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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    First Fill

    Are you sipping or gulping? If it hurts to sip, call your doc. tmf
  2. Your post makes me wonder about an appropriate age for obese people to have bariatric surgery? I don't think I would have been mentally ready for such a huge change at 19. Seems like most people would have to go through years and years of being uncomfortable, unhealthy and unattractive before they came to know that they needed help? Not saying you're any of those un's but I think most of us viewed ourselves that way. It's disheartening to see someone give up so soon and of course, we don't know your entire history, but you were pushing 300 lbs before the surgery. What's next? I wish you well and I suppose you can always come back to the band or any other surgery if your own dietary methods don't pan out. Good luck to you. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Post Op Diet

    That's funny. Seems like most of the posts I read are about people who aren't losing and hate their band. OMG..Am I one of those half glass empty guys? 6 months from now you will look back and think how naive you were(if you're anything like me). You'll be losing weight and singing praises to the band god. But there will be some bumps and bruises along the way. tmf
  4. 2muchfun


    I've read where some people feel the difference sometimes 2 weeks post fill. I felt mine immediately, or should I say I felt my 3rd-6th immediately. The first 2 nada. I was pushy with the appt desk. I insisted on coming in 3 weeks out since I was in bandster hell and needed a fill that gave me restriction. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    Help! Need To Get Back On Track

    Your thought process is so foreign to me? I just never thought about failure. Never even considered eating around the band. Oh, I sometimes get so hungry I might open a can of Soup and suck it down but it's always around 200 calories. I guess I just wanted this more than some. I dreamed about it. Fantasized about being thin again. For me, my kids, grandkids, wife, it means my life to me. I don't know where one finds the strength or commitment to make this work but if you really want it, you'll find it. You won't find it from others, it's got to be you. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    Post Op Diet

    Relax! You're normal. We all had to go back on a diet about 2 weeks out. You're in "Bandster Hell" and will be till you get a fill that gives you enough restriction. And you are not supposed to be losing weight just yet. You're still in the healing phase. Lower your expectations. I know the seminars, nutrtionists and docs gleem over the post surgery phase so we all go into this thinking the band starts working immediately. Not true. This phase really sucks. But, it's necessary. It's like learning to walk. You fall down enough so you finally learn how to keep your balance and avoid those hard falls. This will be a time for you to learn much about yourself, how to eat with the band and what to eat. There is a 3-6 month learning curve and you're just entering lapband 101. Until there's restriction, it's just another diet...B-52 tmf
  7. From the album: 2muchfun's Before and After Pics

    Frisco to Breckenridge. 20 miles roundtrip.
  8. 2muchfun

    When Did They Notice?

    That's a tough question since we all lose weight at different paces. And, some of us have mondo lbs to lose so the first 50 may go unnoticed. I guess I never paid attention to what others said, but for me, I noticed after I had lost 26 lbs. My best friend told me he thought I still looked like I had a big gut and thought it would be gone by now. A-Hole! But that's what guys say to each other. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    1 Year This Week!!!

    LOL..Yes you are awesome. Aint it great? On a different subject, I love the way we pose for these pictures. I've got a bunch where I set the camera on timer and ran in front of the camera. I look like I just killed my parents. And I can't manage a smile to save my butt. You did well with the pictures, you're no Ansel Adams but I'd post mine if I looked as good as you. tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    Febuary Bandster

    It took me 4 months before I started to feel any restriction. And then another 2 months before I found the green zone. You are normal. This happens to many of us but you need to push your doctor for more fills till you get enough restriction. BTW- 40 lbs is awesome. You should be doing the happy dance? tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Fluids During A Meal......

    Let's look at the reasoning behind the no fluids during a meal. I don't pretend to be a scientist or doctor but this is what I've read: As you eat, food fills your pouch and is massaged through your stoma in about 1 minute. Sometimes faster and sometimes slower depending on the type of food. Slider foods go through in seconds. There are nerve endings near the top of your stomach/pouch. Food touching this area activates some kind of response to your brain that you are no longer hungry after so many bites of food. I'm sure it takes longer for some of us. If you are aiding your food to slide through the stoma, you may be cheating your pouch from sending that all important signal to your brain that you are no longer hungry. Some new studies have shown that it's OK to sip Water 1 minute after you swallow your last bite of food. I've tried this but I have to admit I'm a failure since I can't seem to wait 1 minute and I also have a hard time sipping as others have testified. So, no fluids for me at the table. Satiety is the Holly Grail behind losing and keeping weight away. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    People In Green Zone

    You may lose a few lbs once you find the green zone but it's usually the 4-8 lbs/mo that we always mention. For me, I started having stuck episodes in my 3rd fill. But, I would get stuck for 10 minutes and then be able to eat more than a cup of food and sometimes 2 cups(mostly I didn't). Then with fills 4 and 5 I got more and more restriction. Fill #6 got me to what I consider the green zone. It did take some time for me to creep up on the green zone and I think the doctors and nutritionists understand that we bandsters learn how to communicate with our band with each fill. I think it would be difficult for many of us to reach restriction/green zone with only one or two fills. The learning curve on what to eat and how to eat is much longer than 3 months, at least for me it was. Watch for stuck episodes and then try to learn how and why it happpened. Then make those corrections in your eating habits and keep getting fills till you feel like you are full or satiated with a cup of food. The operating word here is satiety, not restriction. Seek being satisfied with much less food. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    No Restriction

    It can take 6 or more fills to find restriction. One fill does not guarantee the green zone. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    I Gained

    "You can't out-train a lousy diet" It's hard to give you advice with so little information? Have you had fills, do you have restriction, what do you eat, what do you do in the gym, bandster hell? tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Not Drinking With Meals?

