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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    You do the same!!! You should update your info (your profile info) so we can see more about you. What insurance do you have, how long did approval take, what surgery are you having, what is your starting and goal weights?
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Gastric Bypass WITH stomach removal

    This is what I found about the SADI: SADI-S stands for Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy. It is a new surgical treatment option for morbid obesity that is basically a variant of duodenal switch surgery, in which a single intestinal bypass is made as opposed to two. Patients spend less time in surgery and are exposed to a reduced risk of complications. DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery has got you covered if you are considering undergoing the SADI Procedure in Dallas and surrounding areas. How Does SADI Work? There are two steps involved in the SADI-S Procedure: Firstly, the surgeon performs a sleeve gastrectomy to remove approximately 80 percent of the stomach. Secondly, they detach the intestine just below the stomach after which they reattach it to an intestine loop roughly 2 meters down. The effect of the SADI-S Procedure is to bypass food from the part of the intestine that is metabolically active. This results in the lessening of the length of the intestinal loop in which nutrients are absorbed. Patients experience a smaller appetite, consume less meal portions, and have hormonal changes that positively affect their metabolism. Benefits of the SADI-S Procedure Reduces the risk of diarrhea and nutritional deficiencies often associated with the duodenal switch Gives patients greater weight loss when compared with standard gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, which is great for those with a BMI above 50. The SADI-S Procedure can be performed on patients who have undergone sleeve gastrectomy but experienced insufficient weight loss or a relapse. Reduces the long-term risk of intestinal obstruction when compared with duodenal switch and gastric bypass. It is great for people with poorly controlled Type-2 Diabetes as it offers a more powerful metabolic effect when compared with a standard gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy. Unlike gastric bypass surgery, patients experience a reduced likelihood of issues such as unstable blood sugar fluctuations, dumping syndrome, marginal ulcers, food restrictions and intolerance. Potential Disadvantages of SADI-S Procedure Potential risks associated with the SADI-S Procedure are similar to those of any other bariatric procedure. These include: Anastomotic leaks Infection Bile reflux Intestinal perforation Venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism Bowel obstruction in the long-term Abscess
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Gastric Bypass WITH stomach removal

    WHAT??? That's a thing that can be done??? I've never heard of that before. That doesn't seem right...
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    I'm May 3rd too!!! Hi surgery buddy!!!!
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Gastric Bypass WITH stomach removal

    I mean, it's not specifically a DS. But a DS is part of it. If he removed stomach and still rerouted intestines, what else could it be? From what I found, a biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) sounds like what it is. And it's definitely riskier, so I would maybe do a consultation with a different doctor, explain everything, and ask if they can do a test or something to see exactly what was done. And if a BPD/DS is what your doctor did, I would seek legal action FOR SURE. Of course he's not going to tell you so you might have to go find someone who will.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Gastric Bypass WITH stomach removal

    This is what I found that sounds like what you had done: A biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) is a less-common weight-loss procedure that entails two major steps. The first step is sleeve gastrectomy in which about 80 percent of the stomach is removed, leaving a smaller tube-shaped stomach, similar to a banana. However, the valve that releases food to the small intestine (the pyloric valve) remains, along with a limited portion of the small intestine that normally connects to the stomach (duodenum). The second step bypasses the majority of the intestine by connecting the end portion of the intestine to the duodenum near the stomach. A BPD/DS both limits how much you can eat and reduces the absorption of nutrients, including proteins and fats. While a BPD/DS is very effective, it has more risks, including malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies. This procedure is generally recommended for people with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 50. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/biliopancreatic-diversion-with-duodenal-switch/about/pac-20385180
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    Same!!!! We're surgery buddies!!!!! Are you nervous at all? I thought I would be by now, but I'm honestly just excited!!!
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    What insurance do you have? How long have you been waiting?
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    I discovered I DESPISE the beef broth. It's so nasty. I love the chicken broth and the veggie broth. But the beef is just nasty. I add Better Than Bouillon to the broths, which is FANTASTIC. But I have a lot of beef broth and omg it's gross. *sigh*
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    How long are you missing work?

