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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. Oh Yeah! You are in "Bandster Hell". Doctors do not put much saline in your band because they sew the band into the surface of your stomach. They do not want your stitches to come out and if you get some food stuck and have a vomiting spell you could tear those sutures away. The portal between the pouch and stomach is large at this point. One of our bandsters, and I try to give him credit when I can(B-52), has a saying for this phase of your journey. "Until there's restriction, it's just another diet"! This is where you are and will be till you get that one fill that allows you to feel that first stuck episode. Or at least feel like you are much fuller than before. Almost every one of us have gone through this phase. tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Hello Everyone

    On the right side of this page are "recent magazine articles". Jean McMillan wrote a book all bandsters should read. Don't expect to lose a lot of weight the first 6 weeks or until you get a fill that gives you restriction. And search for bandster hell in these forums so you won't be surprised when it happens. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Best Nsv Ever!!

    I went to see my son at his work and he didn't recongnize me at first. Even though it's only been about 10 days since he last saw me. He said he recognized my biking shirt but didn't realize it was me. Woo Hoo! tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Vomiting Undigested Food In The Morning?

    PBing is when you regurgitate some food or slime that has collected in your pouch or esophogus. It helps when you are in a stuck episode. Sorry Cherry but I'm no help other than regurgitating lapband terms. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    Does This Happen To Anyone Else?

    I think most of us can eat as much as we want. But, the trick is to listen to your stomach/body for those signals of satiety. Are you continuing to eat because you love the taste of the food or do you want to have that feeling of being full. Sounds like how I was before surgery. I can do the same as you but so far I've learned that I'm no longer hungry after sitting there for 30 minutes slowly chewing my food. So I stop. But I also get stuck with some foods and after 10-15 minutes the episode passes and I can continue to eat. And I can eat and eat if I pushed myself, but I don't now. You may need a fill but you should try to listen to those satiety signals? They've got to be there? tmf
  6. 2muchfun


    Lots of good advice here. It will be difficult to find someone. I know of only one doc here in Denver who will do fills for patients with no doctor. Go to the top of this page and click on surgeons. There are 11 in the Phoenix area. You might find one you weren't aware of? Good luck and don't limit yourself to just phoenix. You may have to travel to Denver, Dallas or LA? tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    How Do You Deal?

    Oh, I still do. But then I don't eat it all much of the time. I just wrap it up and put it in the fridge. In time I've curbed the size of my meals back but I still suffer from the same syndrome. In fact, I delayed my band just out of fear of not being able to eat as much as I wanted to eat. Now, it's not a big deal. If you're a new bandster, give it time. I'm still fairly new, about 8 months out and I'm still learning how to do this. tmf
  8. FYI-Go to the forums tab at the top of this page. Almost anything you want to know about the band is in there someplace. tmf
  9. Happy dance time. You officially have restriction. It may not be perfect yet but it gives you something to work with and tweak. tmf
  10. I would highly recommend you follow the doctors rules. Your band is sewn into the side of your stomach and eating solids at this point could make the stitches separate and cause your band to slip. If you do fall off the wagon, do not eat meat. Maybe a corn tortilla with some cheese on some refried Beans? I'm not saying do this, but this is what is called a slider food. Take very small bites and chew, chew, chew. But once again, don't do it. tmf
  11. No, not one single bandster has ever broken the eating rules. You would be the first. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    Hungry Every 2 Hours

    I apologize in advance for copying my post from an earlier topic identical to this one: Oh yeah! You're in "Bandster Hell". I'm not sure how I got through this phase without gaining weight. I think the band gave me enough restriction to eat less and that's all it took. But it really sucked! I was in BH for 3.5 months and bitched about it to my poor wife every day. My first 2 fills did nothing for me. Finally fill #3 gave me some restriction and I began to understand how to eat and how to communicate with my band. And I think the first 2 months of BH were the worst. I seemed to be hungry all the time. I work from home so I grazed constantly. But I did like some other bandster recommended and I had rid my house of evil foods. No chips, sweets etc. I ate nutritious foods while in BH. Salads, chicken, fish, etc. So, I was on a diet once again but I never really suffered and for some reason didn't miss the chicken fried steaks. Yeah, it's normal but it's only temporary. There's a learning curve with the band. You need to learn how to eat, what to eat and how long to eat and it doesn't come naturally. Bandster Hell is a good thing I now know. It taught me how to be patient and will teach you the same. Like Elcee said, this is a time for healing, don't fret weight loss at this point. BTW-Your doctor may have only put 1-2 CCs of saline in your band. Therefore you have no restriction because the band is sewed into the side of your stomach and that needs to heal. It's not really loose on your stomach but it's not squeezing just yet. You're pretty much right where you were before surgery. And it will stay like this until you get the fill that gives you some restriction. But don't eat big solid food yet. You don't want to mess up the artwork of your surgeon. Don't whine and complain because all of us bandsters had to go through the same thing. It sucks, but it's worth it in about 6 months. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    I Need Encouragement

