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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. I went clothes shopping yesterday for the first time in about 10 years. It was exhausting! I tried on so many pants. I don’t know what fits anymore. I've been wearing size 40 stretch waist band for the last 6+ years. So I started at size 36, then 34, then 32(tooooo tight). So I tried on 33 and some fit me. But for the first time in about 12 years I actually bought pants that did not have an elastic band in the waist. Woo Hoo! For the first time in many years my pants aren't baggy in the butt or hips. Thank you to my little lapband friend. tmf
  2. 2muchfun


    Sit down with the Dr's nutritionist and he/she can help you find your weak spot. I did back in March and it made all the difference. In a one on one interview they can ask the proper questions, evaluate and make recommendations. Fees are usually not all that much. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    8Th Fill And Nothing

    You need to sit down with your doc and ask some hard questions. Something is not right? Or, you're still eating slider foods and you're eating around the band? tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Amazed What I Saw In The Mirror

    I shopped last weekend. Didn't know what size to shop for since for the last 10 years I've just bought 38-40 pants with an elastic band. I ended up at 34 with no stretchy band. Awesome aint it? tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    Flying My Extra Wide Load

    Deserted? Hardly! tmf
  6. 2muchfun


    Please fill in your profile so we have more information to advise you better? It's hard to advise with so little information? Are you pre-op, post-op, 1 month out, 6 months out, how long at a plateau?? tmf
  7. You're not supposed to feel full. You're supposed to feel satiated/satisfied. If you're looking for that old time feeling of fullness, you'll be eating constantly. Eating Low glycemic foods will help you feel satisfied sooner and longer. Eating processed foods will pass through your stomach, spike your insulin and you will feel hunger more often. If you eat slow and if you eat the right foods that help you to be satisfied, you won't need that "Full" feeling. That's the feeling we're trying to avoid. That's what skinny people do. They eat till they are satisfied, not till they are full. What do you mean by "extremely full"? Is it fullness or are you getting food stuck in your stoma? You say you can eat food but water is difficult? You really need to visit your nutritionist/dietician? tmf
  8. I'm a big believer in low glycemic foods. I'd like to practice eating it more than I do. Disappointing to see watermelon on the list. One of my big downfalls July through September. But, I'm back on track again. tmf
  9. When and how often can I get fills? How long are they free? What is your protocol for giving fills? Do you slowly take your patients to restriction? Tell me your philosophy?(This is a tough one since you have no idea what to expect) What are your post op diet requirements? How soon can I eat soft foods? What are your post fill requirements? How many days liquids and soft foods? Is there access to a dietician post surgery and does it cost? How many surgeries have you performed? 500+ would be nice. tmf
  10. Have you had a visit with the staff nutritionist? I lost 12 lbs in the first 2 weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. I went in for a 3rd fill and a visit with the dietician/nutritionist. She really helped me. She found a few items that were keeping me from losing weight and I used her suggestions. It really worked. I started losing immediatly. She can also tell if you're too tight or if you aren't following the eating rules? tmf
  11. 2muchfun


    I agree with aj but it could be possible for someone to have so much control over their stomach that they could force food from the stomach into the pouch and then back up. But be aware, the pouch is not really a pouch. It's more of a tunnel than a pouch, so there's little room for food to stick around. I've heard of people who were bulemic who could control the contents in their stomach at will. That's why I said it's possible. Of course, once food enters the stomach and acids are produced, it's a very bad idea to induce a small vomit into your pouch to eventually PB up. Acid is not good for anthing above your stomach. Having said that. I once got stuck for 1 1/2 hours on a very thick apple skin. It was like AJ said. Lots of pressure and difficulty in breathing. I finally stood on my head, and some of the Fluid in my stomach came back through the band and must have repositioned the skin so that when I righted myself, it passed through quickly after my acrobatic manuever. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    Today...getting Through It!

    Our anniversary was Monday and for the first time since surgery 11/28/11 I called up and ordered a gourmet pizza. It was awesome. But I must have drank a gallon of Water that night. So, treat yourself occasionally but not for a while since you just had surgery. tmf
  13. 2muchfun


    Slime, as in Ghostbusters slime. You'll get to know it someday. It aint pretty! tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    C25K Question

  15. 2muchfun

    Today...getting Through It!

    She's only 3 weeks postop. Still on soft foods or mushies I would think. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Too Tight Or "real" Restriction??