    I've been with my company for almost 4 years, so maybe I'll look into it...
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    Today is day 5 and I'm finally doing better. It's still hard, and I'm still always hungry, but I only have 2 more days left of this and then it's SURGERY DAY!!!!! So I'm just gonna keep on keepin on...
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    It's not like that here in the States. No doctor will overrule my neurologist because he's treating my MS and knows more about the meds needed than any of the rest of my doctors. Heck, half of them have never even heard of Tecfidera and my surgeon and his NP couldn't pronounce it LOL
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    How long are you missing work?

    I wanted to take off more but my boss wouldn't OK more than a week and my surgeon said I shouldn't need more than that, so I couldn't get anything from him saying I needed more time.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Post-op tips/necessities

    This is an awesome thread!!! I don't have a recliner or wedge, but I was thinking I would sleep propped up in my favorite spot....my loveseat. I have a cane already, so I'll keep that by me. And I always have a drink at the ready at night.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone with PCOS not lose weight after surgery

    The sleeve and VSG are the same thing. VSG is vertical sleeve gastrectomy, which is the sleeve.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Pregnant 5 months after VSG surgery

    This actually scares me lol Your post could literally have been written by me, and I'm NOT trying to get pregnant after surgery.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    That's what worries me. I'm already having a hard time with my pills with just shakes, so if I'm to do this another 2 weeks, I don't know what shape I'll be in when I'm allowed to finally have mush. Also, I have 1 medication that has nothing that can be substituted for it (Tecfidera for my MS. It's the strongest oral med there is for it, so I can't take any of the others, and the injections and IV infusions are too strong for me since I'm stable on the Tecfidera and my neurologist won't put me on anything stronger than this as long as my MS doesn't dictate a need for it). So that's why I'm so concerned. My stomach is nauseaus and actually hurts and feels like it's burning (not heartburt because it's not traveling up). I tried stuff to settle my stomach (pepto, Mylanta) and nothing has helped.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    Yes I do. I learned the hard way the same as you the 1st day lol After that I take them with the last swallow or so of the shake, and while it's not as bad as day 1 when I took them at the beginning, my stomach is still really upset and I get nauseous. My meds are for MS, and they don't come in a liquid form or anything, and I can't skip taking them. So I'm worried about the rest of this diet and the first 2 weeks after surgery.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Meds you HAVE to take daily and cant crush

    I have pills that I absolutely can't miss, also. My surgeon's office said I can take them 6 hours before surgery with just enough water to swallow them and make sure they went down. I take pills morning and night, and they said because it's the sleeve I should be ok for the night time dose. I'm hoping they're right.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Iron Deficiency Anemia - Recipes

    Make sure you take a vitamin C pill on top of your multivitamin. I'm also quite anemic, and I found out I have a problem with absorbing iron. Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, so I take a multivitamin, eat iron rich foods, and take a vit c supplement and I've managed to keep my iron at the low positive levels (used to be extremely low and had to have iron infusions).
  21. I'm also iron deficient, and I got these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KJZF6YC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&th=1
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve Leak?

    Gastric Sleeve leak symptoms; Fast heart rate, fever, chills; Abdominal pain, chest pain, and difficulty in breathing/breathing faster than usual; Visible drainage from the incision; Intense nausea and vomiting, low blood pressure, pain in the left shoulder area; Less urination and general weakness.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    Ok, so day 3 is a wrap, and I'm still struggling, although i was surprised to see I've lost 5 pounds in 3 days on this liquid diet, so that kind of helped my motivation lol I know this isn't necessarily for weight loss per se, but it's at least a nice perk. I'm really just having issues when I have to take my pills. They require food, and even when I take them with milk and/or milkshakes, my stomach still gets really upset. This worries me when the surgery is over and I can only have clear liquids for 2 weeks. I'm really nervous about how sick my stomach will get.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    How have you been doing on it?
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    I was hoping this wouldn't be the case. With so much of the hunger hormone removed, I hoped it would be a while before we felt hunger like that.

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