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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. "Current research shows a 25% re surgery rate with the band. that's a fact" Uh, sorry, it's not a fact. It's your opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. I'm sure someone could dig up some study and manipulate the stats to make it appear this is the case but I can also pull up a study that states less than 10% revisions in the last 8 years. But, I do believe strongly in the sleeve and RNY too. I think both are excellent choices and hope you find much success with your new journey. tmf
  2. Butterthebean, "You may be a lap band expert" Uh, nope! "Please please quit spreading all the misconceptions and outright lies" Good luck with that.
  3. Well, flour products are difficult for most of us. If you believe you are eating small bites and chewing enough a small adjustment might relieve the problem. But, we really don't need to eat processed flours so eliminating them may be difficult only because you like the flavor or what they do for you? There are many other ways to consume starches/carbs that are healthier for you. If you feel like the band is working for you in all areas but bread, maybe give it up? Or, if you cant live without it, visit your doc for an adjustment. tmf
  4. No one can answer that question for you but you.
  5. Re. Overeating or small meals...call it whatever you want...if you consume more calories than you burn...your body will store the excess as fat. My. $.02.
  6. 2muchfun

    Topic Locked Question

    So, that topic/thread is in Time-Out? Good idea!
  7. 2muchfun

    No more lap bands in my area?

    My Pcp said the same but my bariatric doc immediately recommended the band for me. Pcp's are not the experts in this field. Imo Tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    No more lap bands in my area?

    "I think a lot of surgeons jumped in looking for easy money and not thinking of the long term maintenance. I think a lot of people jumped on board because A-it worked, and B-it's a relatively easy procedure, again, not thinking of the long term commitment needed. We are now seeing the results and complications from this. It's not a bad surgery, for the right people, but I do think it got pushed hard for not necessarily the best reasons and now we're seeing that taper off to a more normal level." I'm reading a backhanded compliment here . By comparison it's not nearly as egregious as some of the others but still, it reads, oh the band is good, but! I don't think it was malicious or intentional and I'm not one who wants all other forum members to go away. I'm sure she has much to offer and welcome her and all others with open arms. tmf
  9. 2muchfun


    Why would you want to do that? You only confirm your own insecurity posting like this? We don't care what surgery you choose. Why go out of your way to disparage my choice? Isn't this supposed to be a support site? Where's the love?
  10. 2muchfun

    Lap Band To Sleeve

    Let me throw my $.02 in. While there are lapband failures lapband patients can revise to other surgeries. The sleeve appears to be a good option for those who did not find success with the band. The band is not out by any means.
  11. 2muchfun

    Indigo Girl

    I remember seeing her posts but I don't remember much beyond that. Did you mean Indigogirl55? I just searched for her and she hasn't posted for about 2 years.
  12. 2muchfun


    I was on my own forum fluffy. Wise up.
  13. 2muchfun


    Yeah, I'm outta here too. Too much anger to deal with.
  14. 2muchfun


    Because the studies and articles were obviously self selected to put the band in a dim light. And I really don't want to waste time dissecting the studies/articles as only one was semi legit. There are other studies available with many more subjects and are more recent that place the band in a much more favorable light. Still, even if the band were only 50% successful, it would still be a better choice than my 100% failure at dieting. I'll take 50% success over 100% failure any day. I struggle to understand why other WLS forums find it necessary to post on the band site with disparaging remarks? It's supposed to be a support group and continuously pointing out failures and propping up their own surgery isn't support. It seems that other forum members believe we're brainwashed morons who have been coerced into believing the band is a panacea. I assure you, this is not the case(most of the time). There are some lousy surgeons out there and I doubt they only perform banding surgeries.
  15. 2muchfun


    Yes, there are some issues with having the band. Not all people have slips after a hurling session but it does happen. We speak about the issues all the time on the forum so it's really not necessary for other forums to comment on them. Of course you all have the right to post your comments but when you do, you sound sanctimonious about your decision to not be banded.
  16. 2muchfun


    Who is going to your forum and slamming the sleeve? If this was done on the band forum maybe you could educate the banders with a little of your knowledge since none of us have ever been banded? Seems like a lot of hate coming from the other forums directed at the band forum?
  17. 2muchfun


    No problem with educating us re sleeve just try not to educate us on our "bad" choice re the band. Ask questions? Be curious? Please don't post studies dismissing the band as a failed WLS. We have studies and history/experiences to support otherwise. Ive never had sleeve surgery so I wont pass judgement on your choices.
  18. 2muchfun

    No more lap bands in my area?

    Yet, you still couldn't help yourself from taking a shot? Yeah, let's all be friends?
  19. 2muchfun

    Is It Just Me?

    Agree with the others. food addiction is so different from other addictions. Nicotine and illegal drugs one can live without, but food is all around us and is a must to survive. Many people do not understand this and I'd gander a guess that many of those folks are obese themselves.
  20. 2muchfun

    No more lap bands in my area?

    Thanks for the reasoned comment. Just keep in mind that of all the different options with WLS, this is the only surgery where the patient has the option of revising(99%/time) to pre band or one of 4 other WLS options. Therefore it's easy to come to this forum and compare. You won't see many bandsters on any other forum stating the bypass didn't work so now they're banded? This is why so many people choose the band.
  21. 2muchfun

    No more lap bands in my area?

    I never thought about the band this way but it sure makes sense. food addiction can make people do some crazy things. With the other WLS options a patient has no choice but with the band, they can avoid fills or be completely unfilled and carry on their addicted lives forever. That would certainly skew the success/failure %. tmf
  22. 2muchfun

    No more lap bands in my area?

    Don't believe everything your surgeon tells you. Surgeons make so much more money from a sleeve or bypass, so profit can taint there conclusions/recommendations.
  23. 2muchfun

    No more lap bands in my area?

    I've been in my doctor's office once in the last year. That's quite typical so I don't think it's interfering with my life at all.
  24. Very normal. I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. After my 3rd fill and my nut consult, I started losing weekly. I've been here for years and the story is the same for many bandsters. Until you get the fill that gives you restriction/satiety it's just a diet. I had to be assertive for my fills. Sometimes only 3 weeks apart. tmf

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