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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by soulsister

  1. soulsister

    Christian bandsters

    For those of you waiting to be banded... waiting a week or till next summer... you are in my prayers. God has been waking me early each morning, and reminding me to spend that time in prayer. So I think of you all, and pray. Also for those who are newly banded - Conrats to you! Keep focused on the important things... and remember to keep going to God for absolutely everything! God has been really working in my life, and I am so grateful for the things He has done for me, and for all of you. He is good!! I am making a point to pray for each and every prayer request that comes up here... God is using me as His prayer warrior, it is so awesome! Also, I'm just wondering if any of you already banded had received a wallet card from your surgeon... saying that "this person has the lap-band, band size: ___ , ... this person can only eat small portions (60 grams) at each meal..." and it has a small icon of what the lap-band is. I did receive this card, and heard others have been able to use their cards at restaurants, to access the kids/seniors menus. Just wondering if any of you have tried this, or if you are even aware of this card? :tongue_smilie: So far I have had 3 fills, and after each fill I could swear I'm at my sweet spot... until a few weeks later. Now I'm at that point again, wondering if I should go in one more time. I'll give it time, and pray for now. There really is a physiological connection to the brain that seems to turn off the cravings (head hunger)... when the fill is at the right level. I think I'm close to that "sweet spot", because after each fill... I truely am seeing a change in my habits. My stomach never growls hardly anymore... nothing like it used to. Head hunger can always talk - but honestly REAL stomach hunger has changed significantly. My struggle this last week has been choosing the right foods. Anyways.... blessings to you all. Wish there was a future Christian Bandster Ladies Conference some day! (wouldn't that be awesome!) :biggrin: You know, God could make it happen! Your sister in Christ...
  2. soulsister

    Christian bandsters

    God, thank you for "Numbrgirl's" positive spirit and thank you for her victories with the lapband, including a non-scale victory of chin loss! How awesome... thank you God. Continue to walk beside her on this journey, and keep her motivated and strong. Thank you for her part on this thread. And Heavenly Father, I lift up "Long2bThin" to you as her surgery day is fast approaching on friday. God give her peace that your protection is around her, and I pray you'll guide the surgeons's hand ultimately for a very successful operation. I pray you'll bless her with an easy recovery. Thank you God for the priviledge to live in a country where we have Doctors and such amazing medical help. God you are amazing... and see your hand in every step if I choose to. Please God, give strength, perserverance and patience to "AZChick289" , so that she may have great success. Help her to reach that place where loosing is easier and not such a difficult task. Give her wisdom in food choices and knowing when to get a fill. Give her a feeling of "satiety" and other things to focus on as she reaches her sweet spot. Thank you God for her! Sweet Jesus, thank you for these people who love you. Thank you for "KCHoping". God please bless her, go before her when it's time for food choices.. helping her to not feel "bored" with her food, but rather "fill" her up with your Spirit... give her a sense of "satiety" by speaking with you before, during and after any meal time blahs. Thank you God for her! And God... I ask for your love to embrace our friend "MZreeda", and that you would just show her your plans for her lapband journey. My prayer is that it would become so very clear to her as to YOUR WILL. YOUR plan. God please work Your miraculous hand and allow her to have success with this band. Put the right people in her path that will help her and give her ideas to reach her healthy goal. Please God, let JOY return to her in more ways than one! And thank you God for our friend "NeverB4", for her words of encouragement to others, and her part on this thread. Continue to walk beside her as she goes thru her 2nd fill, and beyond to success. Give her discernment and an understanding with how this tool can work for her. Also God help her feel satisfied physically as well as emotionally and spiritually. thank You, God You are great! And all powerful God... I lift up "PMCfarm" to you... God You know her struggles, her hopes, her dreams. Please surround her with Your strength and peace as she faces all these appointments and upcoming surgery in September. I pray Your hand will be evident to her on this journey. That every little step she can lean on You.. Remind her of Your promise of never forsaking her. Help her and those around her feel prepared for the journey ahead, and willing to give all their worries to You. God you are all-knowing. We give you ALL our worries. Thank you for that freedom! Bless all the people on this thread and forum. For those unbelievers, God I pray that somehow this thread can touch lives. Even for 1 person to be changed because they SEE YOU evident in others. We know that being "Christian" does not exempt us from any hard roads ahead... but we do know that completely surrendering to You, is exactly where You want us to be. Continue God to bless Your people... and thank You GREAT God with everything that is in me.... for Your mercy and grace! Amen. Amen!!
  3. soulsister

    Christian bandsters

    You are totally in my prayers today... Up here, the wait list for gal-bladder removal was 6-12 months, unless it's emergency. I'll pray that your surgery goes quickly and smoothly. God bless SoulSister
  4. soulsister

    Christian bandsters

    What a great blessing to find you all here. I have found a great deal of information and support from another local site or 2, but really was missing my christian "sisters" as part of my support. I've been reading the posts for a few weeks here, and decided this would be my main support forum. I have read stuff on other forums that has been very discouraging and so unpleasing to God, so I am very grateful to connect with you all. I was banded in May of this year, and have lost 50 lbs, and have 70 to go. I have hit a plateau this past week and a half, and have scheduled my 3rd fill in another 2 weeks. What an incredible journey! I would love to pray for other bandsters, and lend an ear and support. God bless you all, and remember... "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..." hugs... Your soulsister

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