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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Help with Soft Food Stage

    Deli turkey is soft.
  2. 2muchfun

    Not Feeling Full

    You may be in "bandster hell" until you get the fill that gives you enough restriction for the band to work it's magic. That may be 1 fill or 6. No one knows. Till then, it's just another diet. Also, you're still healing and most docs and nutritionists don't really worry about weight loss till your first few fills. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Weight loss stall

    Your band won't begin to work it's magic until you receive the adjustment that sends you into the green zone. It does sound like you have a lot of moving parts to your life so give it time and keep getting fills till you reach the point of satiety/restriction you need. tmf
  4. 2muchfun

    Alex Brecher: Admin-help

    Thanks Alex. Good to know about the spam guideline. I've become so used to not receiving these emails I'm going to go into notifications and change them so that I don't receive them. Otherwise my inbox is overloaded.
  5. 2muchfun

    Alex Brecher: Admin-help

    Donna, I've had the same issues for a year now. I tried the fixes that Jim suggested and they didn't work and no one ever responded to the contact form. Not saying you shouldn't try these options, but don't be surprised if no one responds. I'm going to report your post as it seems like that's the only way anyone responds anymore? Good luck.
  6. 2muchfun

    boycotting CVS....

    I just I'M'd her a great way to cook Salmon. I'm so sure she'll enjoy it. It's good for you and helps keep you out of the doctor's office(on topic). tmf
  7. 2muchfun

    Starting to get discouraged.

    Request a consult with the nutritionist. Are you eating the right foods? Protein first? Be aggressive with your fill requests if you don't feel the satiety you need? tmf
  8. 2muchfun


    PBing is when or if you can regurgitate from your pouch(not lower stomach) or from your esophagus, food that is stuck or is clogging the stoma. Productive Burp=PB Slime is phlegm or saliva like liquid your body creates to help food slide through that has backed up in your esophagus due to being stuck. Looks just like the slime used in Ghostbusters.
  9. 2muchfun

    Post stuck episode

    12 hours for me.
  10. 2muchfun

    Too little calories?

    I don't drink them any longer but I do have some powder left over. It's called Dymatize/Elite. I mixed it with 1% milk. I would imagine if I ever have another fill where I get too tight I might use it again? It's never been one of my favorites for food supplements but shortly after surgery it sure helped. Search for Protein shakes in the search menu and you'll find a lot of people recommending different versions?
  11. Cal-Nazi, Not at all. I felt fine within a day but I was in a little shock over how much anesthesia they used on me.
  12. Good luck, I've never figured out how to post pics to my posts.
  13. 2muchfun

    Too little calories?

    You can use Protein shakes as part of your required fluids needed per day so you kill two birds. Are refried Beans on your list of mushy foods? Sprinkle a little low fat cheese or parmesan cheese on them to add a few satisfying calories.
  14. That's what I need. No job, my own personal low cal chef and a leash tied to a treadmill 4 hours a day. Then I could get rid of this band maybe?
  15. 2muchfun

    Egg drop soup

    I was told no by someone on this forum but I made it and ate it all through my broth and mushie stage. The eggs blend in with the broth so much I didn't see a problem. I would imagine it would be up to your doctor for the final say but it sure satisfied my hunger.
  16. 2muchfun

    Too little calories?

    If you drink 2-3 Protein drinks a day that should bump up the total right? It's not like our bodies have to have 1000 calories every day. The body can draw on our fat reserves for energy and if you're taking your Vitamins I wouldn't be concerned. As far as hunger goes, you could become much more hungry as you enter "Bandster Hell". It's not inevitable but it sounds like you might be creeping up on BH now? You may stay hungry till you get enough fills to give you satiety with less food.
  17. 2muchfun

    Camping + lapband =

    Eat complex carbs for energy. Protein won't give you much energy. Protein is needed to maintain muscle mass but your body burns carbs for movement/energy. But still try to eat as much protein as you can. JMO BTW-Nothing wrong with -calories at days end. Your body will turn on stored fat for energy and that's a good thing. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    4 weeks for a fill too long

    I was banded a little over a year ago(11/28/11). I lost 12 lbs the first two weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. Then I got my 3rd fill and met with my nutritionist. The weight began to fall off after that. Relax, what you are experiencing is very normal and has happened to many of us. Seems like I was hungrier after the surgery than ever before. But, I was a good boy and ate healthy foods, but maybe not the 1/2 cup I was told to eat. tmf
  19. Every patient is different. If you have a lot of swelling from surgery it can be difficult to consume enough protein to maintain your current body mass. I never had a problem with consuming anything from the day after surgery and on.
  20. 2muchfun

    ObamaCare Facts & Myths

    OK NaNa, change the word provide to control. Happy now? Believe what you want about this huge boondoggle, we're all free(so far) to believe and speak out on any issue and I've said mine. But politically, I took my rose colored glasses off long ago.
  21. 2muchfun

    ObamaCare Facts & Myths

    First, this string is about a website put up and promoted by pro Obamacare lemmings and not about my own political leanings. BTW-Thought you were a republican? RINO maybe? Again, just because it's on the internet doesn't make it a fact. Use some common sense? There are a few truths sprinkled within the website but like I originally said, you have to take this website with a grain of salt just as you would from any biased website. That's all I'm saying.
  22. 2muchfun

    weight gain

    Jen, you posted something similar a few days ago. Relax, this is a major marathon and not a sprint. Go back and read the posts from the 8th? What you're experiencing is normal and don't expect your band to work it's magic till you get the fill that gives you the satiety to not be hungry. Until then it's just a diet and weight fluctuations will occur. We all can gain or lose 4 lbs in a few days by eating too many carbs or too much sodium. TOM also causes women problems.
  23. I just wait till it passes. It always does in about an hour max.
  24. Should feel like a golfball under your sternum area. And washing it down with water usually only makes it worse. The stoma(hole between pouch and stomach) is clogged, so any other food or fluids just back up into your esophagus.
  25. 2muchfun

    Our pics being used in the media?

    We probably signed away our privacy rights when we signed up for this site? I'm OK with it cuz I'm not part of the "witness protection program", yet

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
