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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Am I Too Tight?

    Many things can affect your stomach lining to cause a little inflammation. TOM, sodium, a stuck episode like you experienced, stress and medications? If you were right where you need to be, just a little nudge can make you too tight. Having said that, you may have been just a little too tight to begin with. Maybe fine for Soups and liquids but as you said, distraction may have caused you to eat too quickly causing a small stuck episode. Call your doctor in the morning and you might consider a very small unfill/adjustment? Good luck and no one is here to beat you up but you might want to use paragraphs, long posts like yours without a break are hard to read? tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    First Ride of the Year

    I went for an hour ride on Thursday. It snowed 8 inches here yesterday so it'll be a few days before I can go again. Do you use any fitness apps with your chest monitor? I use cyclemeter with my Polar H6 heart rate monitor. I use the cyclemeter for bike rides but if I work out indoors I use the polar app. See below: Finished Cycle: Mar 7, 2013, 3:22:26 PM Route: New Route Ride Link: http://cyclemeter.com/bade1aaf5530924c/Cycle-20130307-1424?r=e Import Link: http://share.abvio.com/bade1aaf5530924c/Cyclemeter-Cycle-20130307-1424.kml Ride Time: 56:58 Stopped Time: 1:20 Distance: 8.86 miles Average: 9.34 mph Fastest Speed: 18.59 mph Ascent: 111 feet Descent: 73 feet Calories: 800
  3. 2muchfun

    Getting stuck question

    Can you eat Soup of any kind? Slider foods? If not, you could be too tight?
  4. I'm like Mommycat, I lost 12 lbs the first two weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. I didn't start losing till my 4th fill. Most of the people who lose 30-40 lbs the first 6 weeks are overweight by 150-200 lbs and may only be 5' 4" tall. And most of the weight they lose is stored fluids. I too was starving so I ate a lot of healthy food so I didn't feel deprived. You will have to have a few fills before you get out of bandster hell. It's a difficult time but try to maintain as much as you can. Stay away from sugars, fat and processed flours. What you are going through is normal for someone your height and weight. tmf
  5. Bandster Hell is the time between your surgery and the fill that gives you enough restriction that you don't feel like you're starving between meals. This period can seem very intense and has been a time of frustration and is discouraging since we all want to get started on our journey. It can also be a time where we lose no weight or very little weight before the fill that launches satiety. Green Zone is where your band is helping you to feel satisfied with a cup of food and aren't hungry for 4-5 hours. The band doesn't prevent cravings. "When a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it"...Dr. Michelle May The first month can and will be different for everyone. I attended a support group and it did nothing for me. 1 year 3 months and I've lost 50 lbs and I'm very happy I did this. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    In the name of Captain Kirk

    Hazmat...no reason...for alarm...put phasers back....to stun...Kirk...out...Sulu....set course...for....planet..alergan. Ohuru...meet me...behind the transporters...Kirk out.
  7. Yes, it's been a topic before. The pad shrinks around your pubis making your johnson look bigger and allows more length.
  8. 2muchfun

    New here!

    Some people cannot let go of their addiction and even WLS can't change them. Only the patient can change their eating habits. Although it is true that WLS of any kind can fail the patient, it's my belief that the vast majority of failures are exactly what you described. Good post! tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    New here!

    Too bad there's no forum for the obese who didn't have WLS and are now room temperature? If only they could talk? The horror stories they could tell?
  10. 2muchfun

    New to the site but banded 2 years

    I can relate. I've been at a standstill since Aug-Sept 2012. Not following the rules completely even though I know what I need to do. I haven't really gained any weight back just because I'm still eating healthy. My wife is on this paleo/health food kick so that's helped me to maintain. I think it's important to stay away from buying and consuming foods that cheat the band's effect. Slider foods! It may have been a while since you visited with a nutritionist but I think you should consider a visit? Usually insurance will cover this and if not it's just $50 or so? Start eating healthy to begin with, add some exercise and make a commitment and short term goals. Good luck. tmf
  11. "25% of bands need to be removed per Allergan" Since you have a history of relying on anecdotal stats I'd like to see where this quote comes from? Please don't use the silly study from bands placed nearly 20 years ago? Dr. O'Brien's own study refutes your claim: "less than 7 percent of study participants who underwent surgery in 2006 or later needed a revision" http://www.lifeshape.net/blog/2013/02/study-demonstrates-the-long-term-benefit-of-laparoscopic-adjustable-gastric-banding/ http://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/Abstract/2008/07000/Comparing_Outcomes_of_Laparoscopic_Versus_Open.3.aspx What happens to the msmaui who posts valuable advice 95% of the time? This msmaui seems to lose touch with reality when she goes on her vendetta against the band? This msmaui relies on false assertions, negataive anecdotal information and unreliable studies to further her anti band agenda? What happens to the supportive and rational msmaui? tmf
  12. " Literally hundreds of posts are made by people monthly who are having band troubles and needing to revise" Literally hundreds of post made by a handful of people. You're playing fast and loose with the stats Maui. "Shouldn't these 75% have just had the sleeve to start with and avoided the risk, pain, scar tissue, aftercare and expense of a second surgery?" Of course they should have went with the sleeve but that would require some knowledge of forecasting the future and for most of us, that is not possible. And 75% of a handful of people doesn't even equate to literally thousands of people who went with the band and did not have a revision. You say 75% revise to the sleeve and are very pleased? What about the other 25%??? By your own admission there are 25% dissatisfied WLS patients who have no other options now that they have a sleeve? nearly 100% of band patients still have options. I.E. revisions to other WLS techniques or nothing at all. This is why so many choose the band. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    My success story

