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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Lap band question

    Many employers block access to bariatric surgery but I don't understand the police comment? What do the police have to do with WLS? If your insurance plan has no bariatric provision you will have to pay for it yourself. Sorry. tmf
  2. 2muchfun


    Your two statements seem to contradict each other? One you say you have a probelm taking anything and the other you can eat anything and never get full? I'm confused too? tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Fills Post-Green Zone and Encouragement

    IMO, no it doesn't. Satiety is achieved by the stomach massaging food through the stoma and into the lower stomach. This squeeze places pressure against the lining of the stomach where there are nerves that send a signal to your brain that you've eaten enough. Or, that's the theory this year. Water will pass right through the band into the lower stomach and be absorbed or pass through the lower sphincter into your small intestines. tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Fills Post-Green Zone and Encouragement

    Do what your doctor tells you to do. But, there are several schools of thought on this subject. I sip and many Aussie's also sip. I'm not an Aussie but the doctors in Australia seem to have a different take on the drinking while eating issue. There has been at least one study that says sipping one minute after a bit is OK. But, again, do what your doctor tells you to do. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    I just wanna cry

    Plagiarized from an unknown forum member or contributor: "The jealous competitor. – Don’t be jealous of others. Jealousy is the art of counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own. Stop comparing your journey with everyone else’s. Your journey is YOUR journey, NOT a competition. You are in competition with one person and one person only – yourself. You are competing to be the best you can be. If you want to measure your progress, compare yourself to who you were yesterday" tmf
  6. Why would you feel like a failure? You've lost 10 lbs in one month. That's super. I'm sure you had to go to some nutrition classes right? Look at your notes or manual and follow it? Or, schedule an appt with the dietician. You can eat whatever you want but I'd suggest you eat healthy. 4 oz Protein first and then veggies 2nd. Your Dr is right. You're Helen Keller right now and you need to experiment with healthy food choices that help you stay satisfied. tmf
  7. I could eat everything up to my 5th fill. I could feel restriction or mild stuck episodes from #3-4 but it was #5 that got me up to the greenish/yellow zone. #6 put me over the top. Like a fool I went back and had some taken out 2 months later. Now I have to have it put back in. Mainly because I finally figured out how to eat right. I bounce around the green zone daily. tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    New Year Goals

    Same ole, same ole. Try to stay in shape till summer comes, get a fill on Jan 11th, get back in the groove again. Might even shoot for a long bike ride with the "Ride the Rockies" bike event this coming summer. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Help! Lap-Band YouTube Video

    Just be aware that your doctor's wishes may not coincide with Dr O'Brien's? You should always go back and look at your post op surgery instructions from your doctor. tmf
  10. Happens to most of us. Normal. Could take you as many as 6 fills to get to the green zone. No worries. tmf
  11. Gaining weight before you get a fill or several fills is quite common. Until you get some restriction and begin to feel satisfied with less food you are basically still on a diet. It's also easy to gain 2-5 lbs from just retaining fluids. Most of the weight we lose in the first few weeks is only Water anyway. Some patients can lose 30-40 lbs of water in just a few short weeks, so it's understandable how they can retain a few over a high sodium/high carb intake weekend. tmf
  12. Stuck episodes will continue until you re-learn how to eat with the band. As you know, eating fast, eating while distracted, big bites and not chewing enough means the bolus of food that enters your stoma may be too much for it to handle. As you consume more food(and don't follow rules) this begins to stretch your stoma. i.e. stuck episode begins until the food is massaged through the band. I still have a stuck episode at least once a week. But, when I look at how fast others eat and how large they eat, I know I've slowed down and I know my bites are smaller. Still, sometimes it's just not slow enough or small enough. Bands are tempermental. Mine seems to have a mind of her own. I can eat chicken, rice most anything most of the time. But, some days, she just decides she isn't going to cooperate. Not today and maybe not tomorrow either. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    Fills Post-Green Zone and Encouragement

    Great responses! Don't dwell on the CC's in your band. Like Missy said, it's irrelevent. Here's why: Every stomach is shaped a little different. Every stomach lining has a different thickness. Every stomach has a different layer of fat surrounding it. Doctors try to place the band in the right place but the further away from the esophogus, the bigger the stomach will be at that point. So, some bandsters need no fills at all and some need all they can get. Each of us are different. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Down in the dumps

    Time for a good slap? As you wish:
  15. 2muchfun

    Band still on?

