I'm 39 & a mom of 4 amazing boys (21, 17, 13, & 7) & I've been obese or morbidly ones since I was pregnant with my first son 21 years ago. I've tried Keto, Adkins, WW, etc etc & although I lose weight it never stays gone. As soon as I LOOK at a piece of bread, I gain a pound. I've long since cut out sugars & sodas. I like bread but I don't have to have it. I live in Northeast Louisiana & don't know where to begin. My doctor & I have tried medications, but she's anti- weight loss surgery, so talking to her get me no where. I've researched the different types of surgeries, but I don't know which would be best for me (probably because I'm not a doctor or nurse). I just know I'm tired of being 220+ pounds & I want to get down to 140-150 & there's no amount of dieting, exercise, or medication that gets me past 195. I know my insurance won't pay for it so I'll have to finance, which is fine, I just don't know where to start & I'm beginning to get depressed about the whole ideal. My boyfriend is amazing & tells me I don't need surgery but also understands my mental health & how this affects me. Can anyone help me?