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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. A 2 week plateau is nothing. A 2 month plateau may be something to get excited about but it's very normal to go a month without losing. Especially if you exercise a lot. If you exercise you're replacing fat tissue with muscle tissue. So, you are losing weight, but the weight you lose is fat. We all lose a lot of excess retained fluids the first 6 weeks. After that it's mostly fat. New bandsters get accustomed to losing so much weight and think it's going to continue. HA! Not a chance. I went 3.5 months without losing and I know it's frustrating, but until you get some fills that help you eat even less and you exercise, you may not lose much and may even gain. BTW-Please fill in your profile so we know more about you and can advise you better? tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    1st Stuck Episode

    Think of your stoma(band area) as a sieve. If two or more pieces of food or solid Vitamins are flowing through at the same time, it's a logjam. You could have not chewed a large bite enough and combined with the vitamins you created a mixture that was too large to pass. You and I were banded about two weeks apart. It took me till January this year to finally figure out how to eat small and chew big enough. I always thought I knew, but I really didn't. It looks like you've done just fine without this last fill? Maybe you should have a little taken out if you were successful before? tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    1st fill down...

    Good luck. I didn't feel anything till my 3rd fill.
  4. 2muchfun

    Breakfast Ideas

    I don't do well with all the carbs or slider type foods. Egg Beater omelette with turkey sausage(or ham) and lite cheese. About 250 calories. Egg Beaters omelette with chicken, turkey, smoked salmon or ham with some veggies like brocolli or onions and red bell pepper? Sometimes a homemade egg mcmuffin with Oroweat flat bread, slice of deli ham. About 300 calories. Egg Beater breakfast burrito with turkey sausage, lite cheese, low carb tortilla. I also keep some very low fat seasoned and fried hamburger around and use it in place of sausage. Salsa of course. Sometimes I'll just have some deli sliced ham with an egg or skip the egg. I make a great crustless quiche with egg beater mixed with normal eggs. Eggs ingredients, veggies, turkey sausage, veggies cook for 60 mins at 350. It's real easy to make and makes up to 4 days of easy microwaveable leftovers. tmf
  5. First, feeling full is not the feeling you should be looking for? Feeling satisfied with less food is the goal. But, I feel full just as before if I overeat. In my stomach if I over indulge. I have never felt anything in my throat. When I get stuck, it's right under my diaphragm and it only takes 2 bites eaten too fast, too big or not chewed well enough for this to happen. Your pouch should only hold a few bites of food before it passes the food into your lower stomach. Just look at any body organ illustration and the stomach is well below your diaphragm. What you're feeling is quite odd and I have no explanation if your doctor has seen your stomach via fluoroscopy and is fine with what he sees? tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    Post op Day 3

    That was so long ago I don't recall? Maybe 2 weeks?
  7. 2muchfun

    Newbie Question

    Very few people would opt for no fill if they believe it's needed. Some people lose weight without a fill and reserve a fill as a last resort or their ace in the hole if it's needed. For the most part I think well over 60% of bandsters get fills if they need it. There is a population of bandsters who do not adjust to the lapband way of life and opt to not have a fill. Most of these patients fail. Some people are so addicted to food they can't let go of their dependency even if it's killing them?
  8. 2muchfun

    Rude awakening

    No pouch? I guess that's one way to look at it. Since there's no saline in your band food passes right on through so in reality you don't have a pouch till you start geting fills. Makes sense.
  9. 2muchfun

    How do you know when you're full?

    To be honest I don't recall anything like a full feeling in my chest after eating.
  10. 2muchfun

    How do you know when you're full?