    That would be a great topic for the weekend eh? tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    2Nd Fill Today And Feeling Discouraged

    So, eat more food this weekend. Only eat nutritious foods. Fool your body into thinking it needs to increase your metabolism because you're no longer starving. Do not eat a lot or very few carbs. Eat a bigger salad with shrimp or chicken on it. Buy egg beaters southwestern or regular egg sub and make an omelette with low fat cheese, veggies and maybe sprinkle some turkey sausage on it. Or, scramble some up and make a breakfast burrito. Sounds like your lunch and dinner choices are fine but maybe eat more of it if you can? I like to cook up a batch of low fat beef hamburger(96% fat free). Then I make a taco salad with it. Or, throw it in a low carb soft taco shell w/low fat cheese and salsa. I even cooked up some spaghetti squash and sprinkled meat on it with a splash of "I can't believe it's not butter". Add some parmesan cheese and it's delish. Just two days. Then hit it hard come Monday. And find a way to exercise. I know it's hard to find time but it's going to make a diff. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    2Nd Fill Today And Feeling Discouraged

    First, you're eating icky food. imo I eat normal food like omelettes for Breakfast, tuna, chicken salad for lunch and pretty much anything for dinner. I just eal a lot less of it. But that's just me. I hate that greek yogurt crap and dislike protien shakes too. If you feel like you're being deprived, you may want to change the food choices up some? If not, carry on. But don't eat the same stuff every day. Some days you may want to eat 1200 calories so your body isn't in a starvation mode? You said nothing about exercise? If you do, mix it up too. I see you're just under 2 months post op? Relax, I went 3.5 months after surgery and lost 0 lbs. If you are not feeling any restriction and you're not in the green zone, you may just go sideways for a while. Happens to most all of us at some point in time and especially post surgery. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    I Need Encouragement

    Good advice. But I think the first time I really thought I might have restriction was over a Mickie D's cheeseburger. I got stuck on the bun and had to peel it off. Oh, I have fond memories of finally realizing this band thing might work? But, I agree. Better to find out you're having a stuck episode on an apple or carrot in your own home. Don't be bad like me! tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    2Nd Fill Today And Feeling Discouraged

    Make sure you go back and look at everything the Dr and nutritionist recommended? I've found twice now that when I start cutting corners, taking the easy way, I stop losing weight. Exercise, not drinking while eating, slowly chewing, making good food choices, keeping evil foods out of the house, listening to my band/stomach are essential to consistently losing weight. And please don't die! If you do, don't come back here and tell everyone as we already have too many scaredy cats on the boards tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    I Need Encouragement

    Oh yeah! You're in "Bandster Hell". I'm not sure how I got through this phase without gaining weight. I think the band gave me enough restriction to eat less and that's all it took. But it really sucked! I was in BH for 3.5 months and bitched about it to my poor wife every day. My first 2 fills did nothing for me. Finally fill #3 gave me some restriction and I began to understand how to eat and how to communicate with my band. And I think the first 2 months of BH were the worst. I seemed to be hungry all the time. I work from home so I grazed constantly. But I did like some other bandster recommended and I had rid my house of evil foods. No chips, sweets etc. I ate nutritious foods while in BH. Salads, chicken, fish, etc. So, I was on a diet once again but I never really suffered and for some reason didn't miss the chicken fried steaks. Occasionally I would stop by a taco bell. That was my thing. I'd get one green bean burrito and one with meat in it. I could never do that now. OMG, I'd be sliming and gagging like a cat hacking up a furball. Yeah, it's normal but it's only temporary. There's a learning curve with the band. You need to learn how to eat, what to eat and how long to eat and it doesn't come naturally. Bandster Hell is a good thing I now know. It taught me how to be patient and will teach you the same. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    I Need Encouragement

