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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. Salads are one of the easiest for me to eat. We all want to help you so if you could elaborate on why you can't eat veggies and fruit? Are you too tight, do you not chew enough or small enough? Do they make you ill?
  2. 2muchfun

    Six months postop

    It's not really a plateau till it's about a month to 6 weeks out. One week is much too short to evaluate weight loss. Congrats, you are doing well. You'll have to chime in after Morocco and tell us how the Bastilla was?
  3. 2muchfun

    2 months of Nothing!

    I've never heard of this before? I'm sure having a trainer who is familiar with band patients dietary needs would be helpful but the trainee could educate the trainer I would imagine? tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Relocating the Ports

    Them? You only have one port. If you're talking about the other incisions, those are where they inserted tubes for gas, tools, liver lifter etc.
  5. Tonight, stuffed red peppers. Last night, Salmon and salad. Friday night, taco salad.
  6. 2muchfun

    Do you miss favorite foods

    Yeah, I was scared that I might not be able to eat most of my comfort foods. Potatoes smothered in butter and gravy, chicken fried steak, pizza, lasagna, sandwiches, etc. But, I can still eat those foods if I want to but funny thing is, I don't want to anymore(except a once or twice a year pizza). I don't miss the fast food. I've even stopped off at McD's and bought a double cheeseburger a few times and it just doesn't taste good anymore. My favorite quote from this board comes from Pink Dahlia, "I'm so stinkin' thrilled with my weight loss i dont even care about what i cant eat!"
  7. 2muchfun

    Banded Sept 19 and doing great !

    Do you have a post op care doctor or clinic? Fills and aftercare will be very important for you to succeed? tmf
  8. eggs can be one of the hardest foods for bandsters to eat. But, it's mostly due to our old eating habits of eating too much, too quickly and not chewing enough. Learning to eat slowly with small bites and chewing to a mush could be one of the most difficult pieces of this puzzle for you to conquer. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Too tight? Or is this typical?

    Someone, please stick a fork in this thread?
  10. 2muchfun


    http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA400968/Coffee-and-Cancer-Risk.html http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16841331 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/18/coffee-oral-cancer-throat-death_n_2317525.html I'm not advocating you go against your doctors guidelines but you might ask what study he got his information from?
  11. 2muchfun


    Stomach cancer? That's a new one on me? I drink coffee every day. Only one or two cups.
  12. 2muchfun

    This is weird.. I can eat

    Sylvie, Don't feel alone. I was in Bandster Hell and could eat anything and everything I wanted for 4 months before I finally got my 3rd till that gave me some restriction/satiety. This is how it is with the band. Of course, it would have been good to know this before surgery so I wouldn't have been so pissed for so long. My doc and none of the seminars or nutrition classes said anything about this phase of our journey(or I wasn't listenting). Try to eat healthy food. That's the only way I was able to avoid gaining weight.
  13. 2muchfun

    This is weird.. I can eat

    What you are feeling is common and normal. It won't change till you get enough fills to give you some satiety. You're in what they call, "Bandster Hell" and will be till you get that one fill that gives satiety. tmf
  14. 2muchfun

    This is weird.. I can eat

    FYI-Many of us can eat anything we want within days of surgery. Your band is not filled so the stoma is wide open. BUT, most all of us are told to not eat solid food. We're told and instructed to consume liquids for a week and mushies for up to 4 weeks. Solid food early after surgery can compromise the surgery by causing the sutures around your stomach to tear away. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    This is weird.. I can eat

