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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by foxxymama

  1. Hi Everyone

    I got a fill a few weeks ago. I am up to 5.5 cc. food gets stuck a few times a week. The pain is unbearable and could last for as little as 20 minutes up to 2+ hours. I will get the watery mouth, gag, vomit reflex, hiccups, etc. Is there anything that anyone has done to help relieve the pain while trying to pass the food? or is there anything you can do to make it pass? I do follow the rules...chew, chew, chew, small bites, all that stuff. I really don't want to have an unfill...any advice is greatly appreciated!

  2. Hi Everyone.

    I am training for The 3 Day Walk. So this weekend I probably logged over 20 miles (10 yesterday), and I weighed 5 pounds MORE this morning than on Friday!!! What? I have been completely ON PROGRAM, and I just don't understand. Anyone else go through this? Could I be retaining Water? I don't know, I didn't eat 20,000 calories this weekend :wink2:

  3. WLS is a tool, not a cure. This is something that has been stressed in my doctor's office. Either way...it's not easy, it's difficult, at times emotionally painful, but if you choose GB you will have to live with that decision even when you are 80. Good luck!

  4. Hang in there. I found in my experience, that there are a lot of hoops to jump through ESPECIALLY if insurance has anything to do with it. The doctors have to fill out paperwork and put it in for insurance to approve, so the more things they have you do before is like "proof" for the insurance to approve, you know what I mean? I had to go to a support group, dietician, a psychiatrist...all of this to get insurance approval. If your dr. thinks you are a candidate then hang in there, he/she will advocate for you and it WILL happen :lol:

  5. My list is very similar to KRTORK


    • use moist heat to cook, such as boiling, steaming, and stewing
    • tuna packed in Water
    • canned chicken
    • white fish
    • non-fat or low fat refried bean
    • eggs/eggbeaters
    • low fat cottage cheese
    • string cheese, or any WHITE cheese
    • low fat yogurt


    • must be overcooked, mushy vegetables
    • try broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, summer squash and carrots
    • avoid raw vegetables


    • mushy fruits such as bananas, canned fruit in its own juice (avoid canned fruit in syrup)
    • avoid the skin on fruit
    • watch out for seeds
    • some citrus may not be tolerated, ex...grapefruit, oranges and pineapples


    • avoid carbs or starch vegetables

    Hopefully all the info you get will be helpful.

    This is just what I got from my dr's office, I am sure there is more!!

    Good luck!

  6. Its so great to hear from people who are in the same weight range as I am and who've had such great success in a short period of time! This makes me so emotional and just want to cry when I think of the possible success I'm hoping to have with this surgery. I'm 5'3 and 225 lbs. My surgery date is Sept. 4. My first goal is to lose at least 40 lbs by New Year's day. My total weight loss goal is to be at 125lbs.

    What type of experiences have you guys had with loose skin?

    Angel: we sound almost like "twins" :biggrin: I am the same height and weight. I was just banded on the 30th of July. So far so good. I have very similar goals too! I look forward to hearing about your progress!

  7. Does everyone have to take off jewelry ie.(body piercings) because I have quite a few and I want to know if it must be removed or if there are alternatives. I also read that no makeup or nail polish is allowed. Anyone ever heard of this??

    My dr. said to take off fingernail polish-especially if it's very dark. They put the oxygen thing on your finger that measures the amount of oxygen in your blood and it cannot read it through the dark nail polish. They also told us that all piercings must be removed.

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