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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun


    Well first, I had no idea that emoticon meant wacko. So it's just a misunderstanding. She can call off her dogs now.
  2. 2muchfun

    general ?s

    I can get stuck in the mornings myself. I sometimes wonder if it takes a while for my stomach to wake up? I know I eat sometimes just because 8:30 am is a convenient time for me to eat before the day starts rolling. Waiting beyond that time interferes with my day and I know eventually I'll be very hungry and that's when I make mistakes. I can see how laying orizontal all night can allow fluids in our bodies to migrate more.
  3. 2muchfun


    Great post Morelgirl!! :wub:
  4. 2muchfun

    general ?s

    I've seen where many people have problems with bananas. You've never had a fill so it could be you've never learned to eat the correct way with the band? I know nothing about grits but seems like it's a slider food but could have some difficulty squeezing across the band if eaten too big or too much? I know most of us have had fills and it's an ongoing re-education process to learn to chew big and eat small. Is it possible your doctor filled your band with a few CCs at surgery? Many do? tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    Soreness after unfill

    Sore? Where? In the band area or where your port is?
  6. If you can eat more than one cup and not feel satisfied. Satiety is the goal. So, if you eat a cup or more and find that you're hungry less than 3 hours later you could use a fill. imo tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    Weight loss

    Terry is right, please fill in your profile. For instance, if you started your journey at 400 lbs I'd say yes, it's not normal. If you're 5' 8" and weigh 250, maybe not? I only lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. It took a 4th fill and a consult with my nut to get the scale moving in the right direction for me. btw-I know many people use apps and it's hard to even find the profile page but if you can ever sit down at a PC, you should fill in your profile? I've got a kindle fire and I have no idea how to navigate around that app
  8. 2muchfun

    I hate the lapband:(

    .2 CC can make a difference. I had .25 taken out and it ended up being too much.
  9. 2muchfun

    I hate the lapband:(

    Get a small unfill! Also, you have to ask yourself why you can eat crackers and chocolate? They're both slider foods that turn to mush in your mouth and pouch. If you take a small bite of chicken, fish or veggies and chew it to mush it should react the same right? imo you're a little too tight and maybe not following the rules? Learning to eat small, chew big and do it all very slowly is the hardest thing for most of us to do. I know it took me over a year to figure it out and you're only 5 months out. tmf
  10. 2muchfun


    I'm not sure what you found to be rude? Just factual questions? Hard to help people when they give misinformation or no information. My crystal ball stopped working many years ago. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    How do you motivate yourself to exercise???

    For me, it's difficult to motivate myself to workout inside here in Colorado. I think it's necessary to find an exercise you really enjoy. Tennis, bike riding, golf(walking), racquetball, martial arts(great exercise) and group/social exercising like pilate's and spin classes work for so many. There's nearly a foot of snow here in Denver so I can't ride my bike. It's real hard to go down in the basement and do the treadmill, elliptical, recumbent bike or just a gym workout. I know I'm asking for my own limitations by claiming it's hard when it really isn't. All I have to do is walk down a flight of stairs and do it. But I don't. I get it. Biking is now my thing. I love it. Can't wait for warm weather again. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    Second Fill

    FYI-You have to burn 3500 calories to lose 1 lb of fat. If you keep to a 1000 calorie a day intake, and you burn 1600 with daily activity plus another 400 via exercise, you will burn 1000 more than you consume. 1000 X 7 days= 7000/3500=2 lbs a week. That's a hefty schedule to keep up with as we all fall off the wagon on occasion and it's hard to work out 7 days a week. I was reading where one forum member, Catfish I think, was doing this so it can be done. Comparing yourself to others without knowledge of their weight, where they are in their journey and lifestyles won't do you any good. Compare yourself to you, one week or one month ago. You're doing so much better than most. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    Second Fill

    Better lower your expectations. 2.5 is way above average and will most likely drop. I'm not sure what stories you've been reading but 28 lbs in 6 weeks is incredible.
  14. 2muchfun


    It's your port . This is where they fill your band! Did you have your band removed? Did they forget to take out the port? You should give more info if you're going to ask questions?
  15. Sounds like you need to hear from people in your own country? Here, the waiting time can be a week or 12 months depending on what insurance(and other factors) one has? There really is no average weight loss since we all start at a different weight. Someone who has 200 lbs to lose may lose 100+ lbs the first year and someone like me who only had 75 lbs to lose lost 50 lbs the first year. How much you lose is controlled by how committed you are to following the rules. There are at least 2 books from contributors to this forum that may be helpful. "Bandwagon" is one and "the big book on lapband" link is at the bottom of this page. Good luck. tmf
  16. I like the way you think! We sometimes hang onto every fraction of an inch in height out of pure vanity. Why not be 1/2" shorter? Could make the diff between 34.5 and 35.5 BMI. I have one daughter who takes after my Mom and my daughter claims to be 5' 0" tall but I'll betcha she's 4' 11.5". Or, pig out and gain weight if you've already taken the height to it's extreme? tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Green Zone

    Yes, of course. Unless you diet. Until there's restriction....It's just another diet....B52
  18. 2muchfun

    How many calories do you eat a day?

    What works for you may not work for someone else? Most of us try to find a happy medium where we don't feel deprived/starved. That could be 800 or 1200 calories. Guys need more it seems. This journey will be a daily math quiz for you. Burn more calories than you consume. Now, somedays that may be only 300 and others 1000 depending on how active you are. Burn 3500 more than you consume and you can lose about 1 lb of fat. Get to know your body and listen to it. Your body will tell you what's right for you. tmf
  19. 2muchfun


    Time for a fluoroscopy fill? Did you ever get your TT?
  20. 2muchfun


    Once you're cleared for solid foods why not? A small filet with some crabmeat on it isn't that bad once in a while. Knorr makes this great hollandaise mix that can be made using low fat milk. Sounds yummy!
  21. You live in a beautiful part of the U.S. but also one of the most expensive. There are several docs here(Denver) that will do that surgery for $10K. But aftercare is as important as surgery so I'm not suggesting you fly out for surgery but if you can look for other docs nearby? Mabye Sacramento? Stockton? Cost of living is less outside the bay area and you might find a doc who is more reasonable? Regarding financing, do you have any assets at all? Car? House? Boat? Anything with a title? You can use those as collateral for a loan? Good luck to you. tmf
  22. 2muchfun


    What are you eating?
  23. I'd back out slowly? Maybe .5 CC at a time? For most of us, that would represent a big difference in how we eat. Taking 1/2 out could leave you with nearly a wide open stoma. And, it might compromise how much satiety you would get from eating right? tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Corn tortillas??

    I just saw that you're only 10 days post op? I wasn't allowed any kind of bread type product till I was 30 day post op? tmf
  25. 2muchfun

    Corn tortillas??

    Corn tortillas go down OK with me but corn tortillas are very high on the glycemic index. Maybe one or two a day might be OK but it's similar to a flour tortilla in how fast it's absorbed into your system and can play havoc with your insulin levels. tmf

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