan, you won't be hungry, you won't have as many binging episodes and you will be thinner, healthier and drop dead gorgeous. Now who wouldn't want that? tmf
  9. 2muchfun


    You need to chill! Remember, this is a long journey and there will be all kinds of temptations, setbacks and challenges to come for the rest of your life. This is a 3 week blip in the time/space continuum. Just look at this as if it were a maintenance point in your journey. If you don't gain or lose it's a win/win. If you happen to gain a lb or 2, it was learning experience and you won't make the same mistakes twice. Now is a time to educate yourself. Just remember to eat healthy but keep your appetitie satisfied. You'll have less stress if someone shoves a burrito in your face tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    2007 Bander Starting Over

    The system in the UK is so different than here in the U.S. I would recommend seeking out few successful bandsters from your neck of the woods(that's what us rednecks say for neighborhood). Cazzy is one who seems to have found success. If you've never been given guidance, it would be very beneficial to seek out a nutritionist/dietician who is familiar with bariatric patients. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    574716 10151006565244358 1413959605 N

    Looking good!
  12. 2muchfun

    Made It Through Surgery Today

    You know, I don't mean to brag, but I never had those gas pains. And from all the posts I see about them I think I was very fortunate. Although my wife says I'm a pain and gassy tmf
  13. My recommendation is for you to sit down with a nutritionist. It sounds like you're not planning out your meals and not sticking to band friendly foods. Protein drinks and bars should be used only as a last resort. You may need to find a way to plan your food choices better. See a nutritionist, it's well worth the money if you want to be successful. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Too Much Too Soon

    Just a little bit of humor? Crap, and I was going for roll on the floor laughs Did you see my new signature down below? And I'm sure your uncle is a funguy too. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    4th of July 2012. 185 lbs

    What a dork!
  16. 2muchfun

    Too Much Too Soon

    You probably did no harm but one of the reasons why the Dr's take their sweet time in giving us fills is that we learn how to eat right with our bands over time. You probably would not have had any kind of episode had you been a veteran band eater and had taken a smaller bite and chewed correctly. I know it took me longer than most to finally get the message that I need to eat smaller, slower and chew longer. I'm still learning that lesson. You might email your nurse or Dr and let them know what happened to see if the Dr wants to see you? You might also want to read Jean McMillan's magazine article to the right of this post about how we all have these surprises and setbacks during out LB journey. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    At What Fill Did You Reach Restriction?

    I felt restriction at #3 but not to the green zone till #6. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Kinda Freaking Out...

    The port is a lump near one of your scars. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Too Much Too Soon

    Since vomitting isn't normal I'd say no. Aren't you supposed to be on mushies or soft foods now? Having a vomitting spell so close to your surgery date could jeopardize the band. There are stitches all around the band to help the band adhere to your stomach. Vomitting causes the lower stomach to convulse and could tear those stitches away. This is still a time for healing and pushing your luck with solid foods at this time is very dangerous. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    1St Fill Next Week

    I would recommend you listen to your doctor's advice on this? He certainly knows more and understands this issue far better than you do? It's highly unlikely you would have the symptoms you described and most doctors take precautions to avoid this. The handful of posters on this board who have said they experienced a problem represent less than 1% of the overall patient population of lapbanders. And the bandsters who have had this happen on their first fill is an item I do not recall happening? tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Restriction Finally!!!!

    BTW-Congrats on finally finding the zone. It can be a frustrating but also a very rewarding place to be. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Restriction Finally!!!!

    Why did it take 1 1/2 years to get your 4th fill? Did you take some time off? tmf
  23. You need to relax Ang. You are so normal and so much like most all of us. Most of us went through bandster hell. It's just a phase you have to go through and there's not a lot you can do but to make good food choices. I went through BH over the holidays and I just ate what I could. I did make fairly good food choices and didn't gain any of my post op weight loss. I was in Bandster Hell for 4 months so I know and I also know that many many posters here went through the same. So, just try your best but eat low fat, eat low carb and try to exercise. No need to make yourself insane by starving yourself. You should be hungry but the band should be helping you to feel full faster? If you fell off the wagon you need to get back on it. Don't blame anyone else. Take charge and take responsibility. tmf
  24. 2muchfun


    I've been eating salads from day 30 on. No problem for me. I think once I shoveled too much in my piehole and got stuck for a while but other than that it's been great. And, I liked salads before but I love them now. Start with crunchy stuff. Sometimes limp foods can lay over your stoma and block food from passing through. You don't want to have a stuck episode. tmf
  25. I didn't find any restriction till my 3rd fill(4 months post op) and didn't find the green zone till fill #6(12 lbs lost first 2 weeks and nothing the next 3.5 months). You are normal and yes you are in Bandster Hell. Keep going back for fills till you get some restriction. Be careful, restriction happens very quickly with some folks so make sure you swallow some water before leaving the doc's office. tmf

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