    First, were you instructed by your doctor to drink your meals/shakes? You should be off the liquid diet by now if you received a fill? And yes, it's very normal. You shouldn't be looking for that full feeling. That's the feeling we all are running away from. You should look for a satisfied feeling. One where you feel like you can stop eating and be satisfied? Most of us have received several fills on our way to the sweet spot or "Green Zone". This happened for me after 6 fills. For others, it could be much less or a few more. I too felt like I could eat anything the first 4 months after being banded. Your band is there, it's just that the band has not been inflated enough to give you enough restriction to slow the food traveling through the stoma yet. Most doctors like to take their time getting to the green zone. Once you start to feel restriction, if you don't follow the rules(slower eating, small bites, big chews) you will feel the restriction in the form of small stuck episodes. Unless you are one of the lucky ones and the 1/2 cup of food satisfies your appetite? Good luck. Sounds like you are doing well. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Help! Lap-Band YouTube Video

    As you wish: Part 1 part 2 Part 3 Part 4
  17. This is a hot topic that has been discussed here many times. Dr. O'Brien(AUS) also has a video discussing this. Video #3 discusses the drinking issue. All 4 videos are very informative. I was banded before I saw the videos and before drinking and eating were acceptable(to some). So, I drank a lot in-between meals and before meals, so I didn't miss the fluids. Now(in the green zone), I'll sometimes have a glass of wine or a beer with my weekend meals. Drinking with a meal or not drinking with a meal doesn't seem to effect my band either way. But, this will be something you will have to tackle and experience on your own as some patients don't do well with drinking and eating. Especially before you find your green zone you should make every effort to not drink and eat. jmo tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Venting Session

    Lannah, You appear to be one of those who likes to stir the pot? Take 3 days off and come back and re-read your post. Hypocrisy abounds!
  19. 2muchfun

    Venting Session

    I guess you can count this post as one of your "hated" posts. If you plan on posting to any forum asking for advice, you sure well better expect to get it. If you expect people are going to tiptoe around your hypersensitivities, expect to be disappointed. tmf
  20. 2muchfun


    That's a tough one to advise on. Every insurance plan is going to be different so it's impossible to know? And even every insurance plan within a insurance company will vary, so no way to tell. And taking it one step further, insurance plans for BCBS(for example) can vary from employer to employer depending on what that employer allows to be included within the plan. Go fish? tmf
  21. You should fill in your profile so we can advise you better? Have no idea where you are in your journey? tmf
  22. I don't do anything except try not to do the same stupid thing again for a few days. Stuck this morning again. Slow down tmf, slow down. tmf
  23. If you are new to this, stretching your pouch can only be done by eating too fast, too much and not chewing. You will be having a major stuck episode and the pain would be excruciating. Stretching your pouch usually takes weeks and months of disobeying the rules. If you are new to this, you probably do not have any restriction and your portal is wide open. I could eat anything I wanted the first 3 months. And sometimes I did. But the food passes through the portal into your lower stomach, not stretching your pouch. tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Back again

    Tara is right. The foods that don't allow your band to do it's job need to be thrown out and definitely don't buy more. I know how easy it is to eat lots of slider foods but come 2013, don't do it. tmf
  25. 2muchfun

    Gaining weight?

    Your post is very common mainly because almost every one of us has had the same experience 6 weeks or more into this journey. Seems like most all had selective hearing when we went through the seminars, research and nutrition meetings? I know I did. I really thought I'd immediatly start losing weight and feel satisfied with a small meal. HA! Not a chance. Some are lucky and it does work that way but for most, not! I was banded a little over a year ago(11/28/11). I lost 12 lbs the first two weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. Then I got my 3rd fill and met with my nutritionist. The weight began to fall off after that. Relax, what you are experiencing is very normal and has happened to most of us. Seems like I was hungrier after the surgery than ever before. But, I was a good boy and ate healthy foods, but maybe not the 1/2 cup I was told to eat. Try to eat the band way as much as possible. I know it's very hard and none of us wanted to go back on a diet immediately after surgery. You'll be in "bandster hell" until you get the fill that gives you enough restriction for the band to work it's magic. That may be 1 fill or 6. No one knows. Till then, like our esteemed forum member B-52 says, " "Until there's restriction...It's just another diet" tmf

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