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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Not Losing - What's Up?

    Your understanding of how this all works is inaccurate. No one has a 4 oz pouch. We all have a one bite at a time pouch. The pouch above the band is only there to allow one bite at a time to pass through the band to the lower stomach. It does not hold 4 or 8 ozs of food. The band is designed for us to eat one bite at a time. The pouch will massage the bite of food through the band in about one minute. That's why we are instructed to eat slowly. And all of you are experiencing what most all bandsters go through. The period between being banded and finding restriction can take up to 6 months. Yeah, I know, no one told you about this part of your journey? But now you know. You will be in bandster hell until you find enough restriction to find satiation by eating 1/2 - 1 cup of food. Satiation is the goal here. I highly recommend you watch all 4 videos of this series, but at the minimum, watch this video. It will demonstrate what your band is doing.2:30 minutes into the video begins to explain how this all works?
  2. " Not sure if I'm not chewing well, eating too fast, or if my band is too tight?" Could be any one of these? So, try eating Soup or some slider foods? If they get stuck, you're probably too tight? Or, take extremely small bites and chew chew chew. If they get stuck, ditto. That would eliminate the first two options. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Consult Tomorrow

    How often can I get fills? How long are they free and what will they cost if not? How long are my follow ups free and what is the cost when they are not? Do you have a staff nutritionist and what are her/his credentials? What will it cost to visit the nutritionist? What are pre and post op diet guidelines? What are post fill guidelines? Are you available for emergency calls after hours? Do you have a handbook or manual you give to patients? How many surgeries have you performed(if less than 100 run away). How long have you been in bariatrics? tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Not Losing - What's Up?

    15 lbs in less than 2 months is very good. No need to worry or be concerned. You're in bandster hell and will be till you get the fill that takes you to the green zone. I lost 12 lbs immediately and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. "Until there's restriction, it's just another diet"...B-52 esteemed forum member. tmf
  5. So, I wasn't going to post anything about my one year anniversary but here I am. Am I glad I did it? YES, YES, YES! One year and a day ago I was floundering around my exercise routine and every diet I tried. I've only lost 50 lbs so far but then I only have about 30 to get to my goal(which I may change). Lots of exercise has added some extra muscle so I may increase my goal to 150 so I'm really only 25 lbs away. I've found old clothes that I stopped wearing back in the 90's that now fit very comfortably. Fortunately for us guys, fashion doesn't really change all that much. I've bought some new pants, shirts and a nice jacket. All my friends and associates compliment me on how much better I look. Feels so good My confidence is sky high. My business is soaring. Life is so good now and I can do so much more than I could do before. I see bandsters posting how they miss chocolate, ribs, fried chicken, steak and ice cream. I don't miss them but then again, I'm not really denying myself these luxuries. I just eat them less often and eat much less when I do. I don't crave any foods now. The only downside I've come across is that many of these comfort foods I once worshipped, don't have the same taste or effect they once had. I eat to live now, not live to eat. The other downsides such as stuck episodes, sliming, inability to eat certain foods(dry chicken, ick!) pale in comparison to the joy of being thinner and healthier. I'm so much more intimate with my wife than before. She exclaims that had she known how frisky I was going to be, she would have demanded I be banded long ago For those who are reading this and are just starting or re-entering their journey, it is so worth it. Don't despair over the week or month long plateaus. Don't be discouraged if you've only lost 20 lbs in 6 months. I only lost 20 lbs the first 5 months but I kept on moving forward. Sure, there were days I doubted my decision, but those days are behind me now. Good luck to all and tomorrow I enter year 2 of my journey and I will be here to comment and advise. Dan(tmf)
  6. 2muchfun

    How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?

    Drink Water when your thirsty and drink as much as you feel you need. Your body knows when it needs to be replinished and will let you know. tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    This Isnt How I Thought Id Feel!

