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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    Thank you!!! I'll have to look into that. I've seen it mentioned on here a few times. Never heard of them before lol
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    She's afraid she won't be able to pay proper attention. My daughter has ADD (not the hyper one, just the inattentive one) and she gets distracted SO easily and is a bit scatter brained at times and forgets things even while doing them. She's afraid of not being able to focus and remember stuff when she's driving. But my son has ADHD (and OMG is the H super present with him) and he drives just fine.
  3. I'm getting even more annoyed about it now because I'm actively trying to NOT lose more, so the comments are really unnecessary. I'm aware that I look very boney and gaunt. I don't need you drilling it into my head even more, thx so much 🙄
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Struggling with Weight Re-Gain

    How are things going? Have you gotten back on track? Remember, prioritize protein first, then veggies, then healthy fats. Lower your carbs, cut down/cut out sugar and salt as much as you can. Same with soda and alcohol. Get plenty of fluids in (minimum of 64 fl oz). Move your body and exercise.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    I wanna join in!!! When I started this journey, I weighed 421 pounds. I was in a size 28/30 and 5x clothes, size 10 ring, and size 11 wide show. Fast forward 2 years and I weigh 176, I'm in size 12/L clothes, size 10 medium shoes and size 5 ring (I actually need a smaller size but that won't fit over my knuckle, so 5 is as low as I can go). I had high cholesterol (228), I had type 2 diabetes (A1c was 7.9 and glucose averaged around 168-175) and I had high blood pressure (even on meds, my "controlled" bp was averaging 135/85). Now my cholesterol stays around 125-130, my A1c is 5, my glucose was 96 last time it was checked, and my bp actually runs low now (105/58 on average). I always needed seats with no arms, tables in restaurants because I was so big my stomach would be smooshed against the table in a booth, couldn't sit in movie theater seats, needed a cane to get around because my mobility was so bad and I had so much inflammation in my joints. Snored when I slept. Couldn't stand for very long. No way could I ride a roller coaster or even walk around a theme park. Always needed an aisle seat and seat belt extender on a plane. Now I can sit anywhere I want, in any kind of seat, never need any kind of seatbelt extender, and never be smooshed against anything!! On another note, I noticed 2 things that still mess with my head. The first is that when I see my reflection in the mirror, I NEVER realize or remember it's me!!! I always think "man, I'd love to get down to that size" and it takes me a while to put 2 and 2 together and remember it's me I'm looking at and I'm already that size lol The other thing that messes with me is something my husband pointed out. When I walk, there's a gap between my thighs and they don't touch or rub against each other. WHAT??? I didn't even realize it!!! So I tried to walk with my thighs rubbing against each other and I ended up tripping myself because my shoes kept hitting against each other lol That was definitely crazy. But I love it!!!
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    WOW, I love the hair!!! You are so adorable!!! Can I say that? Not trying to offend, but the mom in me immediately thought "omg she's so cute!!! I wanna hug her" lol Congrats on passing your test. I'm trying to convince my almost 18 year old that she really needs to learn to drive but she wants no part of it. **sigh**
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Fooood help

    Here's what I use, and you can get them from WalMart. The bread has 1 net carb per slice and it's REALLY good. Especially with nut butter on it or avocado, or even made as french toast with sugar free syrup (my favorite).
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Documenting the changes🥹🥹🥹

    Girl YES!!!! Update your stats. I made sure every time I lost 5 pounds, I updated lol No way was I not showing off my progress. You look so good!!!
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Document the Changes 11 Month out.

    Technically I'm still considered overweight, too. Don't pay any attention to those charts or calculators. You look absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Congrats on your success!!!!! For reference, this was taken yesterday. I'm considered overweight. I don't care lol You're really doing awesome, be super proud!!!
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Happy Dancing!

    I so look forward to your posts!!! I love this for you!!! Don't forget to do the bike, as well. You're doing awesome!!
  11. SleeveToBypass2023


    Me 🙋‍♀️ I always drank cow's milk. My entire life. Never had an issue. After my sleeve, I switched from full fat to 2% but was still fine. HOWEVER, after my revision to bypass, I became COMPLETELY lactose intolerant. I drink almond milk now and use non dairy cheese and nutritional yeast. Anything dairy gives me all kinds of problems now. I developed a few food allergies after my bypass that I never had before. Super weird...
  12. So as you can see, I'm well below my goal weight. I'm not super excited about it because I'm looking really boney and too skinny. I'm normally getting 70-90g of protein per day, but I can only work out on weekends because I work all week and don't get home until 6 or 6:30 at night. I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks normally, although for the last 3 weeks I've added another snack in there. I started adding a protein shake in with my lunch because that's usually my lightest meal of the day, and I want to make sure I'm hitting my protein goals for the day. But it looks like I'm losing muscle, and I REALLY don't like that. I tried reaching out to my nutritionist and she said to add more carbs, but I'm SUPER sensitive to them, and if I eat too many, I get really sick. I can push it to about 35-40 per day, but after that, I get HELLA sick. So I've been trying to load up more on my protein and increase to 80-100g per day, but I'm STILL dropping weight and STILL looking boney and too skinny. Not only that, but I feel like I'm losing strength. I'm REALLY upset by this. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can reverse this???? I'm starting to look and feel sickly, and I don't like it at all.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Need suggestions please!!!

    I love olive oil and actually use it all the time!!
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Need suggestions please!!!

