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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. Good thing NaNa replied as I'm not familiar with 4 CC bands. But I would imagine it's like she said, more restriction with less saline in such a small band. BTW-CCs in your band do not equate to weight loss unless your band is allowing you to feel satiety sooner and longer? I'm sure you already know this but maybe you've forgot how this works? The theory is that we have to eat slower and chew more so that we stimulate the valgus nerve which gives us the feeling of not being hungry any longer. That's when we need to stop. Good luck with the upper GI. tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Too Tight

    Chin up! If you're still too tight by the time your doc returns, just a little reduction in saline should get you back on track. Till then rely on thick soups so you don't feel hungry and sad. I don't think I've ever been too tight so I can't relate but I would imagine the Holiday is adding to your frustration. The silver lining is you could drop several lbs by January!! tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Before and after pictures

    I'm sorry, there's something missing??? YOUR DOUBLE CHIN WENT BYE BYE!!!
  4. 2muchfun

    A Primed Band Is A Filled Band

    Yes, it's true some of the post was great information but why litter a good point with petty, snarky barbs. Take out the accusations as you did in your edited first post on this thread and this would have been a clean educational topic. As most all of us have said repeatedly, the forum is an opportunity to offer support and anecdotal education to all who come here. Why try to discredit other members? Here's hoping your Holiday season is a happier one? tmf
  5. Alex posted this yesterday and I missed it. Here it is again: DO THE MATH 164 Studies, 161,756 Patients Over Nearly 10 Years: What Does This Add Up To? BARIATRIC AND METABOLIC SURGERY IS EVEN MORE EFFECTIVE THAN PREVIOUSLY REPORTED AND GETTING SAFER! A new meta-analysis of studies carried out between 2003 and 2012 shows higher remission rates of diabetes and high blood pressure and a lower mortality rate than previously reported. The study, published online in JAMA Surgery, is an update to a meta-analysis of studies conducted between 1990 and 2003 and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA, Buchwald et. al.) back in October 2004. Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis reviewed outcomes from nearly 162,000 patients in 164 studies (37 randomized clinical trials and 127 observational studies), over almost 10 years. They discovered 92 percent of patients in randomized clinical trials experienced diabetes remission after surgery, slightly higher than the 86 percent remission rate found in observational studies, but significantly higher than the 76.8 percent remission rate found in the 2004 JAMA study. Remission rates for hypertension were about 75 percent in both the randomized clinical trials and observational studies, while the remission rate in 2004 was 61.7 percent. Body Mass Index (BMI) loss five years after surgery ranged from 12 to 17 in the new study. Before surgery, patients had an average BMI of 45.62. "With the 2004 study, we now have 22 years worth of data from over 180,000 patients and 300 studies," said study co-author J. Esteban Varela, MD, MPH, MBA, Fellow of the ASMBS. "The data continues to prove bariatric surgery is not only safe and effective in providing significant and sustainable weight loss, but is the most effective treatment today for diabetes, hypertension and an array of other diseases and conditions in people with obesity." In the new study, 30-day mortality rate was 0.08 percent, down from the 0.3 percent reported in 2004. Complication rates ranged from 10 to 17 percent and the reoperation rate was about 7 percent. Complication and reoperation rates were not reported in the previous meta-analysis. By procedure, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy resulted in the greatest weight loss, but had a higher rate of complications and mortality than adjustable gastric banding. Gastric banding had the highest reoperation rate (12% in randomized trials), while gastric bypass had the lowest at 3 percent, followed by sleeve gastrectomy, which had a reoperation rate of 9 percent. The new meta-analysis included sleeve gastrectomy, which was not available in the 1990s. Of note, sleeve gastrectomy had comparable weight loss to that of gastric bypass at 5 years. "This is but the latest study to validate the high degree of safety and effectiveness of bariatric surgery," said Ninh T. Nguyen, MD, FACS, President of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and Vice-Chair of the Department of Surgery at UC Irvine School of Medicine. "Today we are performing operations that are as safe or safer than gallbladder and hernia repair surgery." According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 78 million adults were obese in 2011–2012.1 The ASMBS estimates about 24 million people have severe or morbid obesity. Individuals with a BMI greater than 30 have a 50 to 100 percent increased risk of premature death compared to healthy weight individuals as well as an increased risk of developing more than 40 obesity-related diseases and conditions including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.2,3
  6. 2muchfun

    A Primed Band Is A Filled Band

    Oh yes, the Christmas Spirit is alive and well in this thread Merry Christmas!
  7. 2muchfun

    A Primed Band Is A Filled Band

    I have never seen any bandster brag or boast that they have no fills and have lost a lot of weight. Js I have seen bandster's make a comment they have no fills and have lost weight. But no bragging/boasting as long as we're posting accurate information! tmf
  8. 2muchfun

    Getting a fill and still over eating

    Eh, 10 lbs or so is nothing over the holidays for me. Unless you're so tight that you seldom feel hunger, this time of year can be difficult. Gear up for the New Year and look for those satiety signals. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Just had a fill and still over eating

    Bands don't stretch. But 1 CC taken out can make it seem like you're back in Bandster hell. Are you looking for restriction or satiety? We all look for that satisfied feeling where we aren't hungry for 3-4 hours after a meal. I can eat a sandwich, salmon, hamburger patty or salad and not feel restriction or have a stuck episode. But, I know when I'm no longer hungry and I stop. Look for the satiety signal, it's what the band is all about. And, I snuck up on the green zone in .25 CC increments. So, maybe a small .25 will take you there. Work it? tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    Just had a fill and still over eating

