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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun


    Swelling is down and the stoma is wider. That's what happens with fills. food is not supposed to get stuck. Sounds like you need to sit down with your nut and find the foods that help you feel satiety. The band won't stop you from eating more. It's designed to help you feel satisfied with less food. And it takes some time to learn those signals. How many CCs in your band is irrelevent since we all have different anatomies. It might take all 10 CCs to find the green zone. What are you eating more of?
  2. Why would you opt for a revision? The sleeve won't stop you from eating the wrong foods or too much anymore than a band will. You're looking at bariatric surgery as if it were a governor placed on your body that completely controls your intake and that's just not how it works. Any WLS is a tool but if you don't use the tool, you won't find success. I see posts from others who also deal with the non supportive families and I have to admit I'd struggle with the issue too. I think that this is an area that surgeons don't evaluate well enough. Some patients should be screened out or not encouraged to have WLS until they're in control of their own environment. Although, I have seen some patients who also work in a restaurant who have had WLS. Sorry, I have willpower, but not in the quantities needed to refrain from not cheating in that environment. It must be very difficult to plan and execute a healthy eating lifestyle when you're not in control over the meal planning? tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Dumb Question

    I follow Dr O'Briens rules on drinking and he allows his patients to drink while eating but wait one minute after a bite of food. So, I drink after a meal regardless.
  4. 2muchfun

    I need ideas!

    My daughter, Taylor, was born Feb 10 1989.
  5. OK, you need to check in here more often. We need more posts like yours!! :wub:
  6. 2muchfun

    I need ideas!

    Everything you wanted to know and more: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/159669-carb-cycling-an-experiment-gone-right/page__st__520__hl__carb%20cycling#entry2001521
  7. 2muchfun

    Greetings from the New Guy

    A shot of tequila on a Friday night might be OK? I know it's worked for me. I'm sure bourbon could work for you too? tmf
  8. You look like you're a little too big to exist on 1000 calories? When I really want to lose weight, I keep my caloric intake around 1400 and try to exercise about 500cal/day. I don't think I could handle under 1000 calories for more than a couple of days? I eat around 300 calories for Bfast: egg beater omelette(2% cheese, turkey sausage) or a skinny bread muffin with ham, egg and cheese. a small serving of fruit too. lunch, skinny sandwich. deli meats, leftover chicken. Dinner: Salmon, salad: Chicken breast with some veggies: Low fat hamurger pattie with side salad. artichoke with low cal mayo dip. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Almost 2 year bandiversary...

    You bring up a good point regarding your band's moods. This is a common theme here where people don't want to adapt to their new lifestyle. Being banded will change you, your lifestyle and your eating habits. You've done great and good luck with a new doc. tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    How Long?

    Maybe you should invest in a cooler type lunch pail to keep your food cold for when you go to work? You said you used a packaged oatmeal? As I recall, those are more of an instant oatmeal and are processed more? Regular steel cut oatmeal will take longer to pass and provide more fiber than an instant oatmeal. tmf
  11. 2muchfun

    How Long?

    I agree with Guy. I eat Protein in the morning. What you are eating is considered a slider food even though it's somewhat nutritious. Try egg beaters, or scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, ham, omelettes. They're a little harder to digest so they stick around a lot longer. I also eat skinny flat breads with an egg, ham and cheese slice. It's around 300 calories and sticks around for many hours. One other thing? My doctor explained to me that as time goes by, our pouch becomes a more efficient muscle and adapts to pushing food through the band with more ease. In other words, it becomes stronger which can appear that your stoma is more open when it's not. I'm going in for another fill tomorrow for the same reason. I seldom get stuck and I believe I need the adjustment so that I feel satisfied longer.
  12. 2muchfun

    Nobody told me..

    I'm happy. I'm healthier. No worries. tmf
  13. Slip, dilation? Something's wrong? Get in as soon as you can and try to stick to foods that won't irritate the band and cause more vomiting. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    To all the lapbands out there!

    I sounds like you're just tight enough, but, consuming processed carbs in chips and sweets along with lots of sodium can cause your entire body to swell. It won't take much swelling to make your band too tight. Most of the foods you ate on Memorial day sound like slider foods. Dark chicken meat slides through much easier than white breast meat. I wouldn't be overly concerned and you don't sound like you've had a slip at all. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Fill during surgery

    It's easy to look in the rear view mirror and say I'd like 5 CCs please, now that I know I needed 6 fills. But, it's unpredictable to assume every patient will recover the same. Some may only need 1 fill and others 6 fills before they feel any restriction. Filling the band early with a patient who has control issues could jeopardize the sutures holding the band in place. Just make sure your doctor gives fills under fluoro so you can move right up to and kiss restriction in the first 60 days. And it won't hurt to ask him to put some in during surgery if he feels comfortable with doing it. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    To all the lapbands out there!

