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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun


    Cassandra James is not a health care professional and knows nothing about the lap band. She's one of those typical naysayers who will call you lazy(it's in her article) for using surgery to lose weight. I'm glad you posted this because this is an illustration of the ignorance of people who know nothing about the struggles the obese must suffer. Virtually nothing in this articlel is true. Do you think for one second that surgeons would use this technique if 60% of the patients would fail. The malpractice insurance to cover so many claims would be overwhelming. tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    10 days and counting

    I'm sure you're looking at the old study of the Allergan band from 94-97 and only includes 82 patients from the very beginning of it's inception. Here's a much more recent study that includes nearly 3000 patients using newer bands with better technology. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00464-009-0858-8
  3. 2muchfun

    10 days and counting

    Please post a link to this research you speak of? tmf
  4. 2muchfun


    Can you post the link to this "research"? There are some disparaging studies around that only use patients/cases from the mid 90's when the band was first introduced. Many revisions to the band have taken place over the last decade. I've also done much research and I've never seen any studies that suggested the band is only good for 10 years? But, if it is only good for 10 years or even less, I'm good with that. Better to be healthy for 10 years than die in less than that time. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    Foods that cause problems

    For me, no food is a problem as long as I follow the rules. Dry chicken can be problematic if I eat too big or too fast but if I eat a tiny bit, chew to mush and wait a minute between bites, all is well. But, why live like that? So I seldom ever have to eat foods like this unless I happen to be eating out and get stuck with Shitty food like this. For me, following the rules all the time is a problem. I seem to be easily distracted. TV, conversations, extremely hungry can all cause me to eat too much too fast.
  6. 2muchfun


    Not everyone has gas pain. I had a minor case but I think some people also have a low threshold to pain. For me the surgery was a piece of cake except it took me a week to recover from the trauma of all the meds, anesthesia, anti biotics and fluids pumped into my body. I felt as though I was drugged for a week even though I didn't take any meds or drugs post surgery. tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    Real Hunger vs. Head Hunger

    One more thing. I have no children at home so I've been able to stock my shelves with nutritious food(in lieu of fruit loops, ho hos, PB&J) if I do make a mistake and snack. Do not have chips, crackers, sugary treats, white bread, ice cream just sitting around where you can be tempted. I try not to have any of these items just sitting around where they are easily accessible. Instead, I have fresh fruit, jerkey, walnuts, low fat cheese sticks and pickles because sometimes the last meal does not last till the next full meal. tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    Real Hunger vs. Head Hunger

    It's taken me over a year to figure that one out. I still find myself in the kitchen with a handful of nuts or an apple chewing away and realize I'm not really hungry, I just like food. Some people are emotional eaters, some have disorders or addictions to sugar. I just love the taste of food. And my waistline shows it. The last couple of months I've been able to think before I eat much more than before. I stop, I listen(is it empty) to my stomach. If it's just me wanting to chew on something I drink some Water or some water with MIO in it and return to work. I'm not always successful but I'm seeing progress. It doesn't come overnight for many of us. "When a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it." Michelle May
  9. 2muchfun

    Body rejecting my lapband

    Here's the cynic in me. Follow the money. Your new surgeon is not a non-partisan participant in this discussion. He may be telling you what you want to hear? tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    Stuck or not?

    So you have corn kernels in your throat? I have no experience with anything hanging around in my throat so I can't answer that? Seems like a good swig of Water should wash it all down? tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Stuck or not?

    What is corn skin?
  12. 2muchfun

    Stuck or not?

    My stuck feeling is a feeling of pressure right around where the sternum is. Feels like a golf ball sized balloon has infllated. Most stuck episodes last about 30-45 minutes for me and then they are behind me. Once the episode begins, I can't eat or drink anything until the pressure subsides. It's usually not painful, just uncomfortable. But on occasion, it creeps up on being very close to painful, but only for a few minutes. Some people experience some swelling from these episodes. This would increase the chances of getting stuck on even smaller amounts of food or even Water if their band is tight. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    Had surgery 2-18-13

    What have you been eating that you would need enzymes and tenderizer? Vomiting can cause your band to slip and at the very least, cause edema around the band. This swelling can shut down the flow of everything and you need to call your doctor. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Advise After Revision!!

    I'm sure your doc gave you post op instructions? The nurses in the hospital usually give you written orders? If you have a new band, you're starting from scratch and I would think you're on Clear liquids for however long your doc prescribes and then pureed and onto soft foods maybe 3 weeks down the road. The new band has to settle in, swelling from the sutures and then the sutures must heal so I would follow the same routine as when you were originally banded. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Please help!!

    it's like chicken broth boiled and then you add an egg and stir. Chinese food. http://www.soupsonline.com/p-1485-egg-drop-soup-mix.aspx
  16. 2muchfun

    Mexican Food???

    Taco salad or many have fajita salads too. I've seen some stuffed pablanos on some menus too. I also agree that Mexican restaurants are one of the hardest for me to visit since chips have always been my achilles heel. The carne asada is another meat dish you can enjoy without the tortilla of course. It's bathed in a sauce so it's usually not dry and shouldn't get stuck. And if you do fall off the wagon, don't beat yourself up. It's just one day in several thousands of days and it only takes a couple of days to recoup any ground you may have lost. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Please help!!

    Egg drop Soup was one of my favs. There are some great mixes in the asian food isle at most grocery stores. Just add one egg. The Protein is filling and seemed to help me over a couple of the hungry days. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Weight stuck :(

    47 divided by 5 = over 9 lbs a month? What did you expect? 9 lbs a month is incredible? I'd love to have your results and most would. If you're in a plateau, how long at 230#? Plateau's are common and may last weeks or a few months. No reason to throw the towel in that I can see? tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Eating disorder

    So true! Hydration is so important with stones. Water keeps the kidneys busy and doesn't give calcium an opportunity to build up.
  20. Reading this forum is one of the best teachers you will find. Stay tuned and chime in.
  21. 2muchfun

    Question about Vomitting

    The barium swallow was for them to make sure the band was still positioned properly. You're probably fine. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Slipped band!

    Throwing up is the worst thing you can do the first few weeks. What did he try to eat on Thursday that caused the vomiting?
  23. 2muchfun

    I don't quite get it

    Your stomach is the same size. It's not smaller.
  24. 2muchfun

    Full liquid diet question

    One cup may not be enough but you don't want to go guzzling 3-4 cups of anything all in one sitting. That's putting a lot of pressure on your stomach to stretch to accommodate so much Fluid. Try to stretch it out over time. I think I consumed about 16 ozs at a time and that was enough to satisfy my appetite for a few hours. tmf
  25. I think they forget to tell people. My doc hasn't told me what to eat since my first fill. In fact, I asked him on my 6th fill and he just said "nah, just don't eat a big steak or anything like that".

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