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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just ordered my shakes

    That's why I got variety packs of everything. I don't know what I'll like afterwards, so I wanted lots of options.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve with high BMI

    So I'm hoping to hear from anyone with a high BMI that got the sleeve and had a lot of success. My current BMI is 63. My goal weight is 200 pounds, which means I need to lose 190 pounds. For various reasons I chose the sleeve over the bypass, and I know bypass patients lose more than sleeve patients do. BUT...I have no issues following the diet, and once I lose some weight I will start working out again (I did keto and lost almost 100 pounds over 7 months, but then it just started creeping back up and no matter how much I restricted my carbs and worked out, I couldn't keep the weight down and I got frustrated and quit), but I worry that I won't be able to hit my goal even if I stick to the diet and work out. I have MS, so strengthening my muscles and losing the weight is a must to keep my mobility and reduce the pain. I also desperately want to get rid of my diabetes and high blood pressure. And I'm hoping losing the weight will help my asthma a little. BUT... is this possible with the sleeve? I'm so excited about the surgery, but is it really possible to lose that kind of weight with the sleeve? Has ANYONE on here done it, or even come close? This just has to work. I wasn't always overweight. I used to be a size 6, but when I had my son back in 98, my PCOS jump started and I put on close to 100 pounds and only lost maybe 25. No matter what i did, I couldn't lose it. Then I had my daughter and gained close to the same amount, and was never able to lose any of it. Then I did keto, succeeded for a while, then it failed and I gave up. And now here I am. Do I have any hope at all of hitting my goal weight?
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Messing up my pre-op diet 😩

    I just got one. I got a tall. It's soooooo goooood!!!!! Thanks for the info about it!!!!
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Messing up my pre-op diet 😩

    What size do you get? Is it sweet at all?
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    Hey surgery twin!!! Mine is the 3rd too!!!
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Messing up my pre-op diet 😩

    Matcha lemonade? I've never heard of it. Is it good? Have you tried iced coffee? Maybe that would be less acidic.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    I've seen that a few times on here, so I'm thinking....maybe? LOL Sorry, I know that's not super helpful.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    YAY!!! Hi surgery twin!!!! We can be excited together
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    WLS and MS (getting the sleeve)

    Awesome, thanks!!
  10. Posting in a few places in hopes of getting more responses. I have MS and I'm set for surgery on May 3rd. My neuro cleared me, but I only just found out that wls can actually aggravate MS and bring on a flare. I had no clue. Now I'm really nervous about the surgery. I wasn't until I read the articles online this morning. I was hoping that having the sleeve would present far less issues with taking my pills (I'm on Tecfidera, Baclofen, Celebrex, and Gabapentin) but then I read about people who had a harder time with the nausea and keeping anythng down and struggling with their pills. I think I'm in a bit of a panic now. Hoping there's others on here with MS and wls that can gie me their honest opinions and experiences.
  11. Are you guys nervous about going to Mexico for your procedures? How does that work with follow up care? Will doctors here in the US take you on if there's complications? Or do you have to go to Mexico again?
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    RNY GB to DS Revision

    What makes the malabsorption so different between them? Why is the DS's so much bigger than RNY?
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    RNY GB to DS Revision

    What is the main difference between a RNY and a DS?
  14. SleeveToBypass2023


    I didn't know you could be resleeved. I thought it was a one-and-done thing and if a revision was needed, you go to RNY or DS.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Utter regret

    If you do that, not only will you make yourself sick, you will have wasted all that time, energy, pain, money. Maybe it would be better for you to work your food plan, get some therapy and grief counseling, and focus on making all the parts of you better. I don't even think you can stretch your stomach out to be the size it was. And hurting yourself trying isn't going to solve anything.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Surgery on Wednesday. Scared, 2nd thoughts