    Your doctor seems to be a little unorthodox but I don't see where anything he is suggesting is harmful. In fact, I think what he recommends would have worked for me too. After fills I never felt extra restriction from swelling and I think I could have gone for the burger too tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Too Tight Or "real" Restriction??

    Well, it does sound like you may be a little too tight but I'd give it a week before you go back for a small unfill(if your doc allows it?). But, all of the posts that advised to wait 24-48 hours before eating regular food are right on. You could have some edema from the fill and you need to rule that out before you go back in. eggs are a problem for many of us. Doesn't matter if it's 2 eggs or two teaspoons of eggs. For some reason they get stuck easily. Scrambled and hard boiled especially. Vomiting! If you are inducing this, you need to stop. Vomiting can cause your band to rip away from the sutures that hold it in place. Your stomach convulses violently if you vomit and will force the band to ride up your stomach causing slippage or dislodging. If it's just a reaction, try to find a way to not put yourself in this situation. How big are your bites? Need to be very small. Teaspoon or smaller if you are getting stuck often. Finally, I only lost 25 lbs the first 4 months. Once I found restriction I started to lose weight. I never was too tight until my 6th fill. Don't get down on yourself and don't compare yourself to anyone else. If you compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to Chamie 6 months ago. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    3 Weeks Post/op How Many Calories

    What did your Dr say? I'm sure you received a brochure or nutrition/diet guidance before you had surgery? I probably ate about 1400 calories a day. Water was not an issue as I could drink whatever amount I wanted. If you don't have a manual take a look at this manual but you need to be aware that some doctors or nutritionists will design a nutrition plan specifically for each patient and their individual needs. http://www.peachtreebariatrics.com/docs/Gastric-Band-Patient-Manual.pdf OR, check out this video. Watch all 4 if you have time.
  19. No preop, Post op= 4 days liquids, 4 days mushies, 3 weeks soft foods and then eat anything. first fill, 5 weeks out. I too see how strict some doctors are? But, you have to look at each patient globally. As we all know, we're all different and we got to this point in different ways. Each of us deserve a regimen designed just for us. Strict rules may seem cruel or unjustified but think about children. Some children need little guidance and seem to be self guided. Others, well, they need that strict parenting and so goes the bariatric patient. Just reading here you will see many of us seem to take to the band with pure joy and understanding. For many others, it's pure ignorance with no self awareness or self guidance. I would hope that a surgeon or doctor would pick up on that and customize each program individually. tmf
  20. On the plus side, as you lose weight, your Willy gets bigger(mostly esthetics). Your partner should appreciate that. tmf
  21. To enable the band to work it's magic, you have to eat foods that challenge the tool and create the massaging of the lining of your stomach. Otherwise, you won't find satiety. I ate more than the recommended 1/2-1 cup of food. No reason to feel hungry all the time. I know you should follow the Dr's orders but being hungry is painful. You'll be in bandster hell till you get a fill that gives you some restriction. tmf
  22. I've not had your expeiences but right now my band is rather loose. Occasionally I get stuck for a few minutes but it's always my own fault for taking much too large a bite and not chewing properly. I may go back to the doc in January and get a fill. That could speed up my weight loss plan. My band(tool) is similar to where your band is in tightness I would think? However, I'm still losing weight, although only 1-2 lbs a month now. I'm OK with that. But, my point is, I could fall far away from the bandwagon if I chose to do so. I don't. For you to get back on the wagon with the limited tool you have, you will have to make adjustments in the food you eat and your exercise regimen. There is no miracle pill or comment that can make you start eating healthy again. No one can make you start walking, biking or exercising in your living room but you. You must already know what you have to do because it wasn't that long ago you did it. Recognizing it here is a first step. Putting together a plan of action and making a commitment is the next step. You CAN do it. You know you can and to be healthy, you must. tmf
  23. Depends on who's doing all the heavy lifting
  24. I cooked but I cooked healthy foods and my wife didn't mind. She's down 25 lbs so far. I didn't mind being around food all that much so it wasn't difficult for me. Cook them some health food. That'll shock em into fending for themselves? tmf
  25. I had no pre op diet but post op I munch on beef Jerky when I feel the need to chew. Of course, if you're supposed to be on a liquid diet that won't work. But, after surgery, you won't be doing a whole lot of chewing so keep that in mind? Other chewy food would be deli ham, turkey, beef? Keep it low cal and it's naturally low carb. tmf

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