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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Look At My Face

    Nice try Ash, we all know that's your little sister
  2. 2muchfun

    Hi im nervous and excited

    Cody, your post is like a new member of AA confessing to the support group that he/she's an alcoholic. You're preaching to the choir here. Nearly every one of us have some sort of eating disorder or food related conditon. All of us have tried various diets and failed numerous times. Many of us were nervous to have WLS. Many of us have co-morbidities and other ailments. If you feel like you've reached the end of your rope and no diet will ever work, if you feel like WLS could be the answer, then you're probably making the right decision. Just be prepared that you will have to make some life changing decisions by changing a lifetime of bad eating habits. The band is a tool and don't go into this thinking the band is going to monitor or regulate the amount of food you can eat. Only you can do that, but the band can make it so much easier and more comfortable. This site is dedicated to supporting patients of all sizes, ages, no matter how far along your journey you are. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    stayin strong

    You should fill in your profile? We have no idea where you are in your journey and it makes it hard to advise you? But, no, it's not cheating to suck a chip, and we've all cheated and you'll cheat at some point in time. One cheat is one cheat and you just have to move on to eating healthy again.
  4. 2muchfun

    Green Zone

    Most of us can still eat several cups of food but are satisfied with just one for up to 4 hours.
  5. 2muchfun

    sweet cravings!

    Someone else posted this little sweet recipe. Sliced apples with cinammon nuked for a 15-20 seconds. I'll add a little sweetener to it after its nuked.
  6. Some fruit skins like peaches, apples and sometimes grapes. I chew the pulp out and spit out the skins when they're too thick. Doughy breads can cause problems too.
  7. 2muchfun

    Crossfit anyone?

    I've always been a low carb loser. I was into Atkins for about 25 years and was quite successful with eating low/no carb. But when my knees went south and I could no longer run or play tennis my weight skyrocketed. My band has no problem with carbs unless it's real doughy french or sourdough bread in big bites. I'm fine with anything if I eat small enough but I just don't have the patience so I try to steer clear of carbs.
  8. 2muchfun


    Awesome job!
  9. 2muchfun

    Crossfit anyone?

    I'm not into crossfit as my joints no longer allow it. The wife and I have embraced the paleo diet idea within reason. We try to eat organic meats and veggies and stay away from processed foods as much as possible. We rarely eat refined sugar or flour. We don't follow the paleo life to a fault but we make an effort. Hard to give up Beans and rice. imo tmf
  10. 2muchfun


    Use her negativity as a way to motivate yourself. Turn lemons into lemonade so to speak. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    sweet cravings!

    Fruit. Anything sweet and low glycemic is better than high glycemic simple carbs. Cantaloupe, watermelon, apples, pears, blueberries, blackberries and I sometimes munch on Famous Dave's spicy pickle chips. I allow myself one Hershey's or Dove Bliss type dark chocolates in the evening. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    3 years Post Op No regrets EVER

    You should call your doctor today. Don't wait! tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    First fill since necessery unfill

    What are you eating that you can eat 2 cups?
  14. 2muchfun

    Second fill

    Tylenol w/codiene is addictive so be very careful? tmf
  15. 2muchfun


    The risk is, if you are obese and don't have surgery or find another way to lose weight, you will stay fat, you'll expose yourself to dozens of unwanted ailments(arthritis, gout, diabetes, heart disease) and a possible early departure from this world. Just being frank!
  16. I'm not into dating(married) but I can definitely understand. I went Friday night to the Denver Auto Show with my son and his GF. We had a couple of pulled pork sandwiches and I cut mine in half and was only able to eat half of my half before I got stuck. Not a lot of fun and of course, unbanded people have no idea what we go through. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Cant get down Liquids

    IMO..swollen. You had the trifecta of don'ts for band patients. Swollen from a stuck episode, morning tightness and hard boiled eggs(a very difficult food for many of us). Stick to liquids until you feel it loosen up and call your doc in the morning if it's not better. Liquids are a must or you'll get dehydrated.
  18. Yeah, paid medications can slow your digestive system to a crawl or complete halt. I didn't take any after surgery and relied on ibuprofen. It's going to take about 24 hours to get the medication to exit your body. I prefer dulcolax myself.
  19. 2muchfun

    Banded Thursday

    So I'm sorry to be too graphic here but remember, someone filled your body cavity full of gas, they pumped fluids, medications, antibiotics and anesthesia into your body. They punched 5 holes in your abdomen, moved all your inner body parts around, shoved a tube down your throat, took an electric scalpel and burned away excess fat and tissue wrapped around your upper stomach, then wrapped a plastic strap around your stomach, stitched it in place with 5-6 sutures bringing your lower stomach up and over the band and then snaked a tube out of your body and then sewed another plastic piece to the muscle tissue on your rib cage. Now, thinking about all that has been done to your body, you're doing quite well aren't you?
  20. 2muchfun

    Missing food

    I probably wouldn't since it's usually a low fat, low cal food. It might go down easily but if it's a snack food it should give you some satiety? In my mind, a slider food is a food that is low nutrition, high glycemic and gives no satiety. Of course, one could over indulge in any food and have bad results? tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    39.1 BMI... Is there any hope?

    Yes/No, LOL..My daughter claims she's 5' 0" and I know she's less than that but short people tend to hang onto every fraction of an inch. So, that was actually a good recommend and not an LOL. If someone is flirting with the low end of the BMI scale, give up your pride and maybe an inch or less to become eligible? Moot point now that she's considered a candidate but a similar topic like this will come up again and it's a good point to make. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    pre op "cheat" ?

    If you're going to cheat, cheating with low glycemic foods is the way to go.
  23. 2muchfun


    That sounds like having my primary doc performing an ACL reconstruction. Gee, what could possibly go wrong?
  24. 2muchfun

    can u start to get hungry again...

    It will take time for you to understand the difference between hunger and cravings? Cravings can be just as consuming as real hunger and the more you think about eating, the greater the craving. It took me over a year to tell the diff. Being hungry does not equate to weight loss. If it's true hunger it's just your body giving you signals that it needs nourishment. I doubt it helps to burn more calories and if it does, it's miniscule. You lose weight(fat) because you burn more calories than you consume. It sounds like you're in "Bandster Hell". Most of us have been there. It will go away once you get that fill that provides you the satiety signals to get you through the day. tmf

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