    I do this a lot. I think how lucky and blessed I am to have good insurance that approved me right away, a wonderful support system, and doctors that really listen and want what's best for me and advocate for me. Any time even a sliver of worry creeps in, I remind myself of that, and I think about how healthy I used to be and how I'm a heartbeat away from getting my life back, and everything disappears. I'm left with excitement, joy, and gratitude. I know there are so many that want to be where I am and can't be. I'll never take that for granted.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bypass but with keto

    Same. My dietician said to eat higher levels of protein, but other than that, watch my portion sizes and how often I eat and make sure my meals are balanced (so so many fruits and vegs aren't allowed with keto, and I'm excited to learn how to "properly" eat balanced meals again)
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bypass but with keto

    THIS!!! I did keto for nearly 8 months. Had REALLY good success...at first. But you can't live like that forever, and if you have a slip up...oh boy. It's like all the weight you lost finds its way back WITH A QUICKNESS!!! And you have to have some carbs, some fats, some calories in your diet to be healthy. Has to be balanced and in moderation, but trying to live on keto forever just isn't feasible.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Messing up my pre-op diet 😩

    My dietician said specifically that there's nothing wrong with caffeine as long as it's in moderation. Funny how every surgeon, and dietician, says something different lol
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    WLS and MS (getting the sleeve)

    He would rather I smoke weed lol But when I refused, he said he could put me on a pain management regimen that happened to include Tramadol, which is a huge no no in my book. There's always pain, but when I'm in an active flare it's almost unbearable. I will be calling about the Celebrex tomorrow. I've been thinking about CBD oil for a while but there's so many different kinds and strengths out there that I get overwhelmed and forget it.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    Are you nervous about going to Mexico for the procedure? How does that work with follow up care? Will doctors here in the US take you on if there's complications? Or do you have to go to Mexico again?
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    WLS and MS (getting the sleeve)

    Thanks for this!! Even if I have to stop the Celebrex, I cannot stop the others. And it really helps knowing taking pills is possible with the sleeve. Do you think we can do multi vitamin gummies? If they don't allow as much of the vitamins to be absorbed, would gummy pre natal vitamins work? They have higher amounts so maybe we would have a better shot of getting the right amount in us. I have to take D3 for my MS (and at a higher done than recomended for wls, and they're small, so that's fine) and the B12 can be multiple ways that don't involve pills.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    WLS and MS (getting the sleeve)

    Thank you so much for this!!! I know I'll always have flares. That's the nature of MS. I was diagnosed at 39 (I'm 43 now) so I'm used to it. I just started to panic at the thought of the surgery causing it to flare while I'm trying to heal from the surgery itself. And while I know that it's possible, at least I know it's not a given. Thanks!!
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    WLS and MS (getting the sleeve)

    As far as the Celebrex goes, nobody has said anything about it. But I think I'll call my surgeon tomorrow and ask. My neuro is a big advocate for smoking weed for MS pain (I live in Colorado...what a shocker lol) or giving narcotic pain relief, but I refused both (not my jam at all) so he gave me Celebrex for the inflammation, which takes the edge off and keeps it manageable. I don't think he wants me to be off it because he doesn't want me to have absolutely nothing for pain since I still have quite a bit most days. My surgeon didn't say anything when we went over my meds, but maybe that's because it's a sleeve and not bypass??? I'll call tomorrow. Thanks for mentioning it!!
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    multiple sclerosis and gastric sleeve

    I know I'm bringing back a "dead" thread, but I have MS and I'm set for surgery on May 3rd. My neuro cleared me, but I only just found out that wls can actually aggravate MS and bring on a flare. I had no clue. Now I'm really nervous about the surgery. I wasn't until I read the articles online this morning. I was hoping that having the sleeve would present far less issues with taking my pills (I'm on Tecfidera, Baclofen, Celebrex, and Gabapentin) but then I read about people who had a harder time with the nausea and keeping anythng down and struggling with their pills. I think I'm in a bit of a panic now. Hoping there's others on here with MS and wls that can gie me their honest opinions and experiences.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