    So I'm about the same size that I was in high school. I weighed 160 my senior year when I was going into the military. I weigh 176 now. I've had kids, so I don't expect to get to my high school weight. REALLY hope I don't lose another 16 pounds!!! But I'm in a size large now (XL is getting a bit big now) and I haven't even had my skin surgeries yet. I have to be able to maintain my weight for a year before I can have it, and so far I haven't been able to stop losing to be able to be in maintenance. Hopefully my body levels out soon... I know about the 2-3 year rebound weight gain, and I'm actually looking forward to it lol My final goal was 190, so even if I gain 10 pounds, that still puts me below goal. I'd like to maybe get to 185-187 and maintain so I can have my skin surgery (I may drop another 3-5 pounds after that, but more importantly, I'll likely go down a size because of how much skin I have that will be removed).
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Need suggestions please!!!

    I don't like how I look. My collar bones, ribs and breast bones stick out. My hands, feet, and wrists are incredibly boney. My hands and feet are super veiny and unhealthy looking. My cheeks look sunken in. My size 5 ring doesn't fit (too big) but I can't go any smaller because I can't fit it over my knuckle then. A regular bracelet is too big for my wrist now. My shoulder bones protrude. I can't even get a massage because my bones are so prominent that it makes the person massaging me uncomfortable and it makes the massage not feel great.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Need suggestions please!!!

    Thank you all so much!!! I'm definitely taking note of all of this. I've gone shopping and added more fats and a little higher carbs to my diet. I'm at around 1300 calories per day on average, but I'm working on upping the fats and carbs a bit. I'm also looking to keep my protein at around 100g per day if it's at all possible. Not sure about increasing the sugar and salt intake too much. I HAVE had to start using a little bit of Himalayan salt because my bp has been running super low since my hysterectomy (it's been 3 months and it stays around 97/50, sometimes a little lower) and we're trying to get it to come up. Last time I went to the doctor for my 12 week post op appt it was 88/51, so not having a lot of luck there just yet. I don't like the taste of salt anymore, so adding it to nearly everything is tough, but I'm working on it. Thanks again for all of the suggestions!!! OH, and the potatoes are going to be tried tonight. I'm hoping the carbs won't make me sick. And I can't do any kind of cow's milk at all because I'm severely lactose intolerant, so I use almond milk and non dairy cheese and nutritional yeast. Should I be looking at muscle building exercises, and if so, which ones do you recommend? Maybe I should try to bulk up just a little......
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Need suggestions please!!!

    I'm lactose intolerant since my revision lol potatoes seem to really make me sick. But I have an air fryer now, so I wonder if I can maybe slice them thin and fry them and try them that way....maybe I'll try that tonight and see how it goes. Thanks!!!
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is my new stomach broken?!

    The first 2-3 weeks are super important for sticking to the post op diet because a lot of nerves were cut, so we don't get the "stop eating, I'm full" signal right away. We can actually hurt ourselves by eating things we shouldn't or eating too much because we think we can because we're not getting those signals yet. Just stick to what your plan says to do. Once the nerves start to heal, you'll be REALLY glad you got in the habit of eating properly. As for the gurgling...get use to it lol I'm 2 years and 3 months out from my original surgery and 14 months out from my revision, and the gurgling is still here. Shows up at the worst times, too. Sexy time, at the movies, out to dinner, when I'm with a patient at work lol It's just a part of life now.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Need suggestions please!!!

    This is awesome, thanks!!! Yeah, I've been low carb for so long that my body just doesn't tolerate them anymore. But I'll look into keeping my protein up and adding in more fats. I've been keeping my fats at 40-50 per day, but I'm going to look into doubling that and see how it goes. I actually really like pork rinds, so I'm going to grab some for snacks. I didn't even think of those!!! I will slowly try to bring my carbs up to around 50 per day if I can, but it was easier when I was working out 5 days per week. Now that I'm not, it's a lot harder to do. But I'm going to work on that, as well. Thanks!!
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Back To It!

    OH!!! Ok. I've heard people say something weighed 6 stones or 10 stones and I always thought "why are they weighing things with rocks?" Now I know lol Thanks for clearing that up!! And congrats on the weight loss!!!
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Back To It!

    So here I am, minding my business, happily following along with the posts when BAM....ya got me again. What does this mean? lol
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Egg White Protein Powder

    One of the things I love is the fact that I can eat pretty much what I want for whatever meal I want. Breakfast for dinner? Ok. Dinner for breakfast? No problem. Almost feels like when I first got my own place and realized I could eat whatever I wanted and my mom couldn't tell me no lol
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    I am considered Normal BMI!

    WooooHoooo!!!! You go girl!!!!!!!!! 🤩
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Periods...Hormones...All the lovely things 🤔

    When they started regulating out, they were more normal and not super heavy. Only at the end when I needed to take the progesterone (my uterine fibroids were so big at that point that I couldn't have any kind of period...normal or otherwise). But before that happened, my periods came every month, lasted 3-5 days, and would be normal as far as how heavy they were. So that's something to look forward to!! Well, as much as one can look forward to anything involving their period lol
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Can you eat a cup and a half post sleeve

    Personally, I say go with the bypass. But if you're wanting super aggressive, then maybe the SADI is the way to go. How much weight are you lookin to lose? They say you don't lose as much with ANY revision. I got mine because of complications with the sleeve. But I lost 113 pounds in 8 months with the sleeve before all hell broke loose and my complications started. When I had the revision to bypass, I was told to expect to lose 45-50 pounds more, with the high side being 60. Welllll, I've lost 96 pounds since I had the revision 13 months ago...so...yeah. Bypass recovery was a breeze, corrected all my issues, and I kept losing. If you're this anxious and nervous and even scared about the SADI, maybe go with the bypass. You can certainly lose a lot, even though it's a revision. But no matter what surgery you choose, you still have to do the work, stick to the meal plan, track what you're eating, and move your body.

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