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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Sugar Free Yogurt

    King Soopers/Kroger makes a low carb yogurt. I ate it while I was healing.
  2. Yup! Me too. It went on for 4 months for me though.
  3. 2muchfun

    Hello Everyone

    My post op diet was very similar to yours. This is good since many have to endure weeks of clear fluids followed by creamy fluids.
  4. 2muchfun

    Too tight vs stuck episode vs who knows

    Many of us believe we are slowly eating small bites and chewing properly? I know I believed I was for the first 9 months. But I wasn't. Learning to eat properly with the band can be one of the most difficult processes after being banded. I like to advise that if you can eat creamy Soups with small soft chunks you may not be too tight. This is the consistency of chewed food most of us have to learn to achieve success. If you can't swallow fluids or creamy soups you may be too tight?
  5. Stress can cause swelling. Swelling in your stomach lining makes the stoma smaller which of course makes it hard for food to pass. I also find that if I go off the wagon and eat processed foods, refined flour products(bread) I swell up and get stuck a lot too.
  6. 2muchfun


    My opinion is, it would be OK in small doses. Just make sure you count the calories towards your daily total? I'm assuming juice as in apple or fruit juices? One of the problems with consuming simple carbs like this is that the sudden input of sugar causes an insulin spike and and then it just makes you want more an hour later. If you're consuming veggie juice that is a different story, however, liquids are a slider food and will not help your band work it's magic.
  7. 2muchfun


    The pictures and galleries are down for the time being. Alex is working on infrastructure changes.
  8. 2muchfun


    Until your band has the adjustments it needs to work it's magic, this will be just like a diet. Your stoma is still open and until you get the fill/adjustment that makes the stoma small enough, you may be able to eat as you did before being banded. Don't. Now is the time to work on eating healthy foods. I could eat as much as I wanted the first 4 months and then my 3rd fill put a stop to that. But, I didn' gain any weight during those 4 months because I chose to eat healthy. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Post op pain

    I work from home and worked the same day I got home, Monday. But didn't really go back full time till Wednesday. Everyone will be different. We all have different pain thresholds and some people may have had more trauma from surgery so it's a mixed bag.
  10. 2muchfun


    When it's my time to leave this earth, can I look you up? This is how I always wanted to go :wub:
  11. 2muchfun

    Countdown ticker

    You know, Alex is having a lot of updates done to the site and it's possible that the ticker you want is not available at this time? Blogs are down, picture gallery is down too.
  12. 2muchfun

    7ccs and still hungry!

    No, the band is not supposed to control your hunger. Once your band is adjusted properly the band can help your satiety level if you eat band friendly foods. Sounds like your band is not adjusted properly yet and that can take up to a year and many fills. The amount of Fluid in the band is different for each of us and 7 may not be your lucky number but maybe 7.5 is? When you say you're still hungry, what do you eat to satisfy that hunger? Eating solid Proteins first will help the band work it's magic better. And my band is adjusted properly and I can still eat a hamburger with a bun if I wanted to but, I would be too full.
  13. You hit on a subject that gave me a "DOH"! I eat soups often myself and I never realized I was eating them to avoid problems like stuck episodes. I try to find soups that have more Protein and are thicker than creamy soups. Most of the progresso/Campbell soups are around 200-400 calories so they fit the daily calorie consumption. BTW-You look great.
  14. 2muchfun

    I did not need WLS...

    OMG...You must have been so humbled to be in the presence of such immaculate perfection? We all have our faults and some are unintentional, physical and obvious to all to see. Some faults come from the mind and soul and are evil with hurtful intentions. LOL..I can't help but have this mental image of you and miss perfect at the pearly gates and you're being waived in and surrounded by old friends and loved ones. While miss perfect is looking at St Peter who has a smirk on his face and his hand on the trapdoor switch. Buh Bye!!
  15. This may be legit but you're asking a lot from a group who has no knowledge of who you are or what your intentions are? I'm with Gary. I get requests like this all the time and I just delete them.
  16. 2muchfun

    Angry - no weight loss!!!

    Basic misunderstanding of how our bodies react to food and exercise seems to be one of the earmarks of why many of us became fatties. Losing fat and losing weight are two totally different things. The weight we lose right after surgery(or before for those who have pre-op dietary restrictions) is mostly just our bodies shedding Water stored within the fat cells. This usually goes on for 2-3 weeks and then we're down to losing fat. Even if a Bandster exercises 7 days a week and burns 500 extra calories a day, that's just 1 lb of fat loss in one week. Remember, the formula for fat gain/loss is 3500 calories equals 1 lb. So, 7(days) X 500(calories burned) equals 1 lb of fat lost. BUT, if the Bandster is really working out, pushing to their limits, they're probably replacing that 1 lb of fat loss with 1-2 lbs of muscle gained. The scale can't tell the difference. This is a long long journey and at some point in time we all reach a plateau in muscle building and the fat begins to burn off. Be patient, this really is a journey not a sprint. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    Spicy food?

    My tolerance to hot/spicy foods has not changed. Still love it and have it often.
  18. 2muchfun


    One more "What if"? What if I don't lose this weight? Will I become diabetic, destroy my knees, develop heart disease, die early and not be there for my children when they graduate from school or get married? Someone once said: "Sometimes to get where you want to go, you have to do what you are afraid to do. You must be brave and push forward. Miracles occur when you give as much attention and energy to your dreams as you do to your fears"
  19. We guys have our ports installed different than the girls. Mine is just under and to the right of my left manboob. It's sutured into the muscles of my torso near the surface. I've always been able to feel mine, and as I lost weight it now juts out more. I'm OK with it though.
  20. There's probably less than a 1% chance of erosion and mostly, that would be self inflicted imo. I had a 100% chance of continuing to be miserable and in constant pain if I remained obese. My odds of dying early were greatly increased due to my diet and large amount of body cavity fat. My painful knees wouldn't allow me to walk over one block. I'll take the small chance that I might have an eroded band, or a prolapse, dilated pouch, slipped band, over living the life I led 2 years ago. I've never questioned my decision and would not want to go back. I'm one happy camper.
  21. 2muchfun

    Affordable Care Act

    Now the next big questions is: How much is the deductible? I've been hearing it's thousands of dollars per person. Guess we'll have to wait till that Canadian IT outfit fixes the website?
  22. 2muchfun

    ? about fills/plateau

    What does your doc or nutritionist have to say? They're the experts and if you think your pouch is dilated don't mess around. Get in to see your doc. BTW-What are you eating?
  23. 2muchfun

    was stuck pretty bad

    Malikone, I've had hundreds of stuck episodes and each one lasted 5-60 minutes. The majority lasted 30-45 minutes. Lately, I've been quite tight in the mornings and have had several that lasted 60 minutes. I know why I get stuck. I eat too fast and too quickly. It usually happens in the first 2-3 bites so I'm not concerned my pouch or esophagus is dilated. I stop eating, wait, and then try to finish what I started. When I start off very slow and small, I have no problems. I wouldn't be overly concerned with one 60 min episode unless you see other symptoms? Just pay attention in the future or else you will repeat. Hope my miserable band experiences help you avoid more of your own. tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    was stuck pretty bad

    I've been stuck on both a tortilla and carrots in the last month. I just didn't take small bites and I ate too fast. Even chewing a lot won't help if I follow one bite with another.
  25. 2muchfun


    One of my biggest fears is a stomach virus or stomach flu and the common hurling sessions. I also stay away from large drinking episodes so I don't find myself worshiping the white throne early some morning. Fortunately I work from home so I'm seldom exposed to colds, influenza etc. I haven' been where you are but I really feel for ya.

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