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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    I am ashamed...

    I don't. Why? Because we're all ready to do this when the time is right for us. Society, culture all around us tells us that we can do this on our own and we're just lazy. Just read Cassandra James article below? The point is, you're doing something about it now. I see obese people everywhere. I can see that most of them aren't trying and I want to shake them into knowing what I know now. But we can't do that. No, never. But then you see the guy or gal in the gym or on the walking/biking path and they're making an effort to get in shape. I love to see that. I respect and admire those people just like I'm proud of myself for doing this. You have people around you who admire what you've done. Soak it in. Embrace it and love the new you. Sorry to be so sappy but I was overwhelmed for a minute there http://voices.yahoo.com/why-not-adjustable-gastric-band-6696774.html?cat=51 Cass James
  2. 2muchfun

    What does 'full' feel like for you?

    Unfortunately, it can take months and maybe years to finally get in touch with your needs and cravings. Is it a craving or is it really hunger? Took me over a year to figure that one out. I actually have to physically stop, and try to get in touch with my stomach to determine if my stomach is empty and my body is asking for food, or is it my head saying put something in your mouth, anything, but preferably something with cheese and/or bacon on it? That's when I know! When a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it...Dr. Michelle May
  3. 2muchfun

    Tighter Isn't Always Better

    You know, there's a couple of generations of bandsters who were told they could eat anything on the band as long as the band would allow it. They're not going to like what you just said? I see it often where people claim that the reason they got the band was that it would keep them from eating too much or eating the wrong things. We all try to re-educate of course. But, did they hear that from a professional or was it some off the cuff remark made by someone on a forum somewhere? Probably both? Anyway, I couldn't agree more. I find myself opting for soft calories when we go out so that I don't get stuck. Not a lot of fun sitting at a table with 8 people while everyone is gobbling and I can't even sip my Water. tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Sugar free products

    Don't know what Farina is? My take is you can have equal, saccharin, stevia and most all no calories sweeteners. At this time it sounds like your doc wants you on a low carb diet and sugar is mostly carbs. Sweeteners are not. Not to say that artificial sweeteners are good for you but then neither are simple sugars. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    3 Months today!

    I started at 225 and went down to 213 in two weeks and stayed there for 4 months before my 4th fill gave me enough restriction to eat much less. In between those 4 months I cleared the house of most non nutritious foods and ate very healthy. I ate more than I do now. Usually around 1600-1800 calories a day. I've never liked that deprived feeling when we diet so I just filled up on good foods. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    My band slipped up??

    I read one post a month or so ago of someone whose band slipped up. They call it something different? I don't recall what that was. "Esophogeal something?" It can happen for many reasons. Vomitting is a big reason. Poor band placement or attachment etc. tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    Several Issues - Need Advice

    Janice, you should start your own thread if you want feedback? This is an old thread and very few people will see it. What you've done is called hi-jacking. Sounds awful but I think we're all guilty of doing this occasionally. Many people will un-follow a thread after a few weeks so that they are not bombarded by notifications. Hi-Jacking means that you've taken the original topic in your own direction. I know you didn't mean to do this so I'm just offering you some advice. You'll get more feedback and help if you start a new thread with your own topic. tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    A Quarter Ton GONE!

    LOL..I don't mean any disprespect to Kathy who has accomplished a HUGE victory, I was really hoping to see a bandster who had lost 500 lbs. She'd be the poster child for this and every lapband forum on the net. Again Kathy, HUGE SUCCESS and you are such an inspiration. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Just not loosing anything

    "so FORGIVE ME for needing for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE some compassion and support" You have a very odd way of seeking compassion and support. A little more humility and understanding would go a long ways. tmf
  10. Michelle May is a great resource for folks who eat when they may not be hungry. I like this quote from Dr May and it fits most of us who find it hard to differentiate between being really hungry or just wanting to eat for reasons like boredom, stress or just because we love the taste and feeling of food in our mouths. "When a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it." It's taken me over a year to be able to tell the difference between the two and it's still a struggle. I often find myself in the kitchen with a handful of nuts chewing away, and not because I'm hungry, because I'm not. Just because I like that feeling of food and the taste. So, I've been able to keep nutritious and low calorie foods readily available in case I have one of these mindless events. Two years ago I would have slapped 2-4 tortillas in the microwave filled with cheese and consume them in 10 minutes. Not anymore. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Just not loosing anything

