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LAP-BAND Patients
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About momfive

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/18/1964

About Me

  • Biography
    married with 5 kids
  • Interests
    quilter, camper, reader
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  • City
  • State
    North Carolina
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  1. I've just finished everything leading up to getting banded. Last week my husband and I attended the education class with Dr. Cox in Hickory at Frye Hospital. I realize that this procedure is about 10% physical and about 150% mental. I feel like anyone who sees me can see that my mind is overflowing with this pending decision. They told me at the education class that I was going to be contacted within 10 days to schedule with the surgeon. My concern is being able to eat regular food since I have a husband and five kids to cook for. I'm so ready, but can't help thinking it through realistically. Can anyone give me a somewhat detailed scenario of how the first few days will go? I'd like to meet a support group in or near Hickory.

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