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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. My two goals were 50 and then 25 more. I get it. I told myself that if this band can get me down to 175, it will have been worth it. I'm 8 lbs away from my first goal. tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Anyone Know Why????

    100 calories a day? That sounds a little dangerous? Did you mean 1,000 calories a day? 100 would be like one large apple a day? tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Fellow Bandsters!!!! Please Help

    Yes, you are overthinking this. My liquid diet post-fill was 48 hours. A fill will make your band squeeze your stomach more and can cause some inflammation. If you try to pass too much food through your stoma you could cause more inflammation and even create an ulcer. He's asking you to ease into your new stoma(portal) with caution. tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Ready To See Results

    Friends and family. Gotta love em? When I stall or plateau I can always go back and trace why I'm not losing. And, it's always too much food for me. It was toomuchfood before surgery and still is. But, it's easier to manage now. I don't know what adipex is but trust your doctor. See a nutritionist if you can? They have a lot of insight into why we don't lose. tmf
  5. 2muchfun


    Wow! What a transformation you've achieved!
  6. 2muchfun

    Anyone Know Why????

    This is a time for healing and not losing weight. You should not be worrying about weight loss for another 4 weeks. In the beginning 6 weeks, most of your weight loss will be loss of fluids and not fat loss. Oh, you may lose 4 lbs of fat if you diet heavily but don't expect a lot. Your weight will yo-yo up and down by 1-5 lbs every day depending on your food choices, medications and workout routines. You will have periods where you lose no weight for weeks on end and then suddenly you will lose 3 lbs. 4 days is nothing. This is a marathon not a 100 yd dash. Expect to lose 2-6 lbs a month once you get restriction. You need to burn 3500 more calories than you consume to lose 1 single lb. Do the math and you'll see that 2 lbs per week is going to be very difficult but possible. Good luck and follow your doctors orders. tmf
  7. You should follow your own doctors orders. Speak to his/her nutritionist/dietician. Here's a link to another clinic's patient manual. Your doctor's manual may be different. http://www.peachtreebariatrics.com/docs/Gastric-Band-Patient-Manual.pdf tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    What's The Norm?

    The quick answer is that there is no such thing as normal when you speak of the band. Some lose nothing and others lose 40-50 lbs. It depends on how much you have to lose. The more you have to lose the more you will lose in the beginning. The weight you lose in the beginning 6 weeks is mostly Water and not fat, unless you have dieted to the extreme. Once you get to the point that you have lost most of your retained water, you should lose 2-6 lbs a month depending on how much you consume and how much you exercise. Expect your weight to yo-yo as it is now, always. Medications, carbs, sodium, menstrual cycles all can cause you to retain fluids and mess around with your daily weight loss. Don't get "weight loss" and "fat loss" confused. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Help Please!!!!

    Your weight can vary 5-6 lbs a day depending on what you ate, when you weighed yourself? It's quite easy to gain 5 lbs just by eating too much sodium or carbs. Most of the initial weight you lose is just water. You'll really only lose 2-8 lbs of "fat" a month but you can lose or gain much more water weight in the initial phase. I'm no expert on female conditions but I also understand you can gain weight during your period? So, it's no big deal. You may lose that lbs of water over the next few days as long as you control your intake of carbs and sodium. tmf
  10. Well, the band does not work for everyone but it sounds like you've given up already? If you can get your port problems under control I see no reason why you can't get back in the game? It sounds like it's worked for you before, why not again? You just have to want it badly enough. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    2Nd Fill Today And Feeling Discouraged

    Eat more food. Get out of the starvation mode. Keep your body guessing what will happen next. It's fine to go a week at 800 calories but ramp it up to 1200-1400 a few days or a week. And do the same with your workouts. Mix it up. tmf
  12. So, why is he not giving you a fill? tmf
  13. I'm sorry to keep quoting B-52 but here I go again: Until their's restriction, it's just another diet. Sorry, but it's true. I've never been where you are and don't want to go there. I would hope that I've learned much from the last 7 months of losing weight but I know it's hard to let go of past bad habits. You're on your own as they say! tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Post Op Exam, Dr Hollis

