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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Day 3 of the 5 day pouch test

  2. I don't know you so take what I say as not critical of you personally. I see so many people come to the forum with absolutely no knowledge of how our bodies lose weight and I mean, knowledge about their own body. Each of us will lose differently but it seems like many have never been on a diet that requires daily or weekly weigh-ins? Many are shocked that they can gain 1-5 lbs in one day? Many believe that the weight(fat) automatically falls off as soon as the band is placed? Our bodies contain fat, muscle, bone, organs and lots of water(LOTS). Obese people can retain 40+ lbs of Water depending on their height and weight. The early stages of any diet or WLS forces our bodies to shed many of those lbs or gallons of water stored in our fat cells. So, the weight loss is primarily water early on. Sure, some weight loss is losing fat, but losing fat is all part of the calories in and calories burned math equation. Losing fat is the goal and of course any weight loss be it fat or water is good. Weight gains at this point in your journey are normal until your body sheds most of the excess fluids retained in your fat cells. IMO 6 weeks out is when you can really start burning excess fat. Until then, it's mostly water loss. tmf
  3. 2muchfun


    Chill out! I only lost 12 lbs the first 4 months. 2-4 week plateaus happen to all of us.
  4. 2muchfun

    When did you...

    It could be. I'd just take it real easy when you do go back to work and if you feel queasy, go home early. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    5..5 cc's

    Everyone's stomach is going to be different. Placement of the band will make a diff too. The lining in your stomach may be thinner or thicker than mine. So Missy is right, no way to answer your question. If you're eating steak or chicken and you're occasionally getting stuck or sliming, that could be a sign you're getting restriction. The best sign would be if you feel like a cup of food satisfies you for 3-5 hours. Good luck. tmf
  6. 2muchfun


    That's incredible and hard to process?
  7. 2muchfun

    Utah dr.

    And I grew up just north of you across the border in Idaho. :wub:
  8. 2muchfun

    Utah dr.

    Aint it great to have lots of support? I grieve for the bandsters who don't have the clinical support some of us get. It is so important and maybe just as important as having a good surgeon. I see so many people who time and time again, post here that their docs and staff are rude or are so stringent in their protocols that they refuse to vary the routines with each patient. And we all are different so I never believed in the one size or method fits all. So, The B, Terry tells it like it is. Good luck. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Post op visit

    My doc gives lifetime fills with his surgeries. I've never paid for one and I've been back 8 times. Check with him and see? BTW-My wife was laid off a year ago but made lemonade from lemons and is now self employed and doing well. There's a silver lining hiding somewhere for her. tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    calories and exercise

    If I could parse most of the comments over the last year or more regarding the "starvation mode" topic, I believe what B52 is saying is accurate. Hard to believe that someone eating 900 calories a day and burning 1600 in daily activity and 300 more in exercise, could not lose weight.......,eventually. Oh sure, the body will react and slow down our metabolism but it won't stop our metabolism. I can't speak for B52 but me thinks that many of us are cheaters and may not be aware we're cheaters. Or, some just do not understand that replacing fat with muscle can equal no weight loss. We're all polite to reply to those who claim to eat 800-1000 calories a day and exercise profusely 5 days a week but the bottom line is, something's not adding up here? I find it impossible to understand how one could burn through 2000 calories a day and only consume 1000 and not lose "FAT"? Fat being the operative word! jmo too tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    No longer obese!

    I'm just posting so we have 3 bike pics in a row
  12. 2muchfun


    Fear of surgery or fear you won't be able to stuff your face with food anymore? Food addiction is real and can be overwhelming. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    First fill

    Highly unlikely on the first fill. And if he does you go back and have some taken out. No worries.
  14. 2muchfun

    Calorie Burning Tracker?

    Just an FYI...If you have a smart phone, you don't need the watch/monitor for some models like Polar. I can't speak to how the others operate but you might be able to get by with just the chest strap/transmitter and your Iphone? Total cost around $70. The apps are incredible and can give you so much information. My Iphone has the Polar app and the cyclemeter app and both track heart rate, elevation, speed, time, maps and more. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Calorie Burning Tracker?

    I've had a polar for 4 years now. The new straps are bluetooth and work much better. I bought a Polar H7 to replace my old strap and transmitter. I always had the same issues you're having but the new transmitters are so much better. If you have a smart phone, tie in the transmitter with your phone with the Polar app. http://www.heartratemonitorsusa.com/polar-h7-transmitter.html Check it out?
  16. 2muchfun

    At my Wit's End

    food addiction is real. People will find a way to sabotage their own success to get what they think they want or need. Also, advice coming from a spouse or relative can be hard to swallow(pun intended) for some reason. Let's hope his surgeon can talk some sense into him? tmf
  17. 2muchfun


    I see you are new here so don't take this the wrong way but you've hijacked this thread. Hi-Jack meaning that someone started their own topic and you are taking it in your own direction? Not a bad faux pas but if you want a response you should start your own topic so that more people see it and you'll get more responses. I think most of us are guilty of doing this at some point but I'm just offering advice so you get more help. To answer your question, Hely is right, don't vomit, you can ruin your band if you do so. The foods you're eating won't give you the satiety you need to be successful. They're all slider foods. Here's a link to a variety of videos that will inform you better about what you should eat, drink and how this band thing works. You might want to set aside an hour to watch every one of them? Good luck. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/166857-the-eight-golden-rules-lap-band-videos-by-dr-paul-obrien/#entry1960883
  18. 2muchfun

    calories and exercise

    See your doc or nutritionist. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Need a 1st Fill

    You could be in "Bandster Hell"? Hope a fill helps but it didn't for me. Took 4 fills to finally leave BH behind.
  20. 2muchfun

    3rd fill

    Not me. Fills cause the band to tighten around the stomach causing temporary inflammation which also makes the stoma much smaller.
  21. 2muchfun

    So Frustrated!

    I had a similar experience back in June. I felt like I was in the green zone and was losing weight but I got stuck a lot. So, I had a small unfill and I've been too open ever since. I have not lost a lb since August. I think I've learned to eat smaller and slower now so I'm going for another fill soon. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Is my band too tight?

    It depends on what "everything else" is? What food is getting stuck and are you throwing up or mildly regurgitating food from your esophogus(PBing)? Can you eat slider foods like Soup, chips, Cookies? You're probably a little too tight but this is the phase where you need to learn to eat slow, chew big and eat very small bites. It's one of the most difficult things to conquer with the band. tmf
  23. Are you sure your doctor cleared you to eat normal foods already? You could damage the sutures stitching your stomach around the band by eating too much and eating solids at this point? And full is not what you should be looking for. Satiety is the goal. See all videos here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/166857-the-eight-golden-rules-lap-band-videos-by-dr-paul-obrien/page__hl__alex#entry1962873
  24. 2muchfun

    So Frustrated!

    It definitely sounds like you aren't eating small bites and chewing properly. I know you think you are but doesn't sound like it. I too thought I was eating right but now know I wasn't. If soups or slider foods are OK with the band then you're not eating small bites and slowly chewing to mush. I can eat chicken if I do this. If I try to eat too big and too fast, I'll get stuck too. Some people cannot eat toast in any form.
  25. 2muchfun


    Non scale Victory It's like finding an old pair of jeans that you haven't worn for years and they fit. tmf

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