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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by momfive

  1. Well, yesterday I began my all liquid protein diet 10 days before surgery. I'm about to starve and have a headache. I went for my ekg, upper gi, and bloodwork. My surgery date is September 9, 2008. I'm excited. I've exhibited the most control over my eating than I've ever done. My husband offered to do the liquid thing with me for support, but I told him one of us miserable is enough. Can anyone offer suggestions about what I can drink? I've eaten sugar free jell-o and pudding and I'm already sick of Slim Fast. Help.

  2. I've just finished everything leading up to getting banded. Last week my husband and I attended the education class with Dr. Cox in Hickory at Frye Hospital. I realize that this procedure is about 10% physical and about 150% mental. I feel like anyone who sees me can see that my mind is overflowing with this pending decision. They told me at the education class that I was going to be contacted within 10 days to schedule with the surgeon. My concern is being able to eat regular food since I have a husband and five kids to cook for. I'm so ready, but can't help thinking it through realistically. Can anyone give me a somewhat detailed scenario of how the first few days will go? I'd like to meet a support group in or near Hickory.

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