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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Our pics being used in the media?

    I've seen some of those pics before? Can't recall all the names but many post here regularly. Did you see the 5:2 diet at the end? That's a joke. Eat what you want 5 days a week and only eat 500 calories a day for the other 2. Gee, I don't see any red flags there? tmf
  2. It took me 3 fills before I started to feel enough satiety/restriction to not be hungry all the time. Fill #6 got me to the green zone where I wasn't hungry for 4-5 hours. I lost 12 lbs the first two weeks after srugery and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. Yes, I was pissed and frustrated! It took my 3rd fill and a consult with the nutritionist before I started to really lose weight. After the consult, I religiously kept my caloric intake to around 1200(ok for guys) but maybe you should shoot for 1000? I tracked for about a month but then eyeballed my portions after that and I believe I was fairly accurate. I also kicked in my exercise program. It's all about math. Burn more calories than you consume. Burn 500 more calories a day with a good exercise program. It takes 3500 calories to equal one lb of fat. So, 500/day more calories burned equals 1 lb per week. But you won't always lose 1 lb of weight. You might lose 1 lb of fat but gain 1.5 lbs of muscle? The scale can't tell the diff. Pay attention to how your clothes fit? I would highly recommend a consult with your nut. Eat more Protein and eat it first. Stay away from slider foods and simple carbs like white breads, potatoes, white rice, low Fiber cereals etc. Stick with high fiber foods and high protein meats and eggs. Good luck. tmf
  3. You left out a lot of information? Date banded? Start weight? Current weight? Height/age? How long stalled? Calories eaten a day? Calories burned a day? Exercise program? Type of foods consumed? Do you track calories? Male/Female?
  4. Yeah, Noel is right. Not a good idea to be this tight imo. And, there are other issues to be concerned with such as slips, dilation, erosion etc. Always best to hear it straight from a professional. Muscle buildup shouldn't have any affect on internal organs or the band imo. tmf
  5. 2muchfun

    ObamaCare Facts & Myths

    OK, they nailed 2 out of 25? But, the obvious bias of the people providing the information is summed up in this one so called myth: "ObamaCare Myth: We Need Less Government Your preference as to whether or not you appreciate the need for the Government that our founding fathers saw a need for is irrelevant when discussing ObamaCare. This is an issue of "do we need healthcare reform?" not "do we need more government?". At this point in history, less government would mean undoing hundreds of years of progress and handing our country over to corporations. Regulations, laws and taxes are all very important to our every day lives. There is always room for reform and that is exactly what ObamaCare does." "and handing our country over to corporations" Right out of the occupy wall street handbook? I don't believe the government can provide cheaper and higher quality healthcare, period.
  6. 2muchfun

    ObamaCare Facts & Myths

    Jor-el, just because someone posts BS from a website on the internet does not make it a fact. Just as what FoxNews or CNN or NBC posts on their sites or TV programs, we really don't know yet,(maybe your crystal ball is clearer than mine?)do we? Relying on obamacarefacts.com as a clear reference source would be like relying on scientology as the only source for spiritual guidance.
  7. 2muchfun

    One week post op

    I can't give you personal experience since I didn't really experience a lot of pain. But I see posts like yours weekly and they all come back within a few weeks with a "Phew, glad that's behind me". It does get better and if you're still taking pain meds, they only exacerbate the emotional roller coaster. Hang in there!
  8. 2muchfun

    Lump next to port?!

    I had a mild umbilical hernia that seems to have worsened. Already had it repaired 12 years ago and may have to go back in. It's a lump too and sometimes if I eat and drink too much it seems to increase in size.
  9. The primary cause of Barrett's esophagus is GERD. The post you referenced was for a lady who had GERD/Barrett's Esophagus and pre-cancerous cells but never developed into full blown cancer. Again, we're all very sorry for your loss but to come here asserting the band did it without any evidence is not right. Especially when she died from a PE. Many of us have turned our lives around with this surgery. Many lives have been saved in fact. Naturally many of us are defensive when someone posts as you have. There are risks to any procedure but getting cancer as you stated could have been developing for years before she was banded.
  10. I'm sorry for your loss but how could a lapband cause cancer?
  11. 2muchfun

