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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dadymon

  1. I do burp more since being banded (7-30-2008). But it's a good burp! When I burp while eating and it usually means I had enough and I should stop eating! I am learning to listen to that burp and stop!
  2. Dadymon

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    294 before pre-op diet; banded 7/30/08; today 249. Doctor took me off high blood pressure medicine (pressure is normal!). So far so good! First fill scheduled 9-22-08. Thanks you all for the encouragement, hopefully I can encourage someone else.:tt2:
  3. Dadymon

    feels like reflux

    Sounds like some symptoms that I have been experiencing! Banded 7-30-08, lost 43 lbs. But when I started eating solid foods it felt like the food was just sitting there and with humungus gas! My doctors office recommended pepcid ac, that really works for me. good luck!
  4. Dadymon

    Whey protein powder that tastes good?

    I use a product called American Whey, purchased from GNC. I only tried the chocolate, it has a malty taste ( suprisingly good) . It also comes in Vanilla, and fruit flavors as well, I will try them soon. Check it out!
  5. This is the first week of my new banded lifestyle. All liquids, it was tough getting 40 grams of protiens and a total of 64 oz of liquids but I did it! I am determined to get this weight off my body. I have a family history of diabetes and strokes. I had 2 cousins die of stroke related complications one just 3 week younger than me. With 2 fused discs and 2 rods and screws in my back losing weight is even more of a necessity. My weight toped out an 294lbs prior to my pre surgery diet and after one week of being banded I now weight 269lbs (170lbs is my goal). I have a long way to go but I am encouraged with my own progress and from the threads I read on this site, you all are very encouraging. I no the Best is Yet to Come. Thanks Dadymon

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