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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momfive

  1. It's difficult to take seriously anyone who can't even spell the derogatory words they are using. In that case I'm not even sure the user knows what he or she is saying.
  2. I'm not that ignorant, but this is NOT the place for such.
  3. I thought it was a good idea to try and join a support group, but when I read crap about the President posted here I realize these people are stupid. Thanks, but no thanks. By the way, what about that miserable disappointment Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton..speaking of sucking.
  4. I was banded on Sept. 9 and now it's Sept. 12 and I'm planning on being out of work only 3 days and a weekend. I am sore, but moving makes it better. I noticed yesterday that I was just sitting and staring and feeling depressed. The dr. said for me to spread out my normal medications instead of taking them all at once, so the first one I took was my anti-depressant and I'm feeling some better. I got dressed and went outside to get some fresh air and sunshine and that helped too. I know that food plays a huge role in MY life-obviously; I think part of it has to do with that. I'm still on the all liquid, which is depressing in itself, and the thought of a cream soup makes me ill. I've eaten sugar-free popsicles and jell-o until I'm one gelatanous glob. Someone please give me words of encouragement. Banded in Denver, NC.
  5. Thanks. I'm about to look up some recipes for making homemade soups that I may be able to eat. Any suggestions?
  6. The folks at the Surgical Weightloss Center said to be out three weeks and be prepared for six. My family dr. said take a weekend. I'm a high school teacher and I will have been out six days including surg. day and weekend. I will plan on sitting when I need to.
  7. I guess today, Friday, Sept. 12 is your day. Congratulations. Blog as soon as you can get to the computer.
  8. momfive

    Anyone getting banded in September?

    I cheated a couple of times on the all liquid pre-op diet. Now, the post-op all liquid is making me crazy.
  9. Well, yesterday I began my all liquid protein diet 10 days before surgery. I'm about to starve and have a headache. I went for my ekg, upper gi, and bloodwork. My surgery date is September 9, 2008. I'm excited. I've exhibited the most control over my eating than I've ever done. My husband offered to do the liquid thing with me for support, but I told him one of us miserable is enough. Can anyone offer suggestions about what I can drink? I've eaten sugar free jell-o and pudding and I'm already sick of Slim Fast. Help.

  10. momfive

    I'm Mad!!

    Sorry about your sister troubles. I have 5 sisters and two brothers and sisters are by far the harder to deal with. I apologize for not remembering, but have you been banded? I have a physical appt. with the surgeon on Aug. 15 and I'm stressing. I'm so tired of this body; I'm SOOO not comfortable and I want to feel like the OLD, OLD me. All the thoughts are going through my mind...will I be able to adjust to less food...will I eat right and avoid pain, etc? ...School starts ( for me) on Aug. 19th...wish I could do it today and maybe be on the mend by then. Just thoughts. Thanks for listening.
  11. momfive

    I'm Mad!!

    Sorry, I'm not Jeeter. I replied to her post the first time I commented and I must have done it in the wrong place. Now I'm getting all of her messages. By the way, I just got called to meet with the surgeon on August 15. I'm 'bout there.
  12. momfive

    I'm Mad!!

    I must have done my first comments wrong because I am getting emails intended for Jeeter. I commented on her post, I guess at the wrong place? and now I'm getting all her emails. I'll try to contact the webmaster and figure this out.
  13. momfive

    I'm Mad!!

    I guess when I replied to Jeter it looked like her entry was mine. My entry was separate at the bottom of hers.
  14. momfive

    I'm Mad!!

    I must have done my first comments wrong because everyone thinks I'm the one with the mean sister. I was responding to the girl with the mean sister. I am about to schedule my surgery and my sisters are happy that I'm about to do it. I hope I can straighten this out.
  15. momfive

    Looking for NC lapband buddies!

    Capricorn32, I'm in Denver, NC and about to schedule lapband surgery.
  16. momfive

    I'm Mad!!

    I don't know if I'm doing this right, but here goes. I read your entire entry with ravenous interest. Your life sounds like a version of mine. It's your sister that has a problem. You are doing MORE than is fair for your mom. Do what is right for you, be fair to others (and you are), and consider that your sister has issues. I thought I was the only one who would keep my band to myself; I fully understand. I guess I'm thinking that people will say that I took the easy way out-since I'm obviously lazy and only lie on the couch and watch t.v. and continuously eat. I'm not yet banded, but have completed everything and am awaiting a call to schedule. I'm trying to be realistic about it. I need to hear from others who have kids, we have five, and how they remain normal with the cooking, etc. I hope you are able to figure this out on your own, I don't expect your sister to admit any wrong doing in word or deed. Live YOUR life and let your sister live hers. Congratulations!!:biggrin2:
  17. I've just finished everything leading up to getting banded. Last week my husband and I attended the education class with Dr. Cox in Hickory at Frye Hospital. I realize that this procedure is about 10% physical and about 150% mental. I feel like anyone who sees me can see that my mind is overflowing with this pending decision. They told me at the education class that I was going to be contacted within 10 days to schedule with the surgeon. My concern is being able to eat regular food since I have a husband and five kids to cook for. I'm so ready, but can't help thinking it through realistically. Can anyone give me a somewhat detailed scenario of how the first few days will go? I'd like to meet a support group in or near Hickory.

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