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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. Take her advice with a grain of salt. I know if someone asked me which was the best I'd lean heavily towards the band. If she had success with her choice, it's understandable why she would recommend the sleeve. And she may be right. I think each surgery has it's own pros and cons. But it really comes down to matching the patient psyche with the WLS that best fits that patient. The education process before surgery is quite inadequate for many patients and from many doctors. There are several on this forum who should have gone with the sleeve or bypass but went with the band thinking this little piece of plastic would rid them of their eating demons? Doesn't always work that way. Sorry, way off topic now. tmf
  2. 2muchfun


    Don't take this the wrong way but you hijacked this thread. It's OK as we all do it sometimes and talk about our own stuff. But the problem is this, Not many people will see your post when you ask a question within another thread. You should start another topic in the general discussion area of the forums. I know this is a huge site and it's very confusing. But if you do start your own topic, hundreds of people will see your topic/comment and some will respond. Only the people who read or follow this particular thread will see your post and it limits the amount of possible responders. Having said all that, I have no idea what is going on with your burping and reflux? But I do know that a violent barfing session can cause your band to slip. When you say your dr? Your primary care doc or your bariatric doc? A PCP wont know his butt from a lapband so don't rely too much on his/her advice in this matter. Make sure your doc is a bariatric doc and they should look at your stomach through a floroscope. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Banded for a long time and still learning

    So much more is known now than 6 years ago. However, it appears that much of this info rarely makes it's way to banded patients. There's not a day that goes by that someone comes here with no idea what happens next? Did they play Angry Birds during the seminars and education classes or did they sign on with lousy doctors with poor communication skills? We'll never know? Welcome back to your new healthy lifestyle. Keep on posting and reading. tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Band too tight

    "hardly anything goes down"??? What goes down and what doesn't?
  5. There are books available that can answer most of your questions. Some are more than 500 pages long so there's a lot to learn. Jean McMillan's "Bandwagon" Alex's "The Big Book on the Lapband"
  6. 2muchfun


    If you are eating like Missy suggested, my advice is to try some chili w/beans. Does it go down OK? If you are eating small and chewing a lot, it's the same as eating chili or a thick meat and veggie Soup. If you can eat Soups with no problem, but get stuck on normal food, you're not eating properly. If you get stuck on soup, you may need a small unfill. tmf
  7. Sounds like he wants you to make his Mercedes Benz payment for a few months? I would recommend a second opinion.
  8. 2muchfun

    Exercise instaed of calorie counting??

    So, 2 Keeble Deluxe choc chip Cookies would have a rating of: 2 cookies would require 30 minutes of 3 mph walking. or 20 minutes of moderate-difficult bike riding? I doubt it would stop anyone from eating bad food but it would be handy to know? tmf
  9. Not sure if this will post or not? You may need facebook to see this? https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?v=565766076788142&set=vb.100000642645050&type=2&theater
  10. 2muchfun

    What do successful people do?

    Yes, the girl was cute wasn't she
  11. Not at all. I could hardly wait. It went just fine.
  12. 2muchfun

    Totally confused about my lapband

    Donna, I've been craving a Memphis Burger from Carl's for months now. I decided to treat myself and went in to buy one. They don't make them anymore they said. I walked out without buying anything. I was proud of myself. So, I googled the ingredients and made myself one at home. A little too many calories but I accomplished my goal and now I'm fine for another 6 months. No guilt, I knew what I was doing.
  13. 2muchfun

    Totally confused about my lapband

    1. Most likely you aren't taking small bites and chewing enough. It's one of the most difficult things for new bandsters to do. 2. No. I eat a normal diet of most everything but junk and fast food. I just eat less of it. I eat a lot of salads, veggies, salmon, chicken, low fat hamburger etc. I had some tater tots over the weekend with some onion rings too. Yuck. Why did I ever like those foods. My taste buds have done a 180 degree change. The crappy foods I once loved, I now detest. I love eating healthy and that's a first for me. 3. I knew when I could eat and be satisfied for 3-4 hours. I still eat a small snack twice a day but it's usually a cheese stick, apple, fruit, pickle or costco small bag of jerkey. I kept getting stuck though and had some taken out. My mistake. I now know I wasn't eating small enough or chewing enough. That was 8 months post surgery. 4. Eat real food. Real chicken, not chicken nuggets, Cook a slab of salmon. Eat vegetables, steamed or raw. Don't eat processed foods like white bleach flours or refined sugar or even large fruit juices. Don't eat chips, crackers, fast food. But don't kick yourself if you cheat every now and then. The world and your future won't change if you fall off the wagon here and there. tmf
  14. 2muchfun


    Like I said, you may not understand how this works because no one HAS to drink protein shakes. They're helpful during the post op phase but only for a few days/weeks. The only protocol is once you're adjusted properly you must watch for satiety signals and obey them. That means you eat fruit, vegetables, meats and even bread if your band will tolerate it. Your husband may be right. He does know you better than anyone else? The band won't stop you from eating bad foods. If you want to lose weight with the band, you really have to make a change in the way you think. You have to think, "Am I Hungry"? And if you aren't, you don't eat. The band helps you to feel that satisfied feeling much quicker and with much less food. You can still continue to eat if you disregard the signals. Most of us can discern between hunger and cravings and we lose or maintain weight. If you go into this thinking the band will stop you from eating you're going down the wrong road. If you think it will stop you from eating oreos and chips, wrong again. It's not a quick fix, it's for people who have tried all other methods of weight loss and are willing to make a CHANGE in their lives. Did you watch the videos? tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    All the low hanging fruit is gone...

    Aint it great to have belts that reach all the way around your left side and look goofy?
  16. 2muchfun

    Pictures at Half Way Mark!

    Wow! That is quite a difference. Great job and great attitude.
  17. Many of us found that the difference between getting the proper adjustment and too loose can be as little as .25 CCs. You could be one small fill away or 6 small fills away. If you can get your doctor to perform a floroscopy fill, you might find the zone quicker. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    David Kentucky Derby Jacket 4 30 13

    Hey, can you sell me a used car?
  19. 2muchfun


    There's no such thing as a lapband diet. We just learn to eat healthy foods in much smaller quantities. You should invest some time to research the band before you jump into it. It doesn't work the way you might think. With a lot of work on your part, the band can help you find satiety signals so you eat less. Watch these videos when you have time: Part 1 part 2 Part 3 Part 4
  20. Alex's book "The Big Book on the Lap-Band" link is at the top of this page.
  21. 2muchfun

    Any idea how to get over a plateau?

    A major plateau may be different for everyone but for me, it's 2 months. And you're only 2 months out and you've lost 30. Many would love to have your success. One week does not make a major plateau. Just keep eating fewer calories than you burn and it will happen in time. Be patient. If you're exercising you may be replacing fat with muscle. It will show up as inches lost and won't appear on the scale. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    Upper GI. Confused now:(

    I lean more towards your PCP recommendations but would definitely seek the advice of a bariatric surgeon. tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Upper GI. Confused now:(

    You posted the same topic yesterday and the correct answer is talk to your bariatric surgeon. This is a complicated diagnosis and I seriously doubt anyone here would have your entire medical history to offer any better advice than your bariatric surgeon. BTW-You mention "your surgeon" but then go on to say you're seeking a bariatric surgeon? What kind of surgeon is "your surgeon"?
  24. Fluids should pass through your esophogus, pouch, band and into your stomach in a matter of seconds.
  25. 2muchfun

    first time for everyone :-/

    Happens to most all of us. I still get stuck a few times a month. Learning to eat small and chew big is one of the most difficult things for new and old bandsters to do.

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