    What are you eating to not feel restriction? When did you have surgery?
  11. 2muchfun

    Day 17

    Most bands have very little saline injected during surgery. Your surgery swelling may be dwindling so you will experience less restriction and more hunger. Bandster Hell can last for weeks or months depending on how aggressive your doctor is with fills and how well you adapt to eating properly.
  12. The post op diet was not developed for you to lose weight. It's designed to allow your stomach to heal from the surgery. Most of us are not on any kind of diet. We just eat less but try to eat healthy. Your band won't work it's magic till it's adjusted properly. That may be 1 or 6 fills. tmf
  13. No, you haven't messed anything up, imo. But, learning how to eat with the band can be the most difficult thing to learn. Eating solid food like any meats at this point could be destructive if you don't eat very small bites and chew to mush. The band is sutured into the lining of your stomach and if you get food stuck at this time, you could cause those sutures to tear and your band may slip. Not likely, but you must be very careful during the first 30 days. You may be extremely hungry before you get your fills/adjustments. We call this "Bandster Hell". The band won't work it's magic till you get that one fill that gives you satiety for 2-4 hours. tmf
  14. Very normal. Many bandster's could eat soon after surgery. That just means your surgery went well and you have little swelling.
  15. 2muchfun


    We have to watch "A boyfriend for Christmas" every year. And, there's one with Tom Cavanaugh and Ashley Williams we always watch for. Yeah, you'd think I'm taking large doses of estrogen when I watch these sappy love stories with my Kleenex nearby
  16. Makes sense...IF you know for sure the food passes within that minute...depends upon how much restriction one has, etc....how does one know their food is passing at one minute??? I know for me, the food sits there before passing much, much longer ..as I'm sure it is different for everyone..... I can take a little sip to "Test" it and know right away if there is still food there. I have taken a drink 20 minutes after eating and had it come right back up, along WITH food, that has yet to fully empty out of my pouch.... The "Rules' I was taught very early on by my Dr., , was that everyone has to learn to "Listen" to their band, not the next persons.....because everyone reacts differently...and everyone is unique...getting to know one's band "Intimately", .so well that even a little sip of Water, a small bit of food, or whether or not you are hungry or not, is key to all this.... I also understand there are a lot of newly banded people out there that have no idea what I'm talking about.....and their bands are not even saying anything yet for them to listen to......but as you get fills..adjustments...it will if you "Listen" It's 4am, I just took my first swallow of coffee...and my band said "Whoa, SLOW IT DOWN,,,EASY...." Remembering that this is the first thing I am swallowing this day, and always the tightest first thing. after waking....... Sipping fluids doesn't cause me any problems unless I happen to be stuck. Otherwise, the Fluid slips right on through. My satiety level with or without a sip isn't legible. I'm one of the bandster's who prefers the band to be on the loose side. Not tight, and not real loose. Just to the point where if I forget the rules I pay for it. Works for me. tmf
  17. 2muchfun

    2nd day Post

    I had no restrictions but I waited 48 hours just cuz I'm a lazy couch potato
  18. 2muchfun


    Love Actually! Christmas Story! Miracle on 34th St(both versions) Most of those stupid sappy contrived Hallmark Xmas movies Polar Express! Snowman!(animated with wonderful music) It's a wonderful Life! Home Alone! While you were sleeping! The Santa Clause(tim allen)
  19. Wait till you get to fly? Those looks from passengers(OMG, don't sit by me) no more? And sitting comfortably in a seat and not overflow into the seats nearby? Priceless! Putting on socks without the near pass-out?
  20. Erin, there are books(500 pages and more) about this subject so don't expect a lot of detailed responses. The search window is just up above if there is something you really need to know. I'd also recommend a couple of books. The Big Book on Lapband Surgery: Alex Brecher(the moderator/owner of the site) Bandwagon: Jean McMillan(magazine, blog contributor here) tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Band slip?

    Most people don't know when their band slips. If you think your band slipped because you can still eat a lot of food that's normal. You wont feel the band working its magic till you have the adjustment that gives you restriction. Till then its just another diet. You can get another fill when your doc allows it. No real definitive timeframe for fills. tmf
  22. OK let me be the contrarian here! I go by Dr O'brien's rules. I sip about one minute after a bite. The food has already passed through the stoma by then so no wash-out occurs. I don't sip after every bite or every meal but if I have a glass of wine I do sip. tmf
  23. 2muchfun


    I hear ya! I'm on my kindle app now and navigating old threads is nearly impossible!! This vet will be here till they kick me off. I don't post as much as I did in the past but I do seek out the frustrated bandsters. Tmf
  24. 2muchfun

    Filet Mignon

    I tried this tonight and it was good. I still prefer grilling but when it's cold as it is, and so dark, this is certainly a good option.
  25. 2muchfun

    Can't afford my fills, help!

    I am from MA where Romneycare started and now there is Obarmacare. People may complain but because of Romneycare I have wonderful health insurance that pays for everything. My very sick husband maybe would be dead if not for this wonderful insurance. Look into Obarmacare. Depends on what kind of insurance you have? Can you sign up for Obamacare? There's no guarantee the plan will offer bariatrics as many state plans don't, but it's certainly worth a try.

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