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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    fill procedure

    Seems like the patients with the most to lose seem to have problems with the port roaming around getting lost within the layers of fat. If you're only 184 it should be like a baby pinch and it's over.
  2. If you're having doubts, you might want to explore utilizing a regular diet before taking the big plunge. I know I can probably speak for most everyone when I say that I knew for a fact that dieting would never work for me as it once did. I'd finally reached that point in my life where I was too old to run 5 miles a day and still go to aerobics class that night. My metabolism had slowed enough that I could maintain a BMI of 40 but no less. I had no other choice and I knew it. No doubt in my mind. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Band emptied - starting to gain......yikes

    One of the band forum members was having reflux and esophageal problems. Turned out that her surgeon placed the band around her esophagus and not her stomach. You might IM her? Bandarella She seems to know a lot about this subject!
  4. 2muchfun

    Advice please

    A small fill may not take you right to the green zone but many of us nibbled our way there. Tweaking is definitely a part of the process.
  5. 2muchfun

    Band emptied - starting to gain......yikes

    Just my opinion. No it won't. Seems like most of the folks who complain of reflux have tighter bands. Crap, hate to hear stories like yours. Hope you get it straightened out? Does your doctor think it will go away with a fill? I guess that would be the next step and if that doesn't work empty the band or remove it altogether?
  6. 2muchfun

    Band emptied - starting to gain......yikes

    Did you have reflux before being banded?
  7. 2muchfun

    Weight loss

    You need to lower your expectations! We don't lose weight every day, week or month. If you're weighing yourself every day and expect the scale to go lower, stop weighing yourself. We can all gain or lose 5 lbs of excess fluids in one day. Think about it. How many oz of Water and or fluids do you drink a day. 64 is usually conservative. That's 4 lbs right there. Sure you may pee most of it out or sweat it off but TOM, stress, sodium, illness and exercise induced inflammation can all cause you to retain a lot of that. Here's an article that explains the scientific reasons why most of us plateaued 2-4 weeks after surgery. And, I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months so I know of what I speak! Sorry, but you are so normal and that's good. http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html#.UqP7uBLn-Uk tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    Lap-Band Lawsuit

    What lap band lawsuit?
  9. For me it was about 4 months but there were extenuating circumstances. Haven't you already met with a surgeon? Usually they're involved with the insurance and they can be on top of this. But you should be able to meet with the surgeon soon after your last nut visit. Sometimes there's other doctors involved, like cardiologists for an ekg and psych evals. So, it's difficult to say without knowing all your insurance demands?
  10. 2muchfun

    Restart after pregnancy!

    What's the rush? Slow down. I've been working on this for nearly 3 years and still have 25 to go. Been at this level for nearly 2 years but it's all good. Eat healthy foods till you get that level of satiety you need. Are you sure it's physical hunger and not mental hunger? One way to remember the diff for me was to go on the 5:2 fast diet. Fasting for just a few hours reminded me what true physical hunger was. So now when those mental eating demons come along I know the diff.
  11. 2muchfun

    Full Liquids?

    I lived off of egg drop soup for a few weeks. And like Bandista I consumed lots of creamy soups. Progresso has a couple of tomato soups that are awesome too. Throw some bananas and Peanut Butter with ice chips in your shakes for a change? Makes a great ice cream smoothy. tmf
  12. Hard to believe you're that girl on the park bench!! You're definitely an inspiration to many. Bet that sounds good huh? tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    THC in my system?

