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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone Struggle Watching Your Family Eat?

    This is how I want to eventually be. I find myself looking at a lot of your posts and wanting to do a good majority of it myself lol
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    keep postponing to start my preop liquid diet.

    Oh man lol I did a whole thread on the dreaded "hell week" as I called it lol Not gonna lie. The first 3 days were HORRIBLE for me. Day 4 started to get better and days 5-7 were easy. You just have to do it. I wanted to quit every day those first 3 days. Heck, I think I did, in my head lol But I remembered why I was doing it, and I came here for support (and this board is FANTASTIC for that) and I made it through. You will, too. But you're going to psych yourself out if you keep putting it off and building it up to yourself so high it feels like some insurmountable wall. You got this!!!! Nothin to it but to do it!!!!
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone Struggle Watching Your Family Eat?

    Not really. I don't want to tell my family not to eat what they want just because I can't have it (it's not fair to them) so I have been making sure to have a savory broth while they eat. Sometimes I leave the room while dinner is being made (my husband has always cooked) and then come back in when it's time to eat so we all eat together. I put my protein drink in a regular cup like everyone else and then I have a sugar free popsicle for dessert. Works just fine for me. I keep in mind why I did the surgery, and I stay focused on the goal and it's really not bad at all.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Day 3 post op and protein shakes?

    I tried one and it was too thick for me. So I added some 1% milk to it and it was perfect. I'm glad, too, because I have a ton of shake flavors and only 4 protein water flavors, and I'm already sick of the water lol
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I being a big baby

    My shake was too thick, so I added a little 1% milk to it and it was perfect. Maybe try that. And I'm really glad you're legs aren't swollen anymore.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Day 3 post op and protein shakes?

    Ok cool. I'm going to go very very slowly, tho, since they are thicker than the water, and it seems every new thing REALLY hurts my stomach. *sigh*
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Soaking in a tub after sleeve surgery

    My surgeon said no pool for 2 weeks, no hot tub or bath for 4 weeks. If your surgeon said to wait 2 weeks, I would wait the 2 weeks. You only have 4 days to go, but there's a reason they say to wait. I wouldn't chance it.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Day 3 post op and protein shakes?

    Yes I'm on full liquids.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Taking pills

    Sleeves rarely cause dumping, and vitamins don't cause it. I have several pills I have to take, and I found I have to spread taking them over an hour or a little more in order to get them down. If I don't, it HURTS. So just go slow and you'll be ok.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Incision pain

    I was told mine was done while in the OR before they took me to the recovery room. Is that the only one they do?
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Incision pain

    ME!!! I'm literally dealing with this right now. My largest incision on my left side OMG it hurts so bad. That and the muscle under it. Hurts to stand up straight, bend over, cough, or basically do anything. Mine also has the glue on it still. I've been complaining on here about mine lol I'll tell you what I was told. It's completely normal. The largest and most painful incision is the one the stomach was removed from. It'll hurt longer than the others, but it'll be better before long. Hang in there!!!
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    High Risk -- Scared of complications

    My surgeon never said this to me. I was 390 pounds, 5'6", bmi 63. had hypertension and high blood pressure. I also have PCOS which makes weight loss EXTREMELY difficult to do and maintain. And never once did my surgeon say these things. I'm glad yours was honest with you, but I think there may have been a better way to go about it. Also, I didn't have to do any blood thinners before the surgery. I have to do them now post op (2x a day for 10 days) but he has everyone do it because he knows we all heal differently and may not be able to walk as much as we should and he wants to prevent clots. I think those of us with higher weight and bmi and also with multiple comorbidities have to be extra careful, but I don't think it's anything we should be afraid of with the surgery. Think of it this way.....how much worse will you and your health be if you DON'T have the surgery? Will you be able to get back to a healthy life and weight without it? IF not, then to me personally, the benefits outweigh the risks for the surgery. That's what ultimately made the decision for me. I wanted my life back, and I knew there was zero chance of it happening without the surgery.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Ok, so here's some SUPER flattering pics lol

    I have to do them 2x a day for 10 days. We're doing my other arm now. Once that becomes too sore/bruised, I may have to think about my stomach. Right now, no. Too much going on there and hurts a lot still.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    May 2022 surgery?