    Why fret over past mistakes? You made the right choice to have WLS and you're on your way to a healthier life. Few of us will ever look like swimsuit models so toss that fantasy away. You say you are disappointed in how you feel but it sounds like you're more disappointed in how you look? Looking good should be less than half of the reason you did this. Living longer and living a healthier more active life should be more important than vanity. You're only 6 months into this journey. At 6 months I had lost only 25 lbs. I still don't look good in a swimsuit. Of course I'm an old SOB so I tossed that fantasy away long ago. You can't change the past but you do have control over your future. 42 lbs is awesome and just think how good you will look and feel after the next 42 lbs melts away. tmf
  8. I don't count calories. I kept a journal for a few weeks about 7 months ago and I was consuming around 1200-1400 a day. So, I know as long as I buy the right foods and consume the right foods I'll stay within those parameters and continue to lose weight. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    How Many Calorie?

    Make sure you're drinking your protein and taking your vitamins. Why can't you get more in? Stuck? Full? Not hungry? Your body will pretty much shut down if you starve it. It goes into survival mode which means it's conserving energy that might make your feel better? Maybe you should be adding 2% milk to your shakes?? I'm probably lousy at this since I've never had a problem eating. I eat less but not as little as 500/calories a day. tmf
  10. 2muchfun


    I agree with Destynee. Call the doc and explain the situation tomorrow. A quick visit to your doctor is much cheaper than a visit to the ER. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    So Confused

    Doctors are real people too. They have their favorites. Ford, Chevy, Toyota?? Lapband, sleeve, bypass? In his practice maybe he's had a couple of bands not go well and has one or more sleeves that worked out well. Too bad he's not a better communicator?? He could tell you why he believes the way he does. tmf
  12. If your doctor requires you to drink Protein that is OK, but at this stage you should be getting your protein from chicken, fish, beef, lean meats not processed. shakes are a slider food and you will feel hungry after drinking one. Foods like meats and veggies fill that upper pouch and seem to create that effect that stimulates the vagus nerve giving you the satiation sensation? You probably already know this but for those who are new and don't know, Protein Shakes or any liquid will not satisfy most of us. Solid foods work best with the band if you seek satiation(again, for most of us). tmf
  13. There could be several reasons for your problem. 1. Yes, could be a leak? 2. You may get swollen from the fill which creates a much tighter stoma. Then the swelling/edema goes away leaving you with less restriction. 3. We've had many posters here who have similar experiences but as time goes along they confess they're eating lasagna, chinese food, hamburger helper and other slider foods. Not saying you do this but what are you eating? 4. Fat surrounding your stomach may squeeze away or slip away leaving the band with less to push against. The result is less restriction. Your doctor should know and there's no harm in asking for a visit sooner than 2 weeks? tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Ive Had 2 Fills And Feel No Different

    You got it right. You're in bandster hell. Took me 3 fills to find some minor restriction and 6 fills to get to the green zone. Like our friend B-52 said, "Until there's restriction, it's just another diet". Ask for another fill and also speak to the nutritionist? Destynee is right, eating the right way with the band will help you find restriction. Slider foods won't. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Feeling Discouraged!

    I think your friend is lousy with math. Pay no attention to mathematically impaired people. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Almost 3 Weeks Out And I Feel Wonderful!!!

    You should copy and save your post from today. In the future you will see many newbies posting how discouraged they are and are so concerned they have done the wrong thing to be banded. Your words will provide some guidance and validation to many that they are on the right track and that they just need to stay the course. Congrats. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Drinking While Eating

    I'd have to say it's mostly incorrect. The author is a bypass patient and his knowledge of lapband surgery seems to be what he's heard. In fact, it's the same BS I heard before I had surgery. Maybe this was the story back in 2009 but seems as though the story or theory behind the band efficacy has moved some? Bob P(youtube author) seems to believe that we carry around a half cup or so of food in our pouch and that is what makes us feel full? He's right if that were the case but we now know that the pouch is simply a staging area for the food to pass through in one minute or less. Filling the pouch is not what satiates us. It's the rhythm of the pouch massaging the food through the band that is supposed to give us that satiated feeling. At least that's what the story is this year? But, no, we aren't supposed to carry around food above the band for a couple of hours. Drinking while eating is a subject best left to each of us but only after we have become one with our band and have this symbiotic relationship that so many have found. Until we understand and can wisely use our tool should we deviate from our doctor's pre-programmed plan. jmo tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Why No Snacking?