    Well, in this state, I'd say you're pretty safe.
  14. I could make this into a topic on the "Rant and Rave" forum I never really get mad at my wife but sometimes I get my heart set on eating some leftover food only to find she's gobbled it up. Wasn't so bad before I started fasting but now I'm like totally starving by 6 pm and BAM, where the H### is that tenderloin steak I partially ate 3 nites ago. "Oh, that little chunk of heaven, I took it to work for lunch" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
  15. I'm gonna have to try those grilled nuggets.
  16. 2muchfun

    Slipped and Sliding Out of Control

    I've modified Varady's program to fit me. It's a 4:3 diet for me. I fast on Mon, Wed, Fri. I don't eat Breakfast but I do have a shake around 2 pm and a light dinner around 6 pm. Most folks on the 5:2 diet have a small breakfast and a 400-500 cal dinner on Mon and Thurs. I chose to do it 3 days a week so that I have some conformity for every week. Alternating days would mean that every week there would be a different fasting day and I really don't want to compromise weekends. Here's the Varady long version of the interview. I understand the book isn't much different unless you want some recipes? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAcY8p-yBxA&feature=youtu.be
  17. 2muchfun

    Advice please

    Just a recommendation? Consume more natural Protein like ham, seafood, hamburger, turkey sausage, omelets, steak(tenderloin goes down easiest). shakes are a slider food and give very little in the way of satiety. Likewise with salads, tuna salads and even egg salad. It's the solid foods that seem to trigger the valgus nerve giving you that early and sustained sense of satiety. Don't treat this like it's a diet. Eat normal foods. I still eat a couple slices of bacon each week. I enjoy turkey sausage crumbles on my egg omelets. I have regular egg omelets and egg beater omelets when I want to get serious. For lunch I'll have oroweat flatbread with a couple slices of mesquite smoked turkey and/or ham with a slice of cheese. It's still only 300 cals. If you treat this like it's a diet, you're going to feel deprived just like we did on all other diets we tried over the years. Yes, you may lose an extra lb or two each month if you diet, but you're going to feel deprived and unsatisfied which can lead to giving up or bingeing? Let the band work for you. It's a tool, not a nanny. Of course this is just my opinion and I'm still about 23 lbs from goal but I'm enjoying the trip so far. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Starting 5:2 and no scale this week

    JW(justwatch), Interesting method. Your fast actually starts after lunch. If you finish lunch at around 1 pm, and don't eat until Breakfast the following day, you will have gone about 18 hrs with no calorie contained food. I'll be watching your progress. I too go about 18 hrs on my fasts but I fast from dinner on Sunday to a 2 pm shake on Monday and then a 500 cal dinner. It might be helpful to mix up my current routine to see if I can jog some extra lbs out of this experiment. Next week I'm going to try your method one or two of my 3 days of fasting. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Starting 5:2 and no scale this week

    I had a continuing ed class all day yesterday and for breakfast it was bagels/cream cheese and pizza for lunch. I caved. So, today's my fast day too. Anyone ever notice on those days where we eat lots of processed flours, sugars like bagels and pizza dough, I can't turn it off? Me too on the late night grazing. For me, those processed foods including potatoes and white rice only make me want more as the day goes along. Thank Gawd these CE classes are only once a year. tmf
  20. I'm not sure what you're asking? Don't know what state or country you're from so I'm not familiar with any online registration? You might want to go to a PC and fill in your profile? Here in the states we usually just call the Surgeon's office and make an appointment for a consult? The office people will direct you to what happens next? It's not going to be the same for every doctor. They all have different protocols and I've never heard of a waiting list? Call them, don't wait. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Weight loss time

    This is a joke right? Not happy with 6 lbs a week?
  22. Wonder what a Subway salad with double meat costs? They also have a lite version of their Italian vinaigrette.
  23. Could be gas pain or even pancreatitis? Best to ask your PCP or surgeon?
  24. 2muchfun

    Slipped and Sliding Out of Control

    During my Bandster hell phase 2.5 years ago I kept the eating demons at bay by trying to eat very healthy foods and stayed away from processed foods as much as possible. Here's a link to a thread where we're all trying to use the 5:2 fast diet. Wish I would have known about this before or right after my surgery and I would have tried it. But it's worth checking out. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/318937-starting-52-and-no-scale-this-week/
  25. Someone said that Chick-Filet has some great soups, especially the tortilla chicken?

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