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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Before and After Pics

    WOW!!! You look awesome!!!
  2. My surgeon has me doing mushy foods then puree then solids. And he uses mushy and soft interchangeably. So my understanding from him is that soft and mushy are the same thing. He has puree as the step before solids.
  3. You're doing puree before soft foods? I'm in my 2nd week of post op liquid diet. After that I move to mushy/soft foods for 2 weeks and then puree for 2 weeks, and then solid foods. I wonder if maybe you went to foods a little more solid or robust than your stomach was ready for...
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hunger pains

    I have started getting hunger pains, and when I do, I grab another shake. I made sure to have a variety so I could have different flavors depending what I was in the modd for. I also have different broths. My favorite food ever is wanton soup and pho. So I bought pho broth and also wonton soup (strained it so I had the broth and not the other stuff) and when I have that, I feel "normal" because it's broth I normally eat. I also have the usual veg broth, chicken broth, etc. And I don't stick to a strict schedule. I have something any time I feel hungry (I'm drinking protein water throughout the day).
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    What to eat in the soft food stage?

    Thank you It was information I needed, as well, so I knew if I did, others would too ) Glad it helped.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Self pay- insurance doesn’t cover WLS

    Is it possible to do a bypass instead of a DS? Sleeve and bypass are the most common, and insurance tends to like to cover those versus a DS. If you switch, you may find you have much better luck.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    So cool!!!

    So when I had my surgery, I was able to see pics of the inside of my stomach as well as the part that was removed after the surgery. I just logged into my patient portal and I was able to read the surgery notes and pathology notes. The part of my stomach they removed was 8 1/2 inches long and 2 inches wide. A regular, empty stomach is about 12 inches long by 6 inches wide and can hold up to a quart of food. That means my remaining stomach is only 3 1/2 inches long and 4 inches wide and can hold 3 ounces lol Very, very neat...
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    So cool!!!

    Oh yeah. I have the surgeon's notes, pathology results, lab and vital results throughout my stay, nursing notes/concerns, all of it. Apparently I had to have a ECG while in recovery and they called in a cardiologist. And I was "hot to the touch". I don't remember ANY of this, but it's good to know in case I ever need another surgery. I have never had any anesthesia issues before, so this is all new, and I need to be able to tell any future doctors about it.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    So cool!!!

    You should. It's really cool. I also found out my stomach was completely healthy and had "a small amount of adherent adipose on the stomach". I thought I would have a lot of fat, so finding out it was a small amount was surprising. I also got to see all of my vitals during the entire stay, and I had no idea I had difficulty coming out of anesthesia, and that every time I coughed my heart rate jumped up to 130!!!!
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    What to eat in the soft food stage?

    It comes in several flavors. There's plain, roasted red pepper, roasted garlic, greek inspired, etc... My favorite brand is Sabra. For now, I'm getting plain and having it with avocado. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it 😛
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    I'm only a week out, but I was taken off all my diabetes and blood pressure meds the day I had my surgery, and I have to check both twice a day now to watch for any indication I need them back. As of today, literally 20 minutes ago, my blood sugar is 119 and my blood pressure is 128/76!!!!!!!!! So it looks like I'm holding steady completely off those 3 meds!!!!! Massive happy dance going on here I have been on blood pressure meds since 2010 and diabetes meds since 2009. This is AMAZING!!!!!
  12. SleeveToBypass2023


    I'm 7 days post op, and for the last 2 days I can take much larger sips. I was very limited the first 3 days. VERY. Day for was better, and yesterday and today I can drink even more. Still not as much as I could before surgery, but a lot more than I could right after.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    What to eat in the soft food stage?

