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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Biking NSV

    41.8? Did you move to Alaska?
  2. 2muchfun

    -1.5lbs a week. More please!

    One more illustration:
  3. 2muchfun

    -1.5lbs a week. More please!

    You must burn off 7,000 calories/wk more than you consume. So, you need to create a daily deficit of 1,000 calories. If your natural metabolism is 1800 calories a day, less 1200 consumed, less 600 burned(5 days) = 1200/day. You should be losing 2 lbs a week now. Mind you, thats 2 lbs of fat but if you're replacing fat with muscle, the scale may not reflect this. Only you would know if your clothes fit looser or you actually measure inches lost? The scale does not differentiate fat from muscle. tmf
  4. PJ, does it really matter if it takes you one year or 3 years to attain your goal? If you're making yourself healthy every step of the way, isn't it a good thing? Impatience is quite normal for all of us. Stories like Missy's, Floridays and B-52 should stand as aspirations for all of us, not walls or roadblocks to a healthier life. You're healthier now than when you started right? Keep working at it and never give up. Look at Candice Glover on American Idol. She was rejected twice and mocked by Simon Cowell as a lounge act. You're no lounge act and you're just as capable at succeeding as anyone on the forum. tmf
  5. Once again Ms Maui is flying fast and loose with the facts. The study she cites was the initial study initiated in 1995 shortly after the advent of the product. Techniques and product enhancements have made these results antiquated and negligible. As I've said before, all new medical devices and surgical techniques improve over time. It's only natural. Lapband surgery will be better in 10 years than it is now I have no doubt. Body part transplants will have better outcomes 10 years from now. Lapband outcomes now, compared to 20-23 years ago, are also much better due to higher quality products, surgical techniques and physician training. Are there still failures and complications? Of course there are and as long as human nature is involved, this will continue to be the case. From the FDA.gov website: Study Design: A 3-year, single-arm, multi-center study was initiated in June 1995 with 299 subjects enrolled at 8 centers under the care of 12 surgeons. All procedures were completed utilizing a perigastric dissection technique with pouches of 25 ml or (later in the study) 15 ml, using the 9.75cm (B- 2210) and 10.0cm (B-2220) LAP-BAND ® Systems. http://www.fda.gov/d...l/UCM235263.pdf
  6. 2muchfun

    scared to throw up

    Throwing up can tear the sutures holding the band in place around your stomach. Be very careful. tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    Someone Gave Me The Bird

    I mean, literally! So, these two robins, mom and dad I suppose, have been creating this huge nest in a small basket on our front door. How did I miss this? So, I want to move it left or right 10-15 ft but my wife wants to leave it right where it's at? Some guy at Wildbirds Unlimited suggested leaving it there too. It's so cute but the basket is held on with a magnet. So, if it falls off and the little birds don't survive, I'm sure it will be my fault
  8. 2muchfun

    Someone Gave Me The Bird

    We have so many doves in our backyard. We have these bird feeders and unfortunately hawks feed here too. Doves are such easy targets for raptors, it just pains me to see them taken so often.
  9. 2muchfun


    Your profile states you started at 250 but you're 220 now? Have you lost weight or not? Confused?
  10. 2muchfun


    Here is a forum about success. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forum/227-lap-band-success-stories/
  11. I think he's truly concerned that you're not getting enough Protein and other nutrients. Giving you another fill could make you eat even less and that may not be good for you? You must be one of the lucky ones who feel satisfied with less food right from the git-go. I'm envious. Wouldn't hurt much if you threw in a cheese stick here or there to up your caloric intake. You may run into a plateau if your body decides you're trying to starve it. But, no need to worry just yet. tmf
  12. Many of us had no pre op diet and yours sounds a little odd? I've read here where some people went in for surgery and when the doc found that the liver was too large, they closed the patient up and cancelled the surgery for that day. I'd advise you to stick to the diet and stay away from carbs for the remaining 6 days to shrink that liver? tmf
  13. 2muchfun

    I need a fill :/

    I had to demand a fill one time. They wanted to put me off for another 4 weeks but I was adamant that I wanted and needed a fill. Call your doctor and don't waiver.
  14. 2muchfun