    Hmmm? I'm not very good with this encouragement crap. OK, here's the hard truth. Almost every bandster has been where you are and almost every one of them made it through. Oh, we all bitched and moaned to our spouses and relatives but in time it all passes. Some of us filled up on salads, chicken, fish etc. We have this one bandster, B-52, and he always says this: "Until there's restriction, it's just another diet!!" This is so true. So, do your best, you'll gain and lose some weight until you get a fill that gives you restriction. This is just a blip in your marathon journey so don't sweat it and don't be so hard on yourself. It's normal what you are going through. It's too bad we didn't listen during the seminars, nutrition classes etc or we would have been prepared for this. I know I didn't and I was not happy that I didn't start losing 10 lbs every month. But, now I'm losing 5-6 lbs a month and that's just fine. Believe me, in 6 months you'll look back at this and realize that this bandster hell stuff is necessary. You're a newborn and you need to learn to crawl before you can walk. There's a big learning curve with the band and you're still in kindergarten. tmf
  20. Sliming, yeah. It's normal and most every bandster has and is experiencing it. You need to slow down, chew a lot, and eat band friendly foods. But, it really varies what we all can eat. Some foods that affect others don't affect me. Bread, dry meats, carrots, tortillas, fruit skins, etc can get stuck. You should be doing the happy dance? As soon as you figure out how to eat enough food and how to slow down and let it pass through, you may be in the green zone. Lucky you! tmf
  21. Go here to see the entire article: food. Adjusting to a New Normal Since 1999, tens of thousands of people have used the Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Program and/or read Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat, to resolve their difficult eating issues. There are often people in our workshops who have had also bariatric surgery. They explain that surgery did not fix their real problem and/or that they need additional skills to cope with their "new normal." Bariatric Surgery and Mindful Eating Mindfulness is beneficial because it teaches us to focus our attention and awareness on what is happening right now, which in turn, helps us disengage from habitual, unsatisfying, and unskillful habits and behaviors. Specifically, mindful eating skills help resolve the mindless habits and emotional eating issues that lead to problems after bariatric surgery: Eating too quickly Taking large bites Not chewing thoroughly Eating while distracted leading to overconsumption Not savoring food and therefore having difficulty feeling satisfied with small volumes of food Eating too much leading to vomiting and/or distention of the pouch Grazing throughout the day Eating "slider" foods and high-calorie soft foods and liquids, often in response to emotional triggers Not consuming enough Protein or nutrient-rich foods Feeling deprived or left-out in social situations Struggling to establish consistent physical activity Transfer addictions And many other issues... Further, most people who make the difficult decision to have bariatric surgery want to improve their health and energy so they can live the vibrant life they crave. Yet without the additional tool of mindful eating, bariatric surgery can feel like a permanent diet that continues to consume your life. One of the most meaningful changes that happens when you learn to eat mindfully (whether you've had surgery or not!) is that it allows you to think about eating when you need to and free up your energy and attention to focus on living in between. Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Program for Bariatric Surgery For all these reasons we felt that it was time to create a mindful eating program especially for people who have had (or who are considering) bariatric surgery. We have a brand new Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Program for Bariatric Surgery Workbook and Awareness Journal and supplemental Faciltiator Training. Michelle May, M.D. is the author Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat and the founder of www.AmIHungry.com.
  22. 2muchfun

    11 Days After Banding...

    This is normal but you must follow your doctor's guidelines. No ifs ands or buts. Call your Dr's office and request some kind of relief. If they approve, go for it. Otherwise, suck it up. tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    2Nd Fill Today And Feeling Discouraged

    Honk is right and I'd add I felt the same way about my 5th fill and went back for #6 but then had to go back and take some out. I think I could have been fine with #5 if I would have known what I know now. Did that make sense?? Anyway, give it a few weeks before you go back but if you do go back for a fill, make it a small one. Once you get to this point just a little fill of .1-.3 can cause toomuch restriction. tmf
  24. So much that guys could say to a situation like this. Like, did she keep pushing the damn thing expecting something larger?
  25. I too do not respond to Tylenol. Cindy's Mom pointed out to me that I shouldn't be using ibuprofen so I checked with my doc and dietician. Nope, can't use it. Sounds like you know what to expect. That's half the battle, knowing what to expect. tmf

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