    That really sucks but great attitude! I often wonder the same thing? But I know the band helps me feel satisfied so much sooner than before. The head hunger always won out before being banded. Good luck. Have you thought about other options like sleeve, bypass? tmf
  14. This topic always amazes me on how many different strategies patients and doctors use? I believe what Dr. O'Brien has chronicled with his research. In a properly adjusted band, food remains in your pouch about 1 minute before it passes through the band to the lower stomach. Waiting one minute after you've swallowed and sipping Water or wine is perfectly acceptable to Dr. O'Brien, and other doctors are jumping on this bandwagon. Most do not and still adhere to the protocols that have been in place for a decade. I learned to eat with my band the old way so I seldom sip/drink while eating. And I also believe that many docs want to cling to the old ways for a good reason. Obese people have a very difficult time following the rules and having a glass of liquids nearby is too tempting to bite, chew, drink and swallow. This would wash the food through the band and would minimize peristalsis which is the muscular contractions that stimulate the vagus nerve which in turn gives us the feeling of satiety. Using less Fluid for newly banded patients seems like a reasonable request so that we can be more successful early on. jmo
  15. 2muchfun

    Ugh so discouraged!!

    I weigh myself every day, twice. That way, I know if what I'm eating is working for or against me. I can't imagine waiting a month or even a week just to find out I didn't lose any fat? If you know and understand how your body operates, there should be no reason to feel discouraged over a short plateau or a few lbs here or there. If I see the scale moving in the wrong direction, it's time to hit the gym or cut out something in my diet. tmf
  16. 2muchfun


    So, I went back to about a year ago when I was about 3 months into this lapband thing and here's one of my posts: "I have to post this and sorry if I sound like I'm whining but this process sucks. I've had 3 fills and still no weight loss. Just tried to set up a fill appointment and Chae(my doc) wants me to wait another 3 to 5 weeks before he gives me another. Bulllshit. It doesn't take 4-6 weeks for me to see and know that the fills I've received aren't working. I did feel a little more restriction with my last fill on Feb 24th. In fact, I've even had a blockage on a couple of occasions. Big bites and not chewing enough did it. If I chew well then I can still eat till my hearts content. I know that another fill will get me close to where I want to be and find it hard to just sit and bide my time. I'm tired of biding time and want to get this rocket off the pad." Yes, patience, patience, patience. There are some other whiney posts of mine I won't bore anyone with but I've/we've been there. tmf
  17. glad you posted, I forgot about this.
  18. 2muchfun

    Water while eating question!

    I edited it to the correct video. You're not drunk or anything
  19. 2muchfun

    Water while eating question!

    It's there, you didn't see it? jk-edited
  20. 2muchfun

    Calories vs Exercise

    When the weight loss slows you might want to ramp up the calories for a few days to trick your bodies metabolism into a higher gear. Sometimes our bodies will slow metabolism down if we're in or near a starvation mode. Terry Poperszky is one of the forum members and posted a great article on this very subject. Click on this link: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/166381-interesting-article-on-the-3500-calories-burned-equals-a-pound-of-fat-discussion/#entry1955439
  21. 2muchfun

    Ugh so discouraged!!

    You won't lose weight every day, every week or even every month. You can lose fat every day, week or month however if you keep your caloric intake lower than your burn rate and exercise. But daily or weekly struggles with stress, sodium, exercise, simple carbs, medications and TOM can make our bodies retain fluids that show up on the scale. There might be someone on this forum who will tell you that the journey to their goal never hit a bump in the road? I doubt it? Is there anyone here(banded one year or more) who has not hit a plateau for a week or more, please show us your hand? Hmmm? Looks like you're in good company! tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Water while eating question!

    Here's another take on drinking:
  23. 2muchfun

    Please help!

    Well, kudos for having the balls to come on a forum and confess your indiscretion. And you know you did wrong, just don't do it again. Otherwise we're all gonna have to really kick your butt BTW-You're going to have to grow a thicker skin if you want truthful responses here on this forum. We all want you to thrive and be successful and each of us will do it in a different way. Don't expect a Polyanna answer to every comment. tmf

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