    High protein low carb pre op suggestions

    eggs, bacon, cheese, cottage cheese, deli meats, tuna, seafood, hamburger, all red, white meats, chicken wings, wing sauce(look for the carb ct), some salsa, taco salad, jerkey, smoked salmon, most all vegetables except roots or potatoes. Unfortunately fruit is way too high in carbs. Tuna salad, chicken salad, shrimp salad, omelettes, steaks, McDonalds burgers(less the bun), cream in your coffee. I tried to keep my carb ct down to 45 which is quite easy. I was on a low carb diet for 20 years and was very successful. Good luck. tmf
  15. "so unpopular that the major manufacturer of lap bands, Allergan, no longer wants to make them?" This is a huge leap made on an obvious predisposed opionion by the author. I don't believe Allergan has said they don't want to make them? There's also the leap that they are unpopular? Based on what? Lagging profits? Lagging profits may or may not reflect sales or popularity. Lagging profits could be a result of more competition from Realize driving patient costs lower or even from exposure to liability. The fact is, the product is still profitable although profits are declining? "Are you addicted to eating? If so, a Lap-Band is probably not going to help you lose weight. Do you love ice cream or fattening drinks? If so, a Lap-Band is probably not going to be effective in helping you lose weight." I think there are so many on this forum alone that make these two comments totally bogus. So, what is the author's remedy for gastric banding failures to help patients lose weight? Make one more attempt to diet and exercise. OK, been there, done that. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Stuck on boiled eggs

    I've had some mild stuck episodes with hard boiled eggs. I love the hard boiled eggs from costco that are peeled and ready to eat. Easy to make up a batch of deviled eggs but it's chew chew chew and pay close attention. tmf
  17. Then it does sound like you may have some serious issues that need medical attention? Letting a slipped or eroded band go unchecked is very dangerous. Having it removed is secondary at this point? I would suggest the most pressing issue would be to have a doctor diagnose the problem. This shouldn't be left to a self-diagnosis. It's far too risky imo. The end result could be removal but there could be other health issues too. I'm sure you've looked at all options and maybe you fall under the medicaid umbrella? Or, some states have programs to help people who are uninsured? Check with your legislator to see if you fall under any state programs? tmf
  18. It really bites to go 4 months(in my case) and watch so many other dropping 40-50 lbs(and still complain). LOL You haven't filled out your profile so I don't know your situation? But mine was I was a low BMI patient. So I only had about 12 lbs of excess Fluid to lose. Many folks who are 200 lbs obese, can drop 50 lbs of excess Water their fat has stored. This kind of weight falls off first and may give someone the illusion they'll continue to lose 5-10 lbs every week. Not going to happen. Once you drop the excess fluids you start working on the stored fat. Exercising is very very important if you want to be successful. Walking is good but biking, hiking, tennis, aerobic activities work best.
  19. I was banded a little over a year ago(11/28/11). I lost 12 lbs the first two weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. Then I got my 3rd fill and met with my nutritionist. I changed some of my eating habits and started tracking my calories closer. The weight began to fall off after that. Relax, what you are experiencing is very normal and has happened to many of us. Seems like I was hungrier after the surgery than ever before. But, I was a good boy and ate healthy foods, but maybe not the 1/2 cup I was told to eat. tmf
  20. How long have you been plateaued?
  21. You should bite the bullet and just have all the Fluid removed by a doc. That should eliminate the severe problems you are having unless your band has slipped or eroded. No insurance will cover you unless you work for a company that has insurance and you are brought in under their umbrella. In those cases, existing conditions are usually waived. You're asking an insurance company to fork out $6,000-$8,000 and you only contribute a few hunded in premiums? That's just not going to happen. Till you find employment that has a bariatric inclusion, get the fluid removed. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    morning after an agressive fill.....

    And you don't see a lot of fill posts like this? Attagirl.
  23. 2muchfun

    What keeps everyone more satisfied?

    Neither. Protein and lots of it. eggs, turkey sausage, low fat beef crumbled into a breakfast taco, smoked salmon on a skinny bagel, egg and ham w LF/cheese on a skinny bread(low cal eggmcmuffin), egg beater/turkey sausage omelette, 3 slices of bacon w/scrambled egg. Not all at once of course
  24. 2muchfun

    Eating out...FRUSTRATING!

    Restaurant food is high in sodium so you're just retaining water.
  25. 2muchfun

    Drinking thru/down my meals

    And talk to your nutritionist.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
