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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Is it worth a chance???

    You need to shrink an inch or gain 10 lbs. Don't be vain and cling to an exagerrated height? Not saying you are, but I've seen some folks with similar BMI problems who might qualify if they gained weight or lost an inch in height? Check it out? And the list of co-morbids is a long one. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/76220-list-of-comorbidities-please-add/
  2. 2muchfun


    My experiences with plateaus is I have to be committed to a plan for at least 7-10 days before I see the scale move. That means, I eat 1200 calories a day, exercise strong for at least 5 days and no slips. One or two slips in that time span will doom me to staying at a plateau.
  3. 2muchfun

    Hung to Dry

    "I guess I will give up"........This is the only negative comment on this page.
  4. 2muchfun

    Hung to Dry

    Let me be the contrarian here. This is a pity party and I'm not buying it? I agree with Dylan that your PCP may have some sway over getting you in. And I know if it were me, I'd demand they get me in or at the very least put me on a waiting list if someone should cancel. Hard to believe that an opening won't happen in the next 6 weeks? You can't expect them to take your band right to where you were before the illness. Your stomach lining could be different now and you also need to show a willingness to eat like a bandster. You're starting all over again and that's the way I would approach it if I were your physician. Have you looked at other clinics for a fill? It's easy to give up and if that's what you want you will. But if you really want this, you will find a way. I don't mean to be cruel but there's no way in hell I'd give up my dream so easily. tmf
  5. 2muchfun


    Who is the doctor and what city? I would imagine that if he tells all his patients he takes more out than he puts in, of course the ratio is a self fullfilling prophecy. Why would any patient want the band if their doctor is against them? If he put in 200 and is taking out 30 but telling all his new patients not to get one, of course the ratio would be more out than in? And maybe he doesn't know how to put them in properly or doesn't want to offer the follow-up? I know I would have changed docs if that were the case. Docs make more than twice the money for other WLS surgeries. I'd be skeptical and get a 2nd or 3rd opinion? tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    Green zone question

    I see similar stories like yours every day it seems? It's my personal belief that many people in your shoes believe they're hungry but they're actually caving to head hunger/cravings. It's like Jean McMillan said last week: "NO WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY OF ANY DESCRIPTION WILL KILL THE EATING DEMONS IN YOUR HEAD" You have to ask yourself as you open the fridge or pantry, am I really hungry or do I just want to chew on something tasty? "When a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it" ...Dr. Michelle May
  7. 2muchfun

    Unhooked band

    Why did they have to unhook your band?
  8. 2muchfun

    Working Out Vs Calorie Intake

    Sounds like a question for your doctor?
  9. 2muchfun

    Working Out Vs Calorie Intake

    Are you taking any blood pressure meds? I suffered the same symptoms when I first started to exercise heavily but as I got stronger they went away?
  10. And that's true. But we prefer "Geico People" please
  11. 2muchfun

    Help...no weight loss in two months

    What about fills? Are you in the green zone? Do you have any restriction? Are you counting calories? Are you getting smaller in inches? Maybe replacing fat with muscle? Weight before surgery and now?
  12. 2muchfun

    Help...no weight loss in two months

    You will have to provide a lot more information if you want some feedback? Please fill in your profile.
  13. 2muchfun

    Green zone question

    All previous comments are great, but, one of the most difficult issues with the band is, are you really hungry or is your mind telling you to continue to eat because you love the taste of food? Learning the difference between true hunger and a simple craving or conditioned habit can take months or even years to discern. It's still a struggle for me but I'm getting there. There are signals we get when we're no longer hungry. Burps, yawns, runny nose are a few of them. I like to stop eating and just sit back for a couple of minutes to listen to my stomach and see if it's telling me more food or is it my mind saying, this stuff is good, keep going? If it's the latter, it's time to stop and I'm the only one who can pull that trigger. "When a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it"...Dr. Michelle May tmf
  14. I see you're a nurse? My doc did the same with the first two fills and then only about .5 CCs after that. It took me 6 fills to find the green zone and he was only giving .25 CCs the last two. So, my doc likes to sneak up on the restriction. This was good for me as it allowed me to get used to the eating small, chewing big slowly routine. Some people like that HUDGIE guy got restriction right away and didn't understand how to eat like a bandster. Just be very careful to eat small bites, chew to mush, take your time and be wary of leftover meats. The dryness will stick in your pouch and cause a stuck episode. Stuck episodes aren't all that bad unless you chew a one inch piece of beef right after a fill. Then you deserve to get stuck. Sounds like you're off to a fabulous start! tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Surgical Extraction

    Go to this link and the story is there. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/168075-got-stuck/#entry1974516
  16. 2muchfun

    Surgical Extraction

    ooooo! I wanna hear the whole story? Surgical, as in they cut you? Usually they can go down your throat and pull it out? Or, deflate the band completely? What the H*** did you eat to get stuck so bad. OK, never mind. I found your post from two days ago. Learning to eat with this band is one of the biggest challenges you will face. Someone mentioned mush to you. Take it to heart. food must be a mush or soupy before you should swallow it or you could face, literally, the long tube of extraction.
  17. Seepage is normal after a surgery like this. If you feel like the incision sites are compromised you should call your doctor.
  18. Welcome back to bandsterville. Don't be afraid to ask questions even though you're an oldtimer by your surgery date. Contrary to what some may tell you, there is such a thing as asking a stupid question! For instance: Why can't I eat candy? That's a stupid question! Duh! Is it OK to stick my finger down my throat and make myself throw-up? That's easy, no, it can cause your band to slip so it's a stupid question! Is it OK to guzzle an entire 2 litre bottle of coke? No, it's not OK. The bubbles will make your pouch explode( ).jk So now you know some of the stupid questions not to ask and any other questions are OK Welcome again and let's get readddddyyyyy to RUMMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE! TMF
  19. 2muchfun

    pre-op diet

    Dr. O'Brien says that you shouldn't eat unless you're hungry. Your body will tell you when it wants more food. Now is a good time to start to get in touch with your body and ignore the silly mind cravings. tmf
  20. Mine was the larger incision site just below my left manboob tmf
  21. 2muchfun


    If you have them, make sure they're extra runny. No solid beans por favor!
  22. 2muchfun

    I gain weight before surgery

    Your doc will put you on a 2 week pre surgery diet to shrink your liver. If you can't control yourself during that time, odds are, he/she won't operate.
  23. 2muchfun

    Fill question...

    Tillquist has been around a long time. I think you made a good choice. I doubt he'll run you around and will give you great care.
  24. 2muchfun

    Fill question...

    Your doc will make that determination. Who is your doc in Denver? Mine is Frank Chae.
  25. 2muchfun

    excited about first fill

    It's like being pinched by your baby sister.

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