    If you click on his name in your profile, you can see that he has 9 patients who are members here. Click on their screen names and send them a personal message. Otherwise they may never see your topic? tmf
  15. The complication forums are under forums someplace? Yes, many have had complications. More have not. Just be aware that most bandsters never come here to post on this forum. Some bandsters have legitimate reasons to complain about their band but mostly I've seen that the majority of complaints come from people who could not follow the guidelines. And the guidelines are fairly easy. But remember, we're all fat or X-fat for a reason. We like to eat don't we? "Does it help u not over eat like it says it does" I believe you're asking if the band will stop you from eating toomuch? Actually no. That will still be up to you. If you follow the rules, the band helps you to feel satiated(full, satisfied) much sooner. There are some who eat around the band. That means that there are some foods that pass through the band just as they did in your stomach prior to banding. Ice cream, Soups, chips, quacamole, shakes, hamburger helper type meals, many italian dishes and anything loaded with sauce. You can ramp up the band so that very little food can pass through the band. This is toomuch restriction for most and is not advised. Don't expect instant results. It may take several months to get to the point where you are losing weight. And with the band it's slower. Maybe 3-6 lbs a month avg. My BMI was around 37 and I too was an overeater. I always wanted to feel like I've eaten a Thanksgiving dinner. I ate the wrong foods but I never really binged. I wasn't hung up on cola's, candy, cake. I just always ate toomuch. I love my band. But I went into this with rose colored glasses and I see so many others do the same. They post here every day. Keep reading and asking questions. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Band Filled Day Of Operation

    Welcome aboard bandette. Look forward to hearing more from you. Remember to obey your doctor! tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Surgery Went Well

    Welcome aboard. I'm sure we'll be hearing more from you. Remember to obey your doctor! tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Band Filled Day Of Operation

    Many bandsters stress over how many CCs are in their band. It's a moot point. Every doctor is different, every patient is different. Your stomach shape and the thickness of your stomach wall is special to only you. Where the band is placed can have an effect on how many CCs it takes to get to restriction. The shape and thickness of your upper stomach effects the same. So, two people can be the same height and weight but their stomachs will differ. The band size will differ. Where the band is placed will differ. I have no idea how many CCs are in my band and neither does my doctor. All I care about is do I have enough restriction to help me reach satiety before I eat toomuch food? tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    2Nd Fill Today And Feeling Discouraged

    Coco is right. It sounds like you're not making good food choices. You should be eating normal foods by now and not relying on shakes. Shakes are slider foods. Are you eating other slider foods? Now is when you should be educating yourself to what band friendly foods you can eat. As far as exercising goes, no one but you can get your butt up off the couch to workout. How bad do you want to be thin? tmf
  20. 2muchfun


    Do you watch Big Bang Theory? Here's a song from the BBT that Sheldon's mom would sing to him and rub his tummy when he was sick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKLlb3Yc-Us tmf
  21. 2muchfun


    This is why I avoid public restrooms for #2 duty. tmf
  22. LOL...My doc had an old family doctor in with me on my 4th fill. My doc was training him to do fill-in fills for him while he was away. Made me nervous but when I went back for fill #5 and #6 the family doctor was no where to be found. I was relieved. I know I'd be a little more than nervous had I been you. tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Newbie From New York

    That yogurt stuff Jamie Lee Jones pushes is high in fiber. There are also other altenatives such as metamucil and some other natural fiber additives. But if it's food you seek, you should be close to eating any type of steamed/nuked vegetable available? Broccoli, carrots, aparagus, celery. Mix some bran flakes or grape nuts with some yogurt and let it soak for a few minutes. Cooked spinach might be acceptable too? You're going to experiment with foods anyway. I know there are many here who cannot eat salads of any kind, or carrots, or lettuce. I started off about 3-4 months into my band journey trying a bite here or there to see if my band would reject or accept a food. I found out my and liked salads but others haven't been as lucky. Your doctor is only looking out for your well being when they suggest you stay away from these foods till you know your band better. You can't afford a big vomitting session at this stage. We've seen some newbies post here that they are stuck big time, or they are vomitting profusely because they broke the rules so soon. You need to be patient. One or three months of no fruit or salads won't kill you. But once you are 6 weeks out maybe try a bite here and there. Don't make a meal out of pineapple, oranges, apples carrots and leafy vegetables till you understand how to eat with the band. tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Feeling Yucky After You Eat

    ZeeBee, it really helps if you can fill out your profile so we know where you are in the process? Are you pre-op, post-op, veteran bander? tmf

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