    ObamaCare Facts & Myths

    My point was, your facts come from a pro Obama, pro Affordable Care Act website and can't be trusted to present the "facts". This is a political football and until the program is rolled out in it's entirety, no one knows what is true and what is not true.
  12. 2muchfun

    ObamaCare Facts & Myths

    Taken directly off the Obamacare site so take it all with a grain of salt. This is no better than taking the opposing facts and myths taken from the Rush Limbaugh site. It's on the internet so it must be true?
  13. A Dr visit and a Nutritionist consult could do wonders to kick start the new you.
  14. 10-12 lbs is a lot of weight to lose in just a few weeks. Your band won't do it's magic till it gets enough fills to give you enough restriction/satiety to stop being hungry. That may be 0-8 fills. For me, it was 3 fills. What you're experiencing is normal and happened to most all of us. Till there's restriction, it's just another diet. tmf
  15. 2muchfun


    My personal advice is for you to weigh yourself morning and night. See what foods cause you to gain weight. Weight gain or stagnation isn't always caused by increasing body fat. Some foods heavy in sodium or carbs can cause you to retain fluids but your scale can't tell the diff between Fluid gains and body fat increases. For me, knowing what affects my body is important, so tracking daily is important. For others, it's too complicated or too emotional to track.
  16. 2muchfun


    FYI-There are 4 sealed sections, each containing 6 eggs. So, you can open a section at a time and the "Best by" date is usually about 30 days out. Make sure to check the "Best by" or Expiration date.
  17. 2muchfun

    feeling discouraged

    You might want to lower your expectations? 1-2 lbs average per week is normal. 10 lbs is above average imo.
  18. 2muchfun


    They're great for deviled eggs cuz I hate boiling, peeling eggs.
  19. 2muchfun


    Costco sells hard boiled eggs by the double dozen. They usually last 4 weeks and are a good to go Bfast food.
  20. 2muchfun

    Food stuck

    Most stuck episodes will pass within 60 minutes. Food stuck in your pouch are exposed to stomach acids so they break down and are digested. Some items like potato skins might take a little longer.
  21. 2muchfun


    I had a 7 oz 4% grilled hamburger with a roasted green chili(and cheese) on it for dinner. You can have many salads with olive oil and a splash of balsamic vinaigrette. Roasted chicken from the grocery store(Costco's is great). Steak, ham, pork chops, salmon, halibut, tuna fish salad. Bacon, turkey sausage, omelets, shrimp. Google low carb recipes and you'll find 34 million results. Eating low carb is super easy and it really works. tmf
  22. As I've posted before(and with links) Nsaids cause the lining in our stomach to breakdown, making ulcers easier to develop. This is caused by the drug being absorbed into our blood stream. So, pills or liquids are both just as dangerous. tmf
  23. 620 made a good point. Something I've done in the past and I've seen others here do it too, is to increase your caloric intake maybe up to 1400 calories a day for a weekend so that your metabolism increases, and then go back to maybe 1000 a day? Keep your body guessing with a varied diet and a varied exercise routine. Still, your current routine will work too, it just may not seem to kick in as quickly? tmf
  24. Are your clothes fitting looser? If you've amped up your exercise program you could be adding muscle and still losing fat. One month is not much of a plateau once you get down to that last 25 lbs. If you burn off 500 calories a day more than you consume you could lose 4 lbs in one month. But that's 4 lbs of fat. If you're building/replacing that fat with muscle, the scale won't know the difference and will not show it. It's this way for most of us. Those last lbs are incredibly difficult to shed and requires a lot of focus and intense control over how many calories we eat. Be satisfied with 2 lbs a month if you can get there?
  25. 2muchfun

    Scale Intervention

    I weigh every morning, every night. If you understand how food, exercise, fluids affect your body you won't go mental over a few lbs here and there. If you don't weigh but once a week and you're up 5 lbs at the end of the week, how do you know which foods affected your weight gain? Quick gains of 1-3 lbs are often just the body retaining water from exercise, sodium or too many carbs and can be easily shed by changing our sodium or carb intake.

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