    I like your doctor's advice. I agree, one hour prior to eating is just way too long and unnecessary. Water just flows through the band and is out of the stomach in minutes. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Best Treadmill/elliptical

    I have a treadmill and elliptical. Octane makes a very expensive and wonderful elliptical for around $3,000. I'm cheap so I bought an older used one for $900. I like it but the Octane I wanted seemed to fit so much better. I still use my elliptical in the winter. I did stop off at d**k's Sporting goods and there seem to be some very fine machines there for around $900. I also have a gym quality treadmill. It's a star-trac. I've had it for about 14 years and it really is a fine treadmill. I bought it new for $3000 and it was worth every penney. I've put many miles on that treadmill. There are so many places to look up reviews on these machines. Dicks, Sporting Authority, Amazon and several other independent sites offer great advice. Good Luck and I still think a treadmill offers more than an elliptical. tmf
  17. 99% of the time, a "stuck" episode will result in the pouch massaging a food blockage through the portal in 10-20 minutes. It's not a big deal unless it happens with most meals and then a small unfill usually remedies the problem. tmf
  18. I think for all of us this would be so difficult to deal with. Sounds like you sincerly want to lose weight. I like my surgeon but I love my dietician/nutritionist. I think if I ever experience any problems I would seek her advice before my doctor's unless it might be surgically related. My nutritionist is a full time bariatrics nutritionist. She only works with bariatric docs and bariatric patients. Nutritionists are much less expensive to consult with than a doctor although it sounds like you could use a very competent and caring bariatrics doctor. I just don't know if they exist? Most docs I've spoken with want to keep their visits to 10-15 minutes where you can spend up to an hour with a nutritionist for $50. Each doctor is so wrapped up in his/her own practice that most will not take on a consultation type roll for a patient who had surgery elsewhere. I'm sure there may be one but where? I'm assuming you're relationship with your surgeon went South? You should try to see him or ask around about a bariatrics nutritionist. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Anyone Else??

    I drink coffee or latte most mornings but if i don't I do not see my band react differently. And I've been paying attention. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    Portion Size

    First, I'd recommend you fill out your profile so we know if you're post or pre op? Portion size is very important to many bandsters. Especially in the first 6 weeks and thereafter until you get a fill that gives you restriction. Speaking for myself, I don't really worry about portion size. I seem to get full after eating 4 oz of meat and whatever veggies or salad I make. I guess I could continue to eat but I'm satiated before I get to that point. And, I prepare less food now than before. It all comes with experience and familiarity with your band and your own needs. Over time we all create this relationship with our band and as one other bandster put it, it's a love/hate relationship for most of us. Usually for dinner I eat about 350-500 calories. I choose low fat meats and eat virtually no fat salads and veggies. I might be able to lose more weight quicker if I cut back my intake but I don't like to deprive myself and I'm losing weight my way. If I ate 1/2-1 cup of food per meal I would leave the table still hungry. I don't like that feeling so I choose to eat a little more but try to keep it nutritious. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Can It Really Hurt Me?

    I don't think every doctor treats every patient the same. They may have a basic protocol but they may tweak it depending on your psychological profile, how much weight you need to lose and most of all, they've seen the inside of your body and have great insight as to how much time it will take for you to heal. Every patient is different and you cannot compare yourself to any other patient. Even 6 months after surgery, do not compare. It's just not possible. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Can It Really Hurt Me?

    One more thing Katie? I think a lot of us, including me, believed the post-op diet was required to lose weight. It's far from that. It's what I posted earlier. It's given to you so that you can heal and prepares you for the next phase of this journey. I think that quite often the seminars, nutritional counseling and even doctors glaze over this stage of the experience. I know I hardly remember anyone giving me instructions for post surgery but I'm sure they did. By the time we get to this stage we're so overwhelmed with information and so excited to get this damn weight loss project underway, we simply can't absorb more information. You'll do fine, just fill up on liquids as much as you can. I doubt you've done any damage but do not, I mean it, do not eat anything solid like meat. K? tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Can It Really Hurt Me?

    Of course it can hurt you. The doctor gave you eating instructions for a reason. Your band is sewn into the side of your stomach and eating solids or semi solids so soon could jeopardize the sutures. It's not so much that it will stretch your pouch, it's that your pouch is still in the developing stage and if you push it too hard you can damage your sutures. BTW-It's not important to lose weight in this phase of your surgery. The most important thing for you to do is allow your stomach and band to become one but that may be difficult if you don't control your food choices. Follow your doctors orders. It may be painful but why jeopardize all you've gone through for a quick food fix. tmf
  24. 2muchfun


    They make those slim bagels with about 100 calories and I can eat those. I like them with a lower fat cream cheese and smoked salmon. Great breakfast food. I can eat them but I still choose to eat slowly and take very small bites. tmf
  25. 2muchfun

    3 Or 6??

    My wife, who is not banded and is only 15 lbs overweight now, went on this cleansing diet where she at only organic veggies and fruit for a week, lost 7 lbs. Only meat was salmon once and halibut once. I eat 3 main meals and 2 small Snacks a day. tmf

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