    Not enough info to really help you? Depends on what you are eating? The band won't stop you from eating too much. It can help you feel more satisfied, sooner. You still have a stomach so you can eat slider foods till the cows come home. It still stretches to accommodate large quantities of food. You can choose to ignore the signals your pouch/band is sending that you're no longer hungry and you can stop eating. We all love food so in some environments we can't turn off those eating demons who encourage us to eat till we're in a coma. tmf
  17. Vomit? As in full blown hurling, or just regurgitating, or PBing?
  18. 2muchfun


    Ditto on Minimi. Call your doctor or at least schedule an appt with your nutritionist. Nutritionists are a great source for those of us who get stuck or slide back into old habits.
  19. Go to the top of this page and click on "Surgeons". Input your zip code and find popular surgeons in your area. Google or call them to see if they're holding any seminars. Go to as many as you can so you find the one doctor you feel comfortable with. Ask questions, go to support groups before settling on a surgeon. Good luck. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    Stay away

    If one assumes you mean, what will the band reject, the answer is, it's different for every bandster. You may be fine with breads where someone else isn't. Dry meats seem to be the most cited food that travels poorly from mouth to stomach. Rice, lettuce, doughy breads are also cited regularly. But, you'll find out soon enough which ones are acceptable. If your question is about what foods to avoid so you lose weight, it's like Labwalker said. Junk foods, fatty foods, high simple carb foods, overly processed foods, most fast foods. These are all no brainers of course, but most of us still allow ourselves a little indulgence occasionally. A slice of pizza, a scoop of ice cream or an occasional cheeseburger can keep me sane for a long time. tmf
  21. 2muchfun


    Grace, imo, you should revisit your bariatrics doctor and sounds like you need some fills? Also, speaking to a nutritionist who understands the lapband can be incredibly helpful. The band is a tool and if it's not adjusted properly it's not going to work. As far as old habits go, yes, we all have those demons and but they can be overcome. With a properly adjusted band, fighting those demons is so much easier. Otherwise, you're just on another diet and fighting on your own. tmf
  22. If you know that you have to burn 3500 calories or eat 3500 calories in excess of your daily calorie needs, you can see that gaining or losing 8 lbs isn't going to be all fat. Maybe 1 lb of fat if you're consuming more than you burn? If your caloric intake is coming primarily from carbs, your body can/will store excess fluids. If you're consuming a lot of sodium, your body will retain fluids. Can you post a typical meal? tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    slow loser?

    I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing for the next 14 weeks. Then I got my 4th fill and starting feeling satisfied and ate less food. I've lost 50 lbs now since surgery and have about another 25 lbs to go. If you're losing inches you must be exercising a lot? Replacing lost fat with new muscle cells will make it appear that you're not losing weight but you are losing fat. tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Eating too much

    The short answer is that there's a nerve, the vagus nerve, that winds through your stomach and once you get to the green zone, the movement of your esophogus and pouch massaging food to your stomach affects this nerve giving you the feeling that you've eaten enough. This can be the hard part of your journey. Recognizing the difference between feeling satisfied and feeling full can be difficult for so many. Good luck and look for that satisfied feeling. tmf
  25. 2muchfun

    When can i eat solid foods

    So I'm sorry to be too graphic here but remember, someone filled your body cavity full of gas, they pumped fluids, medications, antibiotics and anesthesia into your body. They punched 5 holes in your abdomen, moved all your inner body parts around, shoved a tube down your throat, took an electric scalpel and burned away excess fat and tissue wrapped around your upper stomach, then wrapped a plastic strap around your stomach just below the lower esophogeal sphincter, stitched it in place with 5-6 sutures bringing your lower stomach up and over the band and then snaked a tube out of your body and then sewed another plastic piece to the muscle tissue on your rib cage. Now, considering all that has been done to your body, you're doing quite well aren't you? You can't eat solid food till your doctor tells you to. Your band is stitched into place and eating solids too soon could compromise the good work your surgeon performed. It will get better. Promise. tmf

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