    Hey Noemis65!!! Glad to see you finally made it over here lol I was about to message you and see how you're doing today.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Ok, so here's some SUPER flattering pics lol

    Pills are still a problem, although with warm brother they're getting a little easier. The hospital I was at uses both compression socks and compression cuffs. Just depends what the surgeon prefers. I liked the cuffs way better.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Ok, so here's some SUPER flattering pics lol

    LOL absolutely not offended at all. I have been watching that larger incision closely. So far so good, it just hurts. Along with the muscle below it. With my gas pain almost completely gone, majority of my pain comes from that incision and muscle. I might actually recreate those pics LOL I never thought of that. But doing it every 6 months would be so funny!!!
  17. When my husband and I met, I was 270 pounds and a size 22/24. He's a "chubby chaser" and loved it. My fear is, now that I had the surgery and as I drop below his normally "ideal" weight, he's going to start looking elsewhere. I wasn't always heavy. I have PCOS (which kicked in when I had kids) and that's why I'm big now. Before my kids I was a size 8. While I'm not looking to get that low again, my goal is somewhere between 190-200 pounds, well below what he normally likes. We just celebrated 17 years in April. He's been amazing and supportive and very helpful and loving. But I'm also still morbidly obese. I always wonder if that will change when I'm not anymore...
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Painful gas after surgery

    I'm dealing with this now. Walking and a heating pad are your 2 best friends right now. They are what's saving my life lol Oh, and weird thing, but sugar free popsicles are really making me burp. Not sure why, but maybe you can try those. The yellow ones, especially.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is my weight loss on track?

    How many times have you seen your surgeon since your surgery? I have to see mine 2 weeks out, 90 days out, and 6 months out, then yearly. Of course, if there's a problem before those appts then I can come in sooner. I think this is pretty standard. Definitely reach out to your nutritionist. They are much more available and a wealth of knowledge.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023


    I'm not sure, but a bariatric surgeon may require your heart to be healthier before clearing you for surgery.
  21. Honestly, this 1 week pre-op diet is seriously stressing me out. I'm not the least bit nervous about the surgery, but HOW is a fat person with a big stomach supposed to live with no food??? I get it, when I have the surgery. Most of my hunger hormone will be gone, my stomach will be super small, it'll be easier. But I have ALL my hunger hormone now and my stomach is anything but small. I'm eating tonight, but starting when I wake up, no food. None. Nada. Zip, zilch, zero. Oh boy... *sigh*
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    Yeah, I wasn't expecting those lol The rest, yeah. But those are some nasty bruises. And I have to do those blood thinner shots 2x a day for 10 days. I'm not a fan, gotta be honest.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    The largest incision is the one that is HURTING hurting. And yes, my arm really hurts lol The top pic is pre-op and the 2nd is post-op. Kinda see a difference? lol
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    My hell week starts tomorrow (April 26th)

    I try the deep breaths but that's excruciating. I do the walking and heating pad, and that has helped. But deep breaths are still a problem.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Wait, what????

    So guys. HOW did I lose 5 pounds in 1 day??? I mean, I was expecting to be a little heavier because of all the fluids from the IV for 2 days, but instead, I'm actually down 5 pounds??? I'm not knocking it, of course, but it caught me off guard lol I'll be weighing myself once a week. I refuse to do daily weigh ins and get upset when it fluctuates a pound or so either way. I've been struggling with gas pain, and thanks to the great suggestions, my husband went out and got me a heating pad and it's starting to help. Also having pain from the incisions, but I was already expecting that. And the PAIN from taking my pills was the worst of all. BUT, I started taking them with warm broth and it's been a game changer. Still takes me almost an hour to take them since I get full really fast, but at least it's pain free taking them now.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
