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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jladyl

  1. jladyl

    Hello, Michigan!

    Hi Apeters, Can you give me any advice on how I should start building a case for my need for the surgery. I would imagine many things are based on the type of insurance a person has, but any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes, Stacey
  2. jladyl

    Hello, Michigan!

    Thanks for the info on the doctor I will definitely contact her, can you tell me who did your surgery? Thanks again, Stacey
  3. Hello All, I am completely new to the process, and I'm trying to find out as much information as possible. I live in East Lansing and I'm really not happy with my primary care doctor, she is against my considering lap-banding....even though I have type-2 diabetes, chronic neck and back pain and a bmi of 40. With that said I was wondering if anyone could suggest a primary care doctor that they thought was supportive. I have health insurance through McClarens. Best wishes, Stacey
  4. jladyl

    Hello, Michigan!

    Hello All, I am completely new to the process, and I'm trying to find out as much information as possible. I live in East Lansing and I'm really not happy with my primary care doctor, she is against my considering lap-banding....even though I have type-2 diabetes, chronic neck and back pain and a bmi of 40. With that said I was wondering if anyone could suggest a primary care doctor that they thought was supportive. Best wishes, Stacey

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