    Ah yes. I recall my first meltdown! It was about 3.5 months after being banded and no weight loss for the last 3 months. I didn't want the band out but I remember being very disappointed and wondering WTF did I get this thing for. So Betsy, don't be a Veruca, be a Charlie. Or, just be fat. Your choice. BTW-Many, if not most of us, also experienced wild weight fluctuations the first few months until we became one with the band. Good luck with that insurance request. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    Feeling blue

    How long have you been at a plateau?
  13. 2muchfun

    7 months now

    Do you mean PB'ing or vomiting at every meal? Is this where your lower stomach is ejecting food you've eaten or are you just regurgitating stuck food? tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Binging & Head Hunger

    I was craving something sugary last night. I settled for a peeled apple(peeling is important, it keeps you busy and the peels won't clog the band). 90 calories later I was fine.
  15. 2muchfun

    A Quarter Ton GONE!

    Me. And I did it kindly.
  16. 2muchfun


    OK---STOP IT! tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Not losing weight

    Jerseyguy, you are so right but only if I were making a general comment directed to you the forum and wozzicat but since it was directed solely to wozzicat who has not lost weight so far, it's more than an educated guess that she's going to need fills to make the scale move. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Two steps forward and a HUGE step back

    Unfortunately, head hunger from cravings seldom go completely away. For me, I do feel less hungry between meals and don't really snack that much but I do sometimes grab an apple or handful of nuts between meals. The key is to remove as many low nutrition foods from your pantry as you can. If you do snack, then you're snacking on low calorie, high nutrition foods. But no one or no surgery or tool can block you from yourself. If you cook a pan of lasagna or a cake, you're just setting yourself up for failure. If you can add just one exercise like walking to your routine and keep the high nutrition foods around, maybe you can slowly get back on track? tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Not losing weight

    Many people do not lose in this phase. If you are exercising and eating less than 1200 calories you will begin to lose weight soon. But the band won't provide it's magic till you start getting fills. If you consume a lot of sodium you will retain Water so try to keep your sodium intake low. I know it's hard since you're probably not on solids yet and most mushies are loaded with salt. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    How many cups of food ? Confused :(

    All of the previous comments are right on but it looks like(your profile) you're probably in a maintenance mode at this time? You probably need about 1600-1800 calories a day to maintain your current weight. How many cups will depend a lot on what's in the cup? As long as you continue to make healthy food choices you should maintain your current weight. Just continue to eat till you're satisfied? If that's 2 cups of lasagna, yes, you may need a fill. If it's 2 cups of salad and lean chicken you should be fine. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    hungry 10 days out

    Yeah, I'm with Wildrose. I was in bandster hell for 4 months. Then I got my 4th fill and started to really feel some restriction. By my 6th fill I was in the green zone but then fell out and now I'm going back for another adjustment. It's a process and I need to stay the course and keep my eye on the prize.
  22. 2muchfun

    Denver Fills?

    BTW-If you just go to the top of this page and look for surgeons in Denver, his name and information will appear.
  23. 2muchfun

    Denver Fills?

    Most doctors do fills in their office which usually is not in a hospital. He removed a cyst from my wife's hand about 12 years ago and I believe his office was near Swedish. tmf
  24. 2muchfun


    Della, thanks so much for posting today. It's always good to squash these myths and rumors as soon as possible. You have made a great decision to make yourself healthy for the rest of your life and you are not lazy and you are not ignorant. Your research prior to this dishonest article should show that the band is not only safe but effective. Does it work for everyone, no it doesn't. "Pay attention to your dreams and not your fears" "A lie can travel half way around the earth before truth puts it's boots on". Mark Twain
  25. 2muchfun


    "If you have a choice of losing weight with diet and exercise (which most people do, if they're honest with themselves), or having a lap band fitted, think carefully, and choose the diet and exercise program before the 'quick fix' of an adjustable gastric band." Cassandra James So now we're also dishonest? "The Lap Band is the 'Lazy' Way To Lose Weight - Although most gastric band users say they've "tried everything" to lose weight, they really haven't. It's extremely rare for a person not to be able to lose weight with diet and exercise but, in today's 'quick fix' society, many would rather do what they think is the 'quick fix' of lap band surgery without realizing it's a life-changing surgery and often not for good reasons. Stop thinking about easy ways to get thinner, stop eating as much and start exercising. Almost everyone can do it. You can too." Cassandra James And Lazy?

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