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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Nessa38

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 06/08/1970

About Me

  • City
    Villa Hills
  • State
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, Nessa38!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday Nessa38!

  3. Happy 42nd Birthday Nessa38!

  4. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Nessa38!

  5. Down 80 pounds, started at 44G and down to a 38DDD.
  6. OK ... MY turn for a kick in the ass... Can youhelp me out??? LOL Not sure why, But my motivation is ZIP this past week. Not really caring what I eat. And eating until I puke, then eating some more... Have you ever done that? Man, i just dont get it. Maybe I'm more frustrated with my month long plateau than I realized?? Tell me how well you're doing! That should get me motivated again :-)

  7. Hey Bobbie! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

    Sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I finally made it past my 6 month plateau. I've lost 10 pounds in the last 4 weeks. I too am now around 212 / 213. And I agree we should have been in Onderland by now. But I am still very happy to be where I am. It's so much better than the 281 I started at. Don't get discouraged. I started to drift and go back to old habits. I have since kicked it into high gear and eating healthy again and the biggest part for me is exercise. I have learned that is the ONLY way I can lose weight. So I have to stick to the basics and what works for me. I hope you had a good birthday and treated yourself! :) stay in touch

  8. Hey Bobbie! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

    Sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I finally made it past my 6 month plateau. I've lost 10 pounds in the last 4 weeks. I too am now around 212 / 213. And I agree we should have been in Onderland by now. But I am still very happy to be where I am. It's so much better than the 281 I started at. Don't get discouraged. I started to drift and go back to old habits. I have since kicked it into high gear and eating healthy again and the biggest part for me is exercise. I have learned that is the ONLY way I can lose weight. So I have to stick to the basics and what works for me. I hope you had a good birthday and treated yourself! :) stay in touch

  9. Hey Bobbie! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!

    Sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I finally made it past my 6 month plateau. I've lost 10 pounds in the last 4 weeks. I too am now around 212 / 213. And I agree we should have been in Onderland by now. But I am still very happy to be where I am. It's so much better than the 281 I started at. Don't get discouraged. I started to drift and go back to old habits. I have since kicked it into high gear and eating healthy again and the biggest part for me is exercise. I have learned that is the ONLY way I can lose weight. So I have to stick to the basics and what works for me. I hope you had a good birthday and treated yourself! :) stay in touch

  10. How are you doing ?? It's my Bday today, and I'm thinking, and contimplating ... I've come a long way since 10/08, but I'm also beating myself up because I can't believe how quickly the time has gone!! Holy cow! I should be in Onderland by now, but i'm not. I've been sitting between 212-217 for the past month :-( makes me crazy! lol

    Just checking in and seeing how your doing ...

    Keep me posted :-)

  11. Hey there !! Any new results or developments? Just dropping a line to stay in touch :-) I'm stalled at 220 grrrrrrrrr It's so frustrating, especially when i have another 100 or so to go yet. My goal is 10/14/10 - exactly 2 years from being banded. What's new with you?

    Keep me posted :-)


  12. Nessa38

    Longest plateau EVER!!!

    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. I think I'm gonna just let things slide on through the holidays and then kick it into high gear again.
  13. I was doing so well, I lost 60+ pounds in about 9 months and now nothing since September. I lose a pound and gain 2, I lose 2 and gain 1. What the heck is going on??? I am floating between 217 and 220. Anyone else having this problem? Any suggestions on how to jump start the weight lose again? I even had a fill and still nothing in fact almost a little too tight... HELP! PLEASE
  14. Nessa38

    Does the weight loss increase your sex drive?

    You and me both. I am down about 65 pounds and have ZERO drive. I sometimes wonder if it will ever return. I honestly don't ever think about sex ever and DH is getting a little frustrated. I have to wonder if it's my age. I'm on the fast road to 40. I'm not even attracted to other men, not even the really good looking ones. I have issues, I know. lol.
  15. Ok, I am about a year post-op. I'm down about 65 pounds. I was hoping for at least 100 by this point. I guess I will just have to be patient. Here are some before and afters. I'm the one on the right in both pictures. 218 280 (yep that is all me! You hae to look close to see how WIDE I am)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
