I was a huge lapband failure. I got my band done several years ago, developed an aversion for the doctor, never felt a restriction after 4 fills, dealt with infertility, infertility procedures, adoption procedures, adoption and new child issues. After hearing the doctor I didn't like retired I returned for a fill and faced how ashamed I was to have not succeeded.
I kinda demanded a larger fill because I was unsure if I would ever come back based on my previous history. Holy cow I finally felt restriction! WOOT! And I lost weight! Woot!
All of this has happened since the last day of July. Currently I am on a plateau after loosing weight very quickly. My band is working and my calories are very much under control. Very much.
What are good ideas for getting off of a plateau? Will my continued efforts finally just kick in again? Any hints.
I’m working out a bit ( times last week and in a few minutes with weights…although I need to be doing more cardio but I will)
I’ve also ordered some protein drinks to help. How well do those protein drinks help?