    Did your doctor not give you instructions not to eat solid food for a time? What were your post op diet instructions?
  16. I can understand. I guess I'm kindof lucky. It's just me and my wife and I'm the chef. So, I cook and eat what is good for my band and my wife has adapted. We both work from home so meal planning is simple and there's not a lot of drama from kids running in and out. I can't imagine having little ones. I remember those days well. If they didn't eat all their chicken nuggets, I'd finish off what was left. I don't think they would have adapted well to this new way of eating. Hambugers, pizza, macncheese, spaghetti, linguini w/alfredo was our weekly meal plan. Now, pizza two or three times a year, hamburgers now without buns and low fat only. Keep plugging away and one day you'll look in that mirror and see the new you with baggy clothes and the gleeful feeling will return. tmf
  17. If I had lost that much weight in less than 2 months I'd be overwhelmingly happy? Not putting you down, just saying how I'd feel. Is this not important to you? It was for me and after 8 weeks I had only lost 12 lbs and it stayed that way for 8 more weeks.
  18. 2muchfun

    Hmmm not losing...

    CGirl is right. Losing weight vs losing fat are two different issues. You can lose fat and replace the fat with muscle. It won't show on the scales but it will show in how your clothing fits. And, the vast majority of weight we lose immediately after surgery will be fluids our body stored. It can't really be a plateau unless you go at least 4 weeks with no "fat loss". Watch this video, it explains it very well:
  19. 2muchfun

    Anxiety over being "Normal"

    Drink more than two glasses of wine and you won't give a *&^$#@
  20. 2muchfun

    40 lbs. to goal weight, help!

    Breakfast Egg Beater omelet filled with turkey sausage, veggies and low fat cheese. Scrambled eggs with green chilis and onions. Sprinkle with cheese(low fat and only 1oz) lunch Salads with olive oil dressing, chicken or seafood chunks. Or/Turkey deli meat with cheese sticks dinner Any type of meat, vegetables like broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, bell peppers, salads. No carrots or potatoes. If you eliminate rice, you can make a mean stuffed pepper with low fat hamburger, mushrooms, veggies.
  21. 2muchfun

    Signs of fullness

    We usually call this a stuck episode. And it feels like a golf ball is stuck under your sternum. You want to avoid this as it can eventually stretch your pouch and/or your esophagus. You're still very swollen from surgery and maybe you should stick to liquids or Clear Liquids till the swelling goes down. Your surgeon just stripped away excess fat around your stomach with a cauterizing scalpel, then wrapped a plastic strap around the neck and then brought up part of your stomach to overlap the band and sutured it into place. I know we're told this is not major surgery but your stomach might disagree. We've seen many new bandster's post that they can't drink anything post surgery due to the swelling. And, more and more, it seems that surgeons are filling the band with a few CC's of saline where in the past most did not add any saline at all. If this continues, call your doc. tmf
  22. 2muchfun


    Seems like most Mexican food are sliders for me. Corn chips, tortillas, enchiladas pass through the pouch with virtually no satiety.
  23. 2muchfun

    Beef jerky

    I buy the small packages of beef jerkey from Costco. They come in 1.25 oz packages. Maybe about 20 packages per bag? I eat them as a snack if I get hungry. They seem to satisfy much longer since there's so much protein and they stimulate the vagus nerve.
  24. 2muchfun

    Signs of fullness

    We don't look for full feelings, we look for satiety. The band won't stop you from overeating all foods but it can make you feel satisfied with less food. You're still in the healing phase and probably won't find or recognize some of the signals till you heal and can eat solids. If you're feeling a ball like feeling near your sternum you should call your doctor or at least slow down how much you're eating. Give the liquids time to pass through your swollen stoma. tmf
  25. 2muchfun

    Is this normal?

    Jayme, I have to respectfully disagree that your issue is extreme. If after tomorrow, when you eat solids and find they don't pass the stoma, and if you are following the small bite, big chew rule, then you should call and ask for advice. FYI-many of us would love to have been in your shoes after only 2 fills. Many of us took 6 or more fills to finally find this kind of restriction. The hardest part now is changing your eating habits if you are like many of us. Learning to take small bites, eat slowly, chew my food to mush was the hardest thing for me to adjust to. If you don't learn this lesson, you will suffer many painful stuck episodes. If you conquer this issue, you stand a chance to lose many lbs in the future. Good luck.

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