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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Silly ? Regarding caffeine

    Depends on what your doctor recommends? Most docs wouldn't really care, but your own doc knows your medical history and may know something we don't know? I know for me, it would be fine. I'd be peeing like an old man though(wait, I am an old man)
  2. Is it the pressure against the port? Or, is it the fact it's rubbing on something and the skin is irritated? Being sleep deprived really sucks. LOL...B, I could never get away with the wrinkle comments But yes, she is lovely isn't she. Looking forward to the after photos!!
  3. I'm nearly 1.5 years out and my port area protrudes and if pushed against a counter or something hard, it's very uncomfortable. sleeping is no problem since we have a pillowtop mattress. My port area was very sensitive for about 6 months but is much less now, so time willing, the discomfort should improve? tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    First fill since surgery...

    You can have some swelling around the band area from the fill. Just a little pressure can irritate the lining of your stomach so take it easy with the meats for a few days.
  5. 2muchfun


    Some people fail the band. Especially when they take a 5 year hiatus. Just saying.
  6. 2muchfun

    6 months

    I'm over a year out and still get stuck maybe twice a week. Learning to eat slow, small bites and chew chew chew is one of the hardest of the rules for me to adhere to. I'm doing so much better but I totally understand. Regarding the plateau. Mix up your caloric intake. Maybe go on no/low carb for one week, or lower to 800/day or even the other way, 1400 a day for 3 days. Don't do the same exercise every time, mix it all up so that your body isn't accustomed to just one way. tmf
  7. Before restriction I focused on filling up with healthy foods like chicken, fish, salads etc. I refused to have that diet feeling of being deprived and hungry all the time. I choose to snack on beef jerky(small packets from Costco), fruit, pickles(crunchy), tuna or chicken salad, hard boiled eggs. Eating 1700 calories a day probably won't help you lose weight but I understand why you eat this much. I never liked that hungry feeling either so that's why I ate more and I maintained a 12 lb weight loss until I finally got some restriction after 4 months post surgery and my 4th fill. Then I lost another 38 lbs. Watch this video? It may assuage your disappointment over not losing lbs during this phase:
  8. 2muchfun

    I can't do it attitude...

    "Ask for your limitations, and they're yours".....Richard Bach-Illusions
  9. Was this your PCP or your bariatric doc?
  10. 2muchfun


    And to add to Missy's post, I believe there may be a small population of patients who cannot sense or have no sensation that they have eaten enough and continue to be hungry. Since we can't get into someone's mind, it could happen? tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    Jenny Craig & the Lapband?

    It seems that many new and old bandsters don't understand how their band works. It's supposed to decrease your appetite so that you're less hungry or not hungry for hours after a meal. It's purpose is to help some nerves in your stomach relay signals to your brain that you've eaten enough long before you've eaten too much. Some foods will not give your pouch/band the pressure you need to stimulate those nerves. For instance, most of us could probably eat 2-3 cups of Soup. It goes right through your band and into your lower stomach. You might feel full but most likely, you're not satisfied. That's because the pouch and your esophogus didn't have to work at all for those fluids to pass through. Some of these Jenny Craig, smart ones, lean cuisine meals will not give you the satiety that 4-6 ozs of Protein and some veggies will. They're OK to eat as they are low in calories but don't expect to feel satisfied with some of them(there are exceptions). If you eat healthy food your band will help you to feel satisfied sooner and you will eat less. That is how I understand the mechanics of the band. tmf
  12. 2muchfun

    22lbs gone and...

