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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    New to site New Journey

    You'll be nervous until about 10 days after surgery Then you'll be excited to really get this rocket launched. Congrats on the 2 year research. You should be well prepared by surgery day. tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    First slime

    I had problems this morning too. Watermelon got stuck. Go figger. I guess I missed one little hunk of melon that slid behind my tongue and made it's escape just to clog me up Well, now ya know. No fun is it? It's awful if you're at someone's house and it happens? Or, out for dinner. Makes you pay closer attention though. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Advice on Dr Kuri

    And are you going out of country? It sounds like he got a close-out special at costco and is pocketing the difference. New bands will cost much more than a discontinued band. And his claim of fewer problems is only anecdotal since I've never heard such a thing? If it were true, wouldn't Allergen discontinue the new bands and go back to the old ones? Red flags! ps..You might tell him you'll pay the difference as you want the newest technology?
  4. 2muchfun


    No, your story is inspiring. Well done!
  5. 2muchfun

    Restriction or Diet?

    Catfish. No, I already have the Polar and I'm going to keep what I've got for the time being. Just bought a lot of this stuff and some of it is Xmas presents from the wife so it's too soon to can my current technology.
  6. 2muchfun

    Restriction or Diet?

    Exercise is the key word for me Catfish. Seems like I maintain my weight loss through the Holidays and winter. But it's the exercise(biking) that speeds up my metabolism and weight loss. I'm so looking forward to this snow going away so I can get my regular rides in every day. It's the extra 800/day calorie loss that kicks in my program. tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    Here goes everything !!!!

    If you already have a pretty face, check this link out. It only gets better! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/167435-look-at-my-face/#entry1967504
  8. Your question really has no definitive answer. Everyone will be different depending on how much they had to lose after surgery, what kind of pre-op diet they had, exercise regiment and what does one consider as weight lost? Most of us lose 10-30 lbs of Water within the first 2-4 weeks. Some of it may be fat lbs but most likely not much. After the initial healing period is over(6 weeks) we can lose 1-2 lbs per week but may go a few weeks or a month with no weight loss at all. Plateaus are common, and for many of us, in the beginning it's a combination of replacing fat which consumes more space in our bodies, with muscle which is denser. Of course, exercise affects this ratio. Even though the scale isn't moving we may be losing fat and inches which is always a good thing. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    body image

    Here's a guy's perspective. 5' 8" you probably should weight 150 for an ideal weight. So, you're carrying around an extra 20-30 lbs. If you're OK with it that's fine. Your BMI is 27 which places you in the overweight category. You're no longer obese. Health wise, you should work on that extra 30 lbs but I wouldn't be aggressive about it. Make it a long term goal to whittle away at it. You probably look great but would feel even better if you lost a few. And for me, I like a buffer between 180 and 200. A bad holiday season could push me back above that 200 line so easily. jmo tmf
  10. I'm already subscribed and your link won't allow me to receive the free book it looks like?
  11. 2muchfun


    Good to know!
  12. 2muchfun

    Restriction or Diet?

    I don't think you want full restriction? No one would. Like Lauren said, you want to be satisfied with a cup of food per meal for up to 4 hours. If you're hungry(true hunger, not head hunger/cravings) shortly after a meal, you probably need a fill. Most of us are on a "diet" of healthy food. The band only helps you feel satisfied for hours after a meal, it won't stop you from eating bad foods and you never said what you are eating that you feel like you don't have enough restriction? If you're eating slider foods you won't see the magic the band provides. tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    Had my second real unfill 2 days ago

    We all can gain or lose 2 lbs a day in just Water weight. Sodium, TOM, stress, carbs, all contribute to our bodies retaining fluids. 1 lb is no big deal. tmf
  14. Lapbandster hit the nail on the head. I had 4 fills before I started to lose and it took 6 to get me to the green zone. 6 lbs in 2 months is not great but it's still within the norms. What are you eating that you feel no restriction? Do you track calories? Exercise? BTW-I've had 8 adjustments so far. 7 fills and 1 small unfill. And, injecting fills and finding the perfect adjustment is an art and not a science. Sneaking up on the green zone is the safest way to proceed.
  15. 2muchfun