    I don't see why? I recall that eating small meals all day long was a method to increase or maintain one's metabolism? If you enjoy being uncomfortable due to hunger I guess it would be acceptable but I wouldn't want to live like that again. I tried it before surgery for years and it never worked. I'm sure it works for some people but those are folks who seem to consistently have a handle on their intake. Most of us lost that ability to not overeat long ago. I remember eating several meals a day and it got to the point I was living for my next meal. All I could think about was what my next meal would be? That's a lot of work and time consumed planning, making and eating all day. Why not eat 3 meals a day and simplify your life? Eating to live is more important than living to eat for me now. One thing you will take away from this experience will be that to be succesful with the band, you will find your own way. And that could be eating 5 times a day. If it works, go for it. We all have adapted and modified our lives to make this band work. You will too. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Why No Snacking?

    Spreading out your meals as you state can temporarily help people lose weight but that's for the non WLS dieter. We're not on a diet although some still treat it that way. It's way too easy to go beyond snacking or eating just 250 calories. That's why they ask us to seek satiation. The lapband technique is to become satiated with 3 meals a day. If you limit your intake to 250 calories/meal you probably won't be satisfied and will require the snack. This is basic training for all of us. We all have to strive to find that balance where we can eat a healthy meal and feel like we don't have to eat again in 2 hours. I confess to snacking some days but it's usually an apple, pear or pickle. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    Needing A Bit Of Encouragement

    You deserve this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrM7Fu19vDc
  21. 2muchfun

    Drinking While Eating

    Well, there always has to be at least one contrarian in every thread so here goes. Go to about 6:30 minutes into this video. I'd recommend you watch all 4 videos. But, you should follow your doctors orders. Maybe 6 months out when you are one with the band you might want to experiment with drinking while eating but in the beginning, follow your doctor's orders. I did and it didn't seem to be that difficult. Remember, 6:30 into the video and on:
  22. How many CC's are in your band is irrelevent. Think about your stomach near the top. This is where the band is wrapped around. Everyone's stomach is shaped differently. Every stomach has a different depth of lining and fat surrounding it. Surgeons may place the band higher or lower on your stomach and the shape of your stomach plays a part as to where the band is placed. It's more an art than science. So, if my stomach is thin near the top and I have little fat surrounding my stomach and the lining is thin, it will take many more CC's to close my band than some others. Hope this helps? tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    In Extreme Pain

    You need to fill in your profile or offer more information if you want advice/help? tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    First Thanksgiving With My Band

    I'm 11 months, 20 days out from surgery. Not nervous at all. Having prime rib and all the other regular stuff. The band won't let me eat too much. But, I'm going to enjoy what I can eat and I'll make sure I divvy it around so I get a taste of it all. If I gain a few lbs, it's just Fluid retention. It'll come off in a few days. No reason to give up living at this point. tmf
  25. Yams/sweet potatoes should be OK as well as mashed potatoes and gravy. I wouldn't recommend turkey at all. Too dry and you cannot afford to have a stuck episode or throw up session so soon after surgery. You could jeopardize the sutures holding the band in place at this point. No bread at all. It takes many months to learn how to chew properly and it's so easy to be distracted and shove a forkfull of dressing in your piehole. If you do eat anything solid, include a spoonful of gravy to help it slide down. pumpkin pie should be OK in small quantities. There will be more Thanksgivings. It's not your last shot at great food. tmf

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