    You guys are putting far too much pressure on yourselves. This is going to be a slow process. You will probably average 5-6 lbs a month and some months 0 lbs. I was like you and was impatient to launch this rocket but it took me 4 months in Bandster Hell before I got enough restriction to feel some semblance of satiety. I can show you posts of my own where I whined and cursed that I was so hungry. I too was angry but there were people around here to calm and comfort me. I now know that getting restriction is not the holy grail. It's just the beginning of learning how to live with this piece of plastic in my body. You have to relearn eating habits, how to eat, how long to eat, what foods your band will tolerate and how fickle that little plastic prick is? If you're feeling any restriction to meats or breads you need to slow down, eat like a bandster and look for satiety signals. You already have the beginning signal that you are near the green zone so big fills should be out of the question? These satiety signals are not going to knock you in the head like a bell. They're subtle and ambiguous. Liquids/fluids will not give you any kind of signal unless you drink 24 ozs of the stuff and then it's a full feeling which is not what you want. Good luck. tmf
  13. I went to 3 different seminars and 4 different support groups prior to being banded. No one every insinuated I could go back to work in one day(and I've never heard of anyone being told 1 day till now?). I was told some can go back in 3-4 days and some may take a week to recover. It was always ambiguous just as it should have been. And I highly doubt anyone was ever told getting a band was like going to a dentist. I guess I'll leave your little hyperbolic rants to yourselves but you're only kidding yourselves!
  14. 2muchfun

    One Hour at a Time

    Try not to fall back on stress as the reason why you smoke. It's all about the addiction to nicotine. You'd want that smoke stress or no stress. It's tough, painful, but so worth it. tmf
  15. Maui, a little too defensive? It's just a post pointing out that there are happy and unhappy people in both or all camps. I don't see where you were singled out but you seem to be making it all about you? It's not. Relax. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    In a small dillema

    Yes, let's pretend that posts like, "best of luck" as being helpful? The only obvious answer was express delivery.
  17. I was in BH for 4 months so 4 weeks is awful but not fatal. I still eat a snack around 10:30 and 3 pm every day. Usually it's an apple, jerkey, fruit, a few bites of tuna salad etc. That gets me to my next meal just fine. Yeah 1500 calories is a little too much if you want to lose but should be fine just to maintain. And at this stage, that's all they really expect you to achieve. Sounds like you've got it all under control so just keep doing what you're doing.
  18. 2muchfun

    What do you eat now?

    Eat healthy foods, always!
  19. So I'm sorry to be too graphic here but remember, someone filled your body cavity full of gas, they pumped fluids, medications, antibiotics and anesthesia into your body. They punched 5 holes in your abdomen, moved all your inner body parts around, shoved a tube down your throat, took an electric scalpel and burned away excess fat and tissue wrapped around your upper stomach, then wrapped a plastic strap around your stomach just below the lower esophogeal sphincter, stitched it in place with 5-6 sutures bringing your lower stomach up and over the band and then snaked a tube out of your body and then sewed another plastic piece to the muscle tissue on your rib cage. Now, thinking about all that has been done to your body, you're doing quite well aren't you? tmf
  20. The band does not prevent you from eating any foods unless it's too tight. You may need a small adjustment. The times you can eat whatever you want are the times you need to look for the satiety signals. Just because you can eat whatever you want doesn't mean you should eat all that you want. Eating like a bandster includes chewing your small bite of food to a mushy/soup like consistency very similar to Soup or yogurt or Cereal. If you can't eat grilled meats it may be because you aren't taking small bites and slowly chewing it enough? Any meat cooked for just a minute or so too long can cause the meat to be too dry which may cause the band to reject if not eaten properly. jmo tmf
  21. I know your comment wasn't directed at me but I really paid no attention to calories but I did eat healthy. I ate about 2000 a day. I managed to maintain my 12 lb loss till I got my 4th fill and then the weight loss took off. I had dieted for so long that I just refused to diet anymore and just waited on that fill that would give me restriction. I also ate healthy food so I wasn't hungry all the time. The band did seem to enable me to eat a little less food so I wasn't able to really pig out. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Need advice

    call your doctor as soon as you can.
  23. Yikes. It's like you could take the VSG out of the forum and replace it wit LGAB?
  24. 2muchfun

    22lbs gone and...

    So, you've been banded for 5 weeks? Most of the bandsters would love to have your success(22 lbs). This is a phase of the journey my doc and apparently most docs skip over. It's called bandster hell and you'll be here until you get a fill that gives you enough restriction to feel a higher level of satiety for a longer period time. Go ahead and b***h and moan as most of us did too. Won't do any good but use this time to learn to eat healthy foods and practice eating like a bandster.
  25. 2muchfun

    Slipped Band :(

    I feel for ya. That has to be so disappointing? We all work and battle so hard with this band, it hurts to see a soldier go down. Keep in touch and let us know what your next journey will be? tmf

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