    To Weigh or Not to Weigh

    Every day, twice a day. Morning and night. I've never really understood why someone would get aggravated over seeing their weight every day? If you understand that your weight isn't only a result of losing fat and that it's also a result of TOM, sodium intake, stress, carbs, it's easy to accept what the scale indicates. If I eat two slices of pizza I know my weight will probably be 2 lbs higher since I've consumed simple carbs and lots of sodium. My body will retain 32 ozs of fluids due to my poor food choices. I accept that. And, if I am gaining weight, why would I want to wait till the end of week or month? I want to correct my behavior as quickly as I possiblty can. That's me. tmf
  16. You won't like this suggestion? Stop using your job, your stress level, your status, as an excuse not to take a full 30 minute break and eat a healthy band friendly meal. It's important you gain some control over just a 30 minute portion of your day just a few days a week. Otherwise, how can you control what you put in your mouth? tmf
  17. That's a very tough question. For me, there is no bad. For others, they may have some regrets? I do have to say that if you've come to the conclusion that you can never diet or exercise off the 160+ lbs you're carrying around, the band or some other form of weight loss surgery(WLS) could be your only hope to live a somewhat normal long life? But, only you can know this and I'm reading between the lines and I'm not seeing that you're ready to make this kind of commitment. I don't have to keep this band for the rest of my life but if I want to live longer I know I have to keep it. I can have the band removed and gain back 60+ lbs just like that. I don't want to live like that. You'll hear this over and over, the band is only a tool and still requires a lot of work and commitment. The band won't make you thinner, it will only help you make yourself thinner. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    Stuck or too much?

    Hard to know since you've not filled in your profile? Are you banded or one week out or what?
  19. 2muchfun

    Is this the typical beginning?

    So I'm sorry to be too graphic here but remember, someone filled your body cavity full of gas, they pumped fluids, medications, antibiotics and anesthesia into your body. They punched 5 holes in your abdomen, moved all your inner body parts around, shoved a tube down your throat, took an electric scalpel and burned away excess fat and tissue wrapped around your upper stomach, then wrapped a plastic strap around your stomach, stitched it in place with 5-6 sutures bringing your lower stomach up and over the band and then snaked a tube out of your body and then sewed another plastic piece to the muscle tissue on your rib cage. Now, thinking about all that has been done to your body, you're doing quite well aren't you?
  20. 2muchfun

    New band patient and I may have messed up.

    Staying on the post surgery diet has nothing to do with weight loss. The band was sewn into your stomach and by eating large meals with solid food at this point could cause the sutures to tear away and cause your band to slip.
  21. 2muchfun

    so hungry

    Eating soft foods can compromise the surgery this early after surgery. pureed or liquids are required not because they want you to lose weight, they're required because your band is sewn into your stomach and if you push too hard so early, you can cause the sutures to tear and then you're in a world of hurt. You don't want to go back into surgery? Make sure you're drinking lots of Protein rich shakes to appease your appetite. As long as you fill up on protein you shouldn't be so hungry. Most of the hunger is head hunger. It happens to almost all of us. My favorite was egg drop Soup. It's basically boiled broth with an egg stirred into it while it's boiling. Lots of protein and very filling.
  22. 2muchfun

    200 Pound Loss Picw

    Keep the shirt. Miniskirts are coming back!
  23. 2muchfun

    Is it worth a chance???

    That's funny! It's just the opposite of how we dress and behave when we go in for our post surgical visits, isn't it? I know I wear my lightest shoes, wear lightweight shorts and t-shirt. I hold off on drinking any water 2 hours before I go in so that scale is as low as it can be? tmf
  24. 2muchfun


    3 weeks is nothing. I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. Here's one reason why:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