    What is an example of soft cheese? Common types of soft cheese are feta, Brie, ricotta, cream cheese, Camembert, Chevre, Roquefort, and gorgonzola, and – of course – cottage cheese. All these cheeses have a special tangy creaminess that no other food imparts. Soft cheese is un-ripened cheese made by coagulating casein (milk proteins) with acid. ALSO Which soft cheese is healthiest? One ounce of regular mozzarella cheese contains about 80 to 90 calories, 6 to 7 grams of protein and 5 to 7 grams of total fat. However, all types of mozzarella cheese, even whole-milk mozzarella cheese varieties, are naturally lower in fat and calories compared to cheeses such as cheddar and Colby. Here are 5 cheeses to try next time you go grocery shopping: 1. Cottage Cheese: A white curd cheese that is a light flavor, it mixes well with both sweet and savory ingredients. Mix it with fruit in the morning or top off a bowl of pasta and tomato sauce for a light dinner. Cottage cheese is high in phosphorous that aids in bone health and it contains all 9 amino acids. It comes in a variety of types: regular, low fat and nonfat. Low and nonfat are recommended since they contain less fat. While it has various nutritional benefits, it is high in sodium and portion size is key. A one four-ounce serving size of low 1% milk fat cottage contains 81 calories, 1.15 grams of fat and 459 mg of sodium. 2. Goat Cheese: Most popular in France and Spain, this white creamy cheese can be found soft or hard and has a tart flavor. Easier to digest than cow products, goat cheese can be a great alternative for people who are intolerant to cow’s milk. Goat cheese is packed with flavor. Use it in moderation — a little goes a long way. Toss into salads, top off roasted vegetables or add into a fruit salad. Goat cheese is low in calories, fat and has less sodium than feta. One ounce of soft goat cheese contains 76 calories, 6 g of fat and 130 mg of sodium. 3. Swiss: A hard cheese that is full of flavor. Swiss is a great lunch alternative to higher fat sandwich cheeses like provolone and cheddar. Chop up slices to use in a Cobb salad. Swiss is high in vitamin A and low in calories, fat and sodium. One ounce contains 112 calories, 9 g of fat and 53 mg of sodium. 4. Parmesan: Originally from Italy, Parmesan has now become a household name. A dry cheese, it is easy to grate and has a salty, nutty flavor. Toss into salads, on pasta or to top off risotto. Portion size is important. While Parmesan contains vitamin A and is low in fat, it still contains a fair amount of sodium. One ounce of Parmesan contains 112 calories, 7 g of fat and 337 mg of sodium. 5. Part-Skim Mozzarella: Whole milk, part skim — what is the difference? Part skim has less fat in it and is the healthier choice. Another Italian favorite, mozzarella, mixes well in almost any dish. Grate it or melt it. Part skim fresh mozzarellas contain less sodium than hard mozzarellas. Mozzarella is packed with minerals and vitamins, low in both fat and sodium. One ounce of mozzarella contains 99 calories, 5.8 g of fat and 200 mg of sodium. What vegetables are soft? Vegetables: (very well cooked, baked, scalloped, pureed, casseroles, soufflé) Avocado. Broccoli (heads only) Potato (white or sweet) Carrots. Peas. Beans. Squash. Turnips. What meats are soft? any moist, tender meats, fish, or poultry (lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, tender beef, liver stewed pork), eggs, creamy peanut butter
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    TMI question 🙋‍♀️

    I have only had watery bm and that started about day 3 post op. I know I'm not bypass, but I was basically told the same thing by my surgeon. And I took Colace on day 3 to get any movement at all by that night. Since I'm still on all liquids, I *assume* I'm not doing a solid bm and it's basically water because of that.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this normal?

    So today is 4 days post op and for the first time, I had some pretty gnarly nausea. Never had any before now, and on top of that, my stomach was hurting BAD. Like bad bad. It took me 2 1/2 hours to take 7 pills, and it was excruciating with each pill. No fever, no chills, no throwing up, no feeling faint. Just this nonsense with my stomach. Now I have to take my pills again at night, and I have 7 again, and I'm literally shaking with anxiety and fear because of how bad it was this morning. Shouldn't things be easing up by now and not getting worse?????
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this normal?

    I did, and they actually told me my Baclofen can be crushed, my Lexapro can be crushed, my Oxy can be crushed, and my Omeprazole and Gabapentin can be opened and mixed with liquids or applesauce. That only left me with 2 pills, and even though the crushed meds were NASTY, it was SO much better this morning!!! Taking the 2 pills was still uncomfortable but definitely more doable than taking 7. I still have pain, but I think it's more residual now, and it's a lot less. So THANKS!!!!!
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this normal?

    I have 4 pills for my MS, 1 for my anxiety, 1 for preventing reflux, and my pain pill. Only 2 were prescribed by my surgeon.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hitting Post Op Protein & 64 ozs Fluids

    OMG SAAAAAME!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this normal?

    There's no burning or anything. It feels like a stabbing, almost knife like pain in my stomach. And sometimes it feels like the pill is stuck in my esophagus and then as it makes its way down later on, it HURTS, leaving my esophagus almost aching.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    my dinner

    Wouldn't this be a meal for when you move to solids? I'm surprised your stomach will let you have it 3 weeks out. I can't even take my pills without being miserable for half the day.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hitting Post Op Protein & 64 ozs Fluids

    I get 50g of protein per day with a Fairlife shake (30g) and a protein water (20g). That's the best I can do right now. As for fluids, I get 44oz a day. 11oz from the shake, 16oz from the water, and I can drink half of a 28oz gatorade zero each day (so 14oz). I can't get any more in. I'm 10g short on protein and 20oz short on fluids each day, and I can't let myself get worked up about it because right now, at 4 days post op, I'm doing the best I can. As long as you're doing your best, that's all that can be reasonably expected of you.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Can't Decide!

    I need to lose about 190 pounds. My doctor told me that I was ok to do either surgery, so I chose the sleeve. I really didn't like the idea of my innards being rearranged and the possible malabsorption. But honestly, it's a personal choice. Both are very effective surgeries, and both will give great results (if used properly), so you can't go wrong either way.
  23. Maybe do a reset. Your tool is still there and will still work, but it may need a reboot (like a computer) to kind of remember what it's supposed to be doing. I would try doing 3 or 4 days in each stage of the post op diet, to kind of jump start everything. Then go back to eating smaller portions and watching what those portions are of. Also, have you reached out to your nutritionist? Surgeons really can't help with the diet, he's right. But you should still have access to your nutritionist who can really help you get back to where you want to be.
  24. I read if you have a desk job (I do) then you only need a week off. If you have a more physical job, then 2-4 weeks might be necessary. I'm taking a week off (saved up my pto days).
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone Struggle Watching Your Family Eat?

    I was trying not to sound stalkerish lol

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