    It's way too soon to be able to tell the difference imo. Your stomach is still healing and swollen as well as your abdomen. Knowing the difference between head hunger and being satisfied can take a long time. Took me over a year. Feeling full shouldn't be what you are looking for at all. This will be very cerebral as time goes along. Knowing if you're hungry and knowing it's just a craving is your mission now. And you shouldn't be concerned with any of this till your about 5-6 weeks out. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Rude awakening

    Since your body only needs about 1600-1800 calories to maintain, 1500 wouldn't make much of a dent but 10 lbs is very good.
  12. 2muchfun


    HiJack, not hack. Hi-Jack simply means that you took a topic off of it's original course. And it's really not a problem for me since I'm guilty of doing the same on occasion. I was only suggesting you start your own thread/topic so you receive more responses to your specific question. I'm not condemning you or your post, I'm tying to help you so you can be more successful. Don't go away, stay and just meander around till you become more familiar with the forums. No one is going to slap you down, we're here to help. tmf
  13. 2muchfun


    FYI-When you post in the middle of someone else's topic, you're hijacking their thread. You should start your own topic otherwise you won't get the feedback you deserve. I don't think you meant to do this and we're all guilty of meandering away from the original topic but to receive the most responses you should start your own thread. tmf
  14. Just think about the 70's when heart transplants were first introduced. Nearly all of them failed after just a few years or less. New technology has made the band much safer and doctors are more educated in choosing candidates for this type of WLS. Back in the 90's anyone who was obese was a candidate. Contraindications were nil for the band. Now, patient selection is more stringent. Should be even more stringent imo but it is getting better. Dr. O'Brien's study is the newest I know of. http://journals.lww.com/annalsofsurgery/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2013&issue=01000&article=00013&type=abstract
  15. Good luck with this. Took me over a year to recognize the difference. For me, I have to physically stop and actually listen or feel my stomachto see if it's hunger or me wanting to chew on something. Most of the time it's head hunger. It's more of a discomfort felt in my stomach but my mind likes to F with me so I have to listen real hard. I'll drink some water and go back to work and it goes away.
  16. 28 lbs is incredible. It's too soon to see a trend of 1 lb a week. If you continue to exercise the same and eat the same day in and day out, you'll see the same results which are quite good. But, it's a good idea to push your self in the gym and at home. But I would increase your caloric intake up to 1400/day for 2-3 days in case your body is in starvation mode. Or, just increase to 1200 for a week or so? Keep the body guessing. tmf
  17. "Until there's restriction....It's still just another diet" B-52 It took me over a year to be able to discern the difference between head hunger and real hunger. You/we all have a lifetime of bad habits and addictions to overcome and it doesn't happen overnight. Your doc is right. Fewer slider foods to feel satiety is needed. I ate more than the 1 cup of food until I got closer to the green zone(fill #4). I never liked that hungry feeling of discomfort. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    The signal from my fill

    Probably not. Daily weight loss and gain can be a function of the body retaining or expelling fluids. You probably have lost fat over the last few weeks but could be retaining fluids. Any daily gain or loss of 1 or more lbs is usually just fluids. So, maybe your body is letting fluids go but fat loss is the ultimate goal. If you're weight is lower week over week you can probably attribute this to losing fat but you should dismiss daily gyrations of whole lbs. If your clothes fit loosely you most likely have lost fat. tmf
  19. 2muchfun


    What did you tell her you were eating? If she felt like you weren't eating correctly a fill won't do you any good.
  20. 2muchfun


    Call the doctor. Bypass the nurse. Get it from the mouth of the professional.
  21. Insist on a fluoroscopy with your next fill. Here's a good video that demonstrates why it's so important for some patients:
  22. I have a lot of restriction and I guess I would consider I'm in the lime zone and just short of a dark green zone. But, I can eat whatever I want too if I eat the wrong(slider)foods. I can go out and consume large quantities of mexican and italian foods. pizza might be a problem but lasagna, bring it on. Cheeseburgers, bring em on. Mashed potatoes smothered in greasy gravy, bring it on. If you eat your Protein first, veggies and carbs 2nd and all in a solid form, but you do not feel satisfied for 3-5 hours, you probably need more fills and like I said, a barium swallow would indicate if your band is working properly. If the barium swallow is not available, try to get as many fills as you can till you feel some restriction. And again, how many CCs are in your band or did doc not say? tmf
  23. 2muchfun


    Depends on how severe it was? Was it a full blown hurl(stomach contraction and violent ejection of food) or did you just regurgitate some food in your esophogus?
  24. 2muchfun

    Is this normal?

    OK, what do you eat now and what is it you want to eat?

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