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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Spaghetti Squash?

    I eat it but I never measure food. I can only eat about 3/4 cup of it. I spray a little "I can't believe it's not butter" on it and sprinkle some parmesan and seasonings. It's delish with salmon.
  2. 2muchfun


    Wow, congrats on the success. Sounds like you might be too tight, or like I said, you're not eating slow enough, small enough and not chewing enough. I know for me it took me 1 year and 1 month before I finally got it through my thick head to follow the rules I've seen hundreds of times.
  3. 2muchfun

    About to pay the deposit but...

    If it's that difficult you may not be ready. I know I tried every diet and failed at all of them and failed several times for each one. I gave up on diets. Maybe you should try another diet? For me it was easy. I knew I would never lose weight long term any other way and I was willing to take the gamble. Not much of a gamble when every other method failed. It was try this lapband thing since so many people have succeeded(my neighbor, my wife's co-worker)with. Why not me.? So, go on another diet where 95% fail? Don't go on a diet and remain where you are? Take a shot at a 80% sure thing and get healthy? Easy choice I believe? tmf
  4. 2muchfun


    You might want to borrow someone's puter and enter your data so we know what stage you're in? Maybe if you could just post your surgery date? It's hard to advise you without knowing if you're a newbie, had a fill, or what? Regurgitating is not recommended and a full blown vomit can cause your band to slip. PB'ing is normal but only occasionally. It sounds like you're not eating slow enough, taking smaller bites or not chewing enough? Most of us experience stuck episodes where we have to try to spit up(Product Burp PB) food that is backing up into our esophogus. But it should be rare. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    An "Interesting" Year (long, sorry)

    Great story and keep tuned here so you can relate to others who have been where you are and want to bail. You're an inspiration!
  6. 2muchfun


    No it's not. Please fill in your profile so we know more about you and can help you better?
  7. 2muchfun

    New to Forum

    Green zone is where just a little bit of food gives you the feeling of satiety for 4-5 hours after a meal.
  8. 2muchfun

    15 lbs in 6 days???

    Oh it is. But, it's mostly water loss at this point. But any weight loss is good in the beginning. Once you're able to exercise you can make sure it's not muscle loss. But just think about the fact you're not carrying arouind two gallons of water anymore. That's got to be good for your knees?
  9. If you are still taking pain meds, stop. Pain meds can cause your digestive system to shut down so that any fluids you take just sit and fill up your stomach.
  10. "My advice to you, start drinking heavily"...John Belushi---Animal House Water of course
  11. 2muchfun

    Uuhh Oohh

    If you are on a PC it is easier. Upper right hand side of this page, click on your name, click on my profile, click on edit my profile.
  12. 2muchfun

    New to Forum

    Welcome and we're here for you. Just a word of caution though. Some of us are rather blunt with our comments. For example: If you come here and state you're eating ice cream every night but still can't lose weight, expect to get your butt kicked
  13. 2muchfun

    Uuhh Oohh

    DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ADVICE! Neither one of you have filled in your profile so we don't know where you are in your journey? But if it's in the first 30 days or even if it's not, throwing up can cause your band to slip. PB'ing is OK, and maybe that's what she meant, but do not vomit or throw up. Vomiting causes your lower and upper stomachs to convulse and attempt to reject food. This violent episode can cause the sutures that hold your band in place to rip out. Your band can slip up or down. So, do not vomit. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    Looking for real Lap Band affects

    Just read the daily posts and search the forums.
  15. You left one off? Not at all. I could care less who wins or who plays and will turn the TV off for the next month. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Weight Gain

    This is going to take years and months to lose your excess weight. One or two weeks or even months of no weight loss can be expected and is very normal. This(lapband) is a math test for you. Not literally, but you have to burn more calories than you consume. You can expect to lose 2-8 lbs of fat a month and gaining or losing 3 lbs in one day is pure Water and not fat loss. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    About to pay the deposit but...

    Aint it the truth? I'm 1 yr 3 months out and I'm finally getting it down but still have my moments when I get too hungry or distracted and fall back into old habits. I'm sure there were similar posts on this site when I was banded but I completely missed the bandster hell comments and that it would take 3-4 months to find some kind of restriction. No regrets, but 4 months of BH for me was pure torture but now just an unpleasant memory.
  18. 2muchfun


    This entire forum is your mentor. Lean on us!
  19. 2muchfun

    About to pay the deposit but...

    So, if you're going to keep posting as if you were in my mind, I'm just going to stop posting and "Like" all of your comments It'll save me a lot of time tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    About to pay the deposit but...

    Unknown forum member comment: "In my case, the most fearful thing I had to do in order to succeed with my band wasn't switching to skim milk, surviving a liquid diet, or giving up bread. The most fearful thing was giving up my emotional attachment to food. In the nearly 5 years since I was banded, I've made a lot of progress with that, but the attachment is still there. It forms one of the innermost layers of my turtle shell. Working on that layer will probably be a lifetime job for me. At times I'm not even sure I truly want to get rid of it altogether. At times I'm afraid that if I shed my shell completely, I won't be able to survive. On the other hand, I seem to be doing fine without that thick old b***h layer. So I'm going to pay attention to my dreams rather than my fears and pray for a miracle. And why not? It can't hurt to try!"
  21. 2muchfun

    This looks delicious!

    I made it tonight and added a tuscan seasoning blend. It was awesome. Thanks, I like having recipe's like this.
  22. 2muchfun

    Financing FREAK OUT!

  23. 2muchfun


    Sure you do I do too but I do it cuz I love :wub: cheese :wub: :wub: :wub:
  24. 2muchfun

    Financing FREAK OUT!

    Home Equity Line of Credit? Rates are down around 3-6%.
  25. 2muchfun

    Not losing

    Some good advice here. I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. Then I got my 4th fill and a visit with my nutritionist did the trick. I highly recommend sitting down with a nut and also mixing up your diet, your exercising too. Try bumping up your caloric intake for a few days to trick your body out of a starvation mode. Then go back to low calories. You didn't say anything about